>Post 1 pic to sum up FFXV
Post 1 pic to sum up FFXV
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Thats a weird looking kangaroo.
>titty monster with cup noodles
I approve.
how do you copy prompto's photo? I dont see them in the capture gallery
But Gladio is the most photogenic of the bunch
have a webm
>inhales through clenched teeth
Press the share picture button (triangle I think). No need to actually use any of the social options, just go back after it finishes loading, then the picture will be saved to your PS4.
Gladio is cute!! CUTE!!!
>Boot up game
>There's difficulty options
>Easy and Normal
>Go through game so I can get to hard mode
>There's no fucking hard mode
>I got muscle! ...You just can't see it.
Someone fucking explain this game. Is it good and fun? How long is it? Does it feel like a proper adventure?
why are all the food models so high quality?
Can't wait for this game to have a nice little renaissance a year or two from now when it gets a PC port just like FFXIII did.
>Sup Forums told me this game was bad
>Lightning is cute! CUTE!
>better than XII lads
Wasn't Avalanche Studios responsible for the flying mechanic? No wonder it seems janky.
I'm not gay or anything but I'd tongue punch Gladio's fartbox any day of the week
They digitized actual food
I'd swallow his kids. Not gay though.
That makes you gay. Like very very gay. Go suckle some dicks now.
They photographed the actual food that they prepared on a camp fire.
Photogrammetry. Then because it's only the food model on screen at the time, they can put all the power into rendering them properly.
nah its only gay if your dicks touch
sightseeing, revenge and Chocobos
Fish, too.
Swiggity swooty
the orchestral music is so fucking wasted on this slapdash piece of shit game. it makes me sad that something beautiful was created just so it could accompany 50 hours of fetch quests in an ugly desert with ps2 textures. another abortion from SE
Iggy is such a dork.
he's blind you jerk!
Seriously, am I the only person here that thinks this game is really really gay. Like, super gay. You know how a boyband always has a gay one, here I'm convinced they're all gay performing broke back mountain style hentai when the player isn't watching.
>I just can't quit you
ffs man, you are all closet faggots.
Oh man, how far into the game is that?
I know right? The boss music is great but its there for 3 fights, the empire battle music is great but you only hear it for 3 seconds because lolempire.
Trying too hard.
No man, I'm serious.
Just look at them. They look like they spend all morning on their hair and reading fashion magazines.
Why is this game so ugly? the LOD looks like Oblivions. it's actually jarring how much the hyper detailed models of the 4 party members clash with the dreamcast tier environments
>I'm all sticky and gross...
Again, trying too hard. If you played the game you'd know better.
Looks fine to me
Cup noodle or Cindy's tits. Can't choose.
Jesus christ. You can take selfies in this?
yes they do look like faggots. it looks even stranger because 99% of npcs look and dress like tourists from arizona
Prompto is the one taking pics. And if you get his photography to level 10, yes, he will take selfies.
It's random.
motha fuckin' dino
hard mode is basically level cap mode
that's because you're a shill cherry picking one image where the darkness hides the terrible textures, simplistic geometry, no clutter, no physics for anything, poor lod etc
Yes, yes you can.
Blind Ignis still pimpin
why are there characters with texan and Italian american accents in this game? also why do some people dress in wacky fantastical clothing and other people dress like they shop at the gap?
>he plays with english dubs
2 games merged together
>tfw full ycomp;leted the game and got platinum trophy,but dont have all of ignis recipes and only have 84
Since i have only caught 50 fish, i asssume the remaining food recipes i need are all tied to fish i need to catch.
I have collected every ingredient on the map and bought everything in the stores so that has to be it.
also why do I have to play an entire game with 3 annoying faggots dressed like women in the party when Cor exists?
>A Fantasy based on Reality
It'll stick someday. Just remind yourself everytime you wonder about something related to the setting.
adryn kills cor off screen
There are some that just hidden on doors around the map, some where Iggy has to watch someone eating a dish. There's also a couple that are in quests I believe. I know Coctura's final quest ends with a new dish.
but it's not based on reality. it's an entirely fantastical world and setting except there are some 50s american diners and people dress like it's 2016. it clashes really awkwardly
What are ya gettin' at, hon?
She sounds 43 years old and like a smoker, its why I changed to superior nihon voices in the first 4 minutes.
Not him but I like to enjoy the visuals/whats happening on screen w/o having to read subtitles most of the time esp. for the 1st playthru. That said, I am planning to go jp dub on ng+ since I do agree that jp voice actors are better off
what you got against gap, my dude
No one told you to play with German dubs.
I don't know what to tell you man, it looks good to me for an open world game on my Pro. You must be playing on the Xbox One version or something.
He also kills the emperor off sceen, the only reason you win in the end is because his powers only work off screen, so he can't kill you on screen.
>mfw listen to English dub prompto do the victory song on YouTube video yesterday
FOund the video youtube.com
00;47 seconds in
He even does it way to fast
Japanese dub is alwasy superior
Both of those look off for some reason.
Cor lives. That user is pulling your leg.
Nonsense. Cor is mentioned in the future.
as opposed to the japanese's
fuck that shit
>Japanese dub is alwasy superior
Do you understand japanese?
Oh ho! Love Hammerhead!
are you talking shit about my waifu kid?
>He also kills the emperor off sceen
Stop posting.