So does my workstation have to be exactly in the shape of the blueprint in order for the villagers to make me furniture...

So does my workstation have to be exactly in the shape of the blueprint in order for the villagers to make me furniture? I made Pippa's workshop ages ago, but modified it recently by adding a room next to it that had a furnace. Also made it a bit smaller in general. I haven't seen a single piece of furniture in my chests ever. Aren't they supposed to be building me shit? I occasionally find cooked food, wondering why I don't find the odd stool here and there.
Or does the game mean something else when it says they'll occasionally build me furniture?

Also DQB thread.

they'll stick a broken branch in your box.

Is that where those things came from? That's all they do? Well shit.

It is worth it making that diner? What do those do?


Just got to chapter 3. Such a fun game honeslty.

There's 4 altogether right? Man I've spent countless hours on the game so far and I'm still on chapter 1.


It's surprisingly fun but chapter I got annoyed at the end of chapter 1, partly my fault and partly the game's.

>ground is marked out for your town, only things on that ground count
>Want to maximize space so build my wall around that
>Boss fight starts, all of my defenses are gone because they were outside of the town
>Have to spend time redoing the whole thing to get the walls inside the barrier

Figure I'll ask here, is there any way to autobuild based on a blueprint? Some of these are a real pain to build.

No, that would defeat a noticeable portion of the game.

Just started it recently and can't stop playing it

Still in the middle of chapter 1

>I am the head hammer, you can call me hammer-head

Fug. I mean I see why but making that wall with the evil idols was just plain tedious.

Its just a simple wall. How is that tedious compare to building your own town?

The way my town was set up, I did not have a good way to place the blocks quickly since the controls don't want to let you place blocks at eye level while moving. I had to make dirt scaffolding.

Not a big deal, but I had all the materials, it just seemed slower than it should be, also had to open the blueprint to see what belonged on the higher z levels since the texture only shows the ground level blocks.

Shoulder buttons let you control placement so you can place blocks at eye level while moving.

Where the fuck can I find cotton in Terra Incognito?

Been a few weeks since I played but I only remember the shoulder buttons letting me place abovve or below eye level.

No, just make sure the "Masons Workshop" or whatever sign comes up when you go in the room. You get better stuff the higher level the building is.

And pressing both let you place things in ground level in a line.

Holy fuck I'm retarded, thanks user, this helps me more than you can imagine.

I hadn't figured it out at first either because it's not the most obvious or intuitive way to do it.

I found out while building some train tracks in the free mode, after platting the game.

>kill dragon
>get couch

Oh shit. Didn't know that.