So what's Sup Forums's consensus?
So what's Sup Forums's consensus?
The singleplayer is enjoyable the multiplayer is the most fucking disgusting cash cow Rockstar has ever made. Now in ""GTA"" if you see a really cool car that you want you have to either grind some piece of shit modes that a not fun at all or buy "Sharkcards" which is the fuck you give us money option. Kind of fun with friends though.
Shit for the simple reason that Ballas control Grove Street and you're unable to rectify that problem
All shine and no substance. They need to hire an actual writer for their next game and shelf the three playable characters idea, unless they massively rethink their main mission design.
literal masterpiece, just like every other GTA game that comes out for it's time.
Watch the famous 'why GTA IV is better' video and see for yourself. Those little things took all the fun out and left a broken shell of a game
The best GTA yet, and looks surprisingly sweet on max settings for a console port. It's too easy at times, but that's normal for a big selling title nowadays.
There's really not much else to say. I never tried the online.
Badly paced, tones less deep than predecessor. Shallow map, too much open space with nothing to do. Good graphics, fun gameplay for the most part, too easy. Boring characters. I liked Michael and Trevor but they really weren't used to their full potential.
Honestly feel 1-protagonist storylines are sufficient, if not better.
Weak story, weak characters compared to IV.
Needs better car physics, realistic crashes.
Also wish shooting could be more challenging, like, put some recoil in there or make it so I have to aim above far away targets.
Needed a better soundtrack.
I hope if the rumours are true about Ryan Gosling VI is set in a Vice City trailer park with a character sorta like the one from The Place Beyond the Pines. I wanna ride around as Ryan Gosling on an ATV.
GTA needs some star power again and to try to be less "relevant". It needs to take itself less seriously while also focusing more on its story and characters atmosphere.
Also, please more small-scale criminal stuff in future games (like IV), more heists, and less government missions, thanks.
>I hope if the rumours are true about Ryan Gosling VI is set in a Vice City trailer park
Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are rumoured to be the stars of GTA VI, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was bullshit.
Story was meh, online is fun with friends.
I liked it quite a bit, but I'll never forgive R* for their massive fucking jew tactics for GTAO. Completely ignore the single player DLC that fans were clamoring for and instead just keep adding retarded shit that costs literal hundreds of real dollars to purchase if you haven't hacked. Even ignoring all the new content GTAO gets, why the fuck doesn't the single player allow you to purchase houses and insure your cars?
trevor's lolsorandum behavior was too farfetched even for GTA meanwhile franklin and micheal both played the straight man
Easily the worst map in any GTA game, even the VC map with a full quarter of it being empty beach is better
>Boring cops
>No food stands
>Barely any city/skyscrapers opposed to the concrete jungle of IV
>No Mafia (bugged me)
>Don't get to kill a lot of characters who needed to die (Madrazo comes to mind)
>Not enough heists
>Not enough screwball comedy like in SA
>Not enough deep story like in IV to justify lack of humour
>Few interesting supporting characters
>Lame villains apart from maybe Haines, Devin was only okay
>Storylines that lead nowhere (like with Stretch)
>Annoying characters (Michael's family, Trevor's helpers)
>In your face political messages, even more so than usual
>GTAO is Jewish as fuck
>GTAO is 90 percent loading screens
>No story add-ons
There just wasn't enough action, which is weird to say considering the massive shootouts throughout the game. But there are just so many levels that break up and slow down the pace of the story. Zuckerberg, the shipyard, casing the jewelry store, all take too long for little payoff. Also, all the shootouts and heists in the game feel to planned out and linear. Hollywood-style. It's boring. The bank heist in IV trumps all the heists in V just because of the messy "realism" of it, at least in comparison to V.
Also, not to wank IV anymore than it's already been wanked, but have you noticed the theme of the American Dream peppered throughout IV? It's present in more ways than the obvious. Like, every single character in the game pretty much is trying to achieve some version of this American Dream, and they are all worse off for it. It's interesting. V just seemed too tryhard in comparison.
Stretch was too stupid to be a legitimate villain. He's only slightly smarter than Lamar, but can still be mowed down easily.
great. only the loading times on MP are shit
I feel like Lamar was smarter than he thought he was. Stretch was just some dumb thug who needed to be gunned down. Although I guess he was trying to bring peace between the gangs, while Lamar and Franklin were kinda fucking things up and reigniting old quarrels. Hm.
Lamar tried to do a drug deal with the same guy he kidnapped a few days ago for ransom. If Franklin wasn't there, he might've been killed by a surprise ambush by the Ballas, or somehow fought his way out the plant.
it was mediocre. could have been a great sp experience, but i guess rockstar's new focus is mp and the money that brings in. gtav is why i'm not looking forward to rdr2. not interested in mp focused garbage
The multiplayer is shit, but singleplayer is breddy good!
Half of Sup Forums will say 4 was better, which is correct.
The other half will say that 5 is better because it's easier, these are casuals that must be ignored.
Muh technology > shark cards
I thought V hates this game. It's a pile of shit. Not fun at all unless you are black.
GTA IV is better anyways.
I had no fun without mods
Ending C ruined the whole thing.
This gen has a lot of "fun with friends" games, disguised as solo games. GTA, Destiny, Overwatch.
Damn fine games but you don't want to play alone, yknow?
This is enough to end the thread
I liked the ability to skip missions that you've failed multiple times
Ending C made sense. In fact it felt like Trevor could've straight up murdered Steven Haines and gotten away with it because Haines was a terrible FBI Boss. Even Micheal could've gotten away with testifying against Steve in court if he had the chance.
pretty cool game, online loading times are shit and its just a grindfest.
i miss the hand to hand fighting combat from gta 4
I don't think the guy behind several multimillion dollar heists is gonna be testifying against anyone in court, user.
Ending C is just too easy. It's a nonsensical happy ending that swoops in out of nowhere and just makes you wonder why they didn't just kill all the bad guys sooner.
Killing Michael would have given the story some depth because you're doing to Michael what he thought he did to Trevor, which aligns with their whole mentor angle while adding some poetic irony.
Killing Trevor would have worked because it's sensible and it's foreshadowed as being inevitable throughout the story.
Instead we got a total copout because God forbid the dude bro audience be presented with a difficult choice.
In context with the rest of the story C is the only one that works.
Why does no one ever mention the terrible design decision of allowing players to keep their weapons after they die?
In the previous games, pulling off a heist, doing a tough mission (not that those exist in GTAV,) or even going on a killing spree required planning and preparation. You'd have to scour the whole city for weapons and rely on your knowledge of the map or wallet for suiting up. This also forced players to utilize the game's full arsenal, since often times the only thing you'd have on you was a sack of grenades and a knife.
As it stands, there isn't even any reason to use the pistols in GTAV, and beyond that the game is way over-saturated with samey guns in every class, not to mention all the advanced DLC weapons that are available in the single-player from the start of the game.
The story consists of tensions escalating to a boiling point between Michael and Trevor while Franklin struggles to hold shit together.
>owning the police
>*teleports behind you*
I mean with all the other massive shootouts and impossible-to-survive situations in the game, why wouldn't Franklin and Michael and Trevor choose to take everyone else on? Any other ending just doesn't fit the game well enough.
Because at that point Trevor hates Michaels guts and vice versa.
The fucking story was cool up until you meet Michael and then from there the game just becomes "Fuck Michael DeSanta The Video Game." The actual game play was fucking great but the story fell apart in the first 15 minutes.
>GTA IV was so boring that people thought watching a wall get scraped is entertaining
4 had the best MP
Is this game worth $30 on sale? Is it a good entrypoint to the franchise?
>Is it a good entrypoint to the franchise?
No, if you play the older ones later you won't think they're as fun because they're not as advanced technologically
I still loved SA, but that's just me.
IV is best, in my opinion.
Eh, I partially agree. You can enjoy all of the down to SA no problem. GTA3 and VC are tough to go back to though.
Who do we get to play as in RDR 2?
I really hate how there are no gang wars for Franklin
and no drug wars for Trevor with the lost in the desert. Fighting for territory was amazing and simple in gtaSA
can someone explain to me why michaels sun is jonah hill and jewish?
wife cheat on him?
bad writing?
de santa or whatever fbi new name he got? i dunno why is it jonah hill guys?
This is something that bugged me.
The game is called "grand theft auto" yet you can't steal other players' personal cars because they have a tracker on them.
That implies that you know where the tracker might be, and that some sort of authority will come get you.
You kill authorities for a living. Military, FBI even. You can own a fucking Harrier. Who is going to come after you, the criminal who stole the car or payed for it with blood money in the first place?
Where the fuck was the graffiti?
libtard conspiracy
Made IV look like a fucking masterpiece by comparison.
That's how bad it was.
mostly great
the missions that suck are REALLY fucking bad, like the Yoga mission
its like the voice director was just come up with some annoying millennial fags and they thought up superbad?
what the fuck is scotland doing ?
sp was good but not perfect. story was shit and heists were underwhelming. liked 4's gritty tone more
mp is a turd
mystery metagame is better than the campaign
Pretty sure the actor is Italian-American.
Online is basically an P2W MMO with terrible grinding that makes you want to buy a shark card.
I use hacks for my money.
Scotland was too cucked to vote for Brexit AND their own independence, is it really surprising?
i own it but ive only played about 20 minutes of it
from a singleplayer standpoint, it just couldn't capture the magic of IV. couldn't quite figure out why
Shitty fucking company
If you get banned for something you didn't do you can't even appeal.
The story felt really rushed and unsure of itself, probably because of the outcry after IV came out that it was too dark/edgy.
It's only an okay game, it'd be a great game if Rockstar weren't fucking jews and stopped making content for only the online portion. There's so many new things online that aren't in SP that it feels like a gimped experience playing the story.
i get jonah hill vibes from him.
Hes no where close to the sopranos kid either.
true that.
the heists were trash. here you are supposed to be professional thieves and you're always constantly fucking everything up and killing dozens of cops yet the story acts like everything went smoothly
the "satire" was shit
the commercials and talk show werent even funny
the dialouge of the npcs around the game were shit
the "gangs" were shit
what a shit game. Just fuck me up senpai and buy my sharkcards for scotland.
did the jetpack riddle ever get solved or did everyone just give up
The vidya equivalent of a marvel movie - a shiny normie pandering shallow turd.
no, but we found chop's jetpack
Ryan Gosling
find any horses?
do they not want to blow their wad and use it for red dead only? whats the point of that casino and race track?
>place beyond the Pines inspired-GTA
>GTA with deliberate atmosphere and well written, likeable characters
Literal 0% of happening but pls
I just wanted Florida white trash GTA with alligators and a likeable couple as protagonists, but yeah. Niko had a heart of gold, though.
its fun, looks nice, plays well
story was fun
wished it was a little longer
enjoyed getting to play 3 different guys with 3 different personalities
random events were fun to find and a nice addition, stuff like the woman yelling she needed help because someone was going to kill someone else but it was a setup or the train track one or the madmax car one
pre $ nerf getting money was retardedly easy grindin that mixed up with coke mission, post nerf not so much
a lot of fun when playing with other people as part of a crew, doing improvised races or just running around the map causing chaos or massive jet dog fights or whatever
alone it can get boring
would say 8/10
>causing chaos
>gun fights down is "chaos"
why cant you spergs have your gun fights in the desert or mountains or paleto?
series peaked with san andreas
chaos usually wasn't running around killing randoms
we'd go after randoms if they had a bounty or if they started something with us
usually we'd just chase each other around shooting and going crazy or we'd all hop in an SUV or police armored car and see how long we could last with 5 stars while shooting any cops that came near us
of course we'd also lead the army of cops towards other players for fun hoping they'd get involved
our cars usually ended up looking like this
So did these lead to anything remotely interesting?
before the games release the character switching and interwoven storylines sounded pretty interesting, but it didn't deliver a good story. franklin's story had a lot of potential, but it feels like his life gets pushed aside except for how he's involved in trevor and michael's exploits.
also, failing to include gta iv's best online mode, cops & crooks, is a fucking travesty. there's a lot about gtao that makes it clear rockstar has a lot to learn about online games.
Rockstar spent loads of time/money to make this amazingly gorgeous game that plays great with an incredible engine.
The main single player campain has some great moments and is generally pretty satisfying
But you can tell half the time was spent working on GTAOnline. The open world is empty, desolate and theres little to no replay value. And the actual online is fun when it works, but it barely does, and when it does it takes forever to get anywhere. I was excited to play heists and firefights in this stellar game, but after hours and hours of sitting in lobbies only to be kicked out 50% of the time, I didnt wanna do it anymore, and then there wasnt anything to go back to once I beat the story.
Hopefully 6 will get the kinks out and actually provide a competent online experience.
Great game.
Less boring than IV although thats not very hard to do
Michael's son is literally Danny Tamberelli, the old Nickelodeon star
10/10, but strangely with room for improvement. Rockstar is head and shoulders above the competition, but it feels like they held back in some parts of the story. Leaving behind Grove Street and some of the best SA mechanics, questionable plot holes/boring missions, etc. Multiplayer is awful.
As a socal resident los santos is literally nothing like los angeles, just a bunch of 'landmarks' strewn all over the place like the santa monica pier and the forum.
i have no idea how R* plans on doing red dead redemption 2 online. We've been spoiled with cars, radios, heists, helicopters, jets, boats, fashion, world events, minigames, sports, races, the concept of the cell phone etc etc that riding a horse around and arm wrestling or something just isn't going to cut it.
It's weird going to what's supposed to be the Venice boardwalk and seeing it practically dead and without at least one crazy nigger shouting at you.
But honestly, getting into how much of LA is LA is bound to start an argument.
For me, everything west of the riverside county might as well be LA
>But honestly, getting into how much of LA is LA is bound to start an argument
Yeah but when the actual downtown of los santos does not even come remotely close to resembling downtown los angeles you have a problem.
cool world but pretty boring story
Conservation of space for the sake of the narrative?
Imagine trying to have fancy car chases in realistic LA traffic.
This, especially the no story dlc is a fucking pain.
Also, the map may be bigger, it feels so small because it is now big Island instead of 3 separated islands like SA/IV.
Fucking masterpiece. Greatest artificial world every created. And it runs great for how good it looks.
>cops are anti-fun
>not much to do in the game world once storyline and sidequests are completed
>zero-fucking-reward for 100% completion
>shit writing
>satire was bad, ads/media were unfunny
>a mess of a storyline, the pace of the story is broken every 2 missions when the game has you do something completely unrelated
>Online is shit and a cash grab
>weapons and vehicles mechanics are too simplistic and thus are shit
>the map is 90% empty, almost nothing to do outside the city
>no funny cheats
I'll give you that, it beats IV in many points because IV was boring as fuck, but it's nowhere close to the series at its peak (GTA 3 era) and the whole SP part is made just to fuel their cash grab MMO simulator.
Do you think VI is going to be completely online only?
Probably not, because they're going to want to sell the game to people who don't play online. At worst, they will make a barebones singleplayer and release all of their content updates to online exclusively.
>greatest artificial world created
>most of it is empty desert/mountain space
Yeah but no loading screens is very nice for a sense of realism. All that world under the sea is pretty neat too even though it's mostly empty and they probably could have better spent their time building things on land.
>we could've had more fun IV-style multiplayer
Online is a mistake, all of the content that was suppose to be in SP all being used up as microtransaction traps for dumbass normies