You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?

You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?

I didn't even play the first one yet. The intro is slower than P4.

It's Kevin's game, Estelle. Not yours.

Estelle best girl

I'm going to pirate it. And you will like it.

I'll buy it after I finish Rean's game.

>Play the first game because it's cheap
>Okay this intro is lasting super long and these designs are ancient as fuck
>Okay finally some combat
>Combat system is both overcomplicated AND unfun

How did this series get any recognition? Nostalgia?

Combat system is gr8.

Best jrpg combat system ive tried. Makes Nightmare mode actually fun to do.

Didn't even get the first game.

Are you fucking retarded?

Also nobody plays Trails in the Sky for the combat. They play it for the story.

Your time limited quests are shit! SHIT!

>Playing games for the story

I thought games were supposed to be about GAMEPLAY

No, that's just what retards think

Crossbell has better storyline.

Estelle is a slut, make way for Kevin's game in spring.

Im pirating it because it's not about Olivier

After finishing FC, I can't help but feel really sorry for the people who had to wait so fucking long for the sequel after that atrocious cliffhanger.

Started the first game a few days ago, only about 2 hours in. I like it. I wasn't sure if I would, but I do. Will the third game be on anything besides PC?

I'm saving up for a PS4 to play Alisa's game. I'll pirate your game though.

Too bad Sky 3rd has nothing going for it other than combat.

Third game will be PC only. 2017 is far too late to release a PSP game


torrent it then if i like it ll buy after i beat it