
What went so right?

What pre made deck is the best bang for the buck in this current meta?

Gonna need decklists on Daria Witch, Royal Midrange and Ramp Dragon please.

It's hard to say yet. Shadow deck probably comes with the best legendaries (Cerberus and Lord of Flies), but Shadow's final position in the meta game is still a question mark.

>that torso

What unfucked Ramp dragon? that 5 mana card that heals, ramps, and gives card draw?


>Forest completely fucked

Just kill me.

It will stabilize to tier 2.

> tfw trying the new bat aggro cards
Holy fuck, 4 victories by turn 5 in a row

Everything can out aggro forest and the only new playstyle is basically a nearly never working extremely luck dependent T9~T10 Damage combo that is also extremely variable in damage. No good new cards for PTP and only a few for tempo. Mid is still a joke too.

I don't see it being anywhere near T2 this expansion.

How did aggro bats get buffed?

>play ranked
>every single match is daria witch

im fine with it, but it get pretty boring desu

Yurius and Veight made the early more consistent.

Can you slide me a decklist? Not sure what to take out for those two.

Maybe in the early ranks. In AA, there are way more aggro blood.

She has the best entry animation. I still havent seen eidolon or nep entry though

This is the current list on Game-AI. Basically demonic strikes and storms got cut. Personally, I would maybe replace the Mastemas with storms, though.

nep is still on maintenance for some reason, not sure whats wrong with her

Daria is so fucking powerful what the fuck


Cygames had to update the client to fix her interactions but either Google or Apple has yet to review the update so they're waiting for that.

this game needs more spell for every class. I don't like having to play followers every turn and trade like a braindead. I don't even have to think

I take it you're the top player in the master rank, then?

>Midrange sword that high

I dunno, the deck I've been playing doesn't seem too great.

>Only have a Shadowcraft deck
>It's a shitty Last Words centered deck with 3 Urd
>See Nephthys weeks before update launches, get hyped
>spent all my vials to craft one an hour after the update drops

>Day 3 tier list
The dumbest shit

last word shadow is a little better now with attendant of night


daria is such bs

It's not that consistent. It just seems strong now when many players are trying it out.

Day 1 tier lists are never worth much.

Blood > Forest > Shadow > Sword > the rest

Total beginner here, whats an easy craft/deck to play?


Blood suffers from bad 5 drops.

Either Aggro bats or Banner

tell me more about ramp dragon

On curve you mean? If so, true. Especially for Aggro. Even Erinyes is not reliable enough for Control. Mastema is pretty nice for Midrange though but a do-nothing 5pp follower doesn't fit Aggro.

Anyone got a midrange sword build for the expansion?



What happened to Banner Sword?

meh everything is daria or dshift

no fucking thanks. ill stay away eventhough I dropped like $250 on the game already.

What is the optimal discard combo? I have been playing a list without altered fate and just one dragoon.

How far can those decks take you?

>tfw want to make a fun new deck but dont want to wast all my fucking vials on a meme

>Got 2 darias from the free packs

HS was at the top, but lets be honest Shadowwaifus:

>is actually fun
>The dev team is transparent, generous, communicates and is not made of monkeys
>Skill Based, RNG does not decide games
>Each pack gives 8 Cards
>Can buy most of the content with gold
>58 free packs for starters
>3100 gold and 15 packs for christmas and new years
>3 daily quests rerolls
>Arena is actually fun and balanced
>Not run by kikes who try to jew you at every opportunity
>Better mechanics
>Games are not decided by turn 2
>You dont have to become cancer to win games
>6 shadowverse generals go and die, while hsg cant barely keep up
>Top notch Quality artcard and Waifus

Sure it has some refinement left to do but those details are overcomed by the game actually being FUN

>Skill Based, RNG does not decide games

Come on m8

>Arena is actually balanced
>Games are not decided by turn 2
these are wrong

>another expansion
>another gimmick OP card that ruins the meta for weeks/months

I'm done with ctcgs

I didn't get any Darias, but i did get 2 Albertos so all's good

I want to hate those "honest transparent devs" for taking my RoB money and running.
But goddamn that picture of my Belial waifu is making me want to play again.

So that's why they hand out so many free packs.

Cygames know how to sell you waifus

Yea the free stuff they hand out seems extremely generous. I wonder if they'll continue that way in the future too.

>go to HSG
>type shadowverse

they will probably slowdown, theres little rewards after completing most of the misions

Its like white people getting reperations

Can someone explain how the enhance mechanic work? I see some card with 5 cost and 9 enhance point. How do you ever activate that since max resource point is 10?

fuck, can't unsee

>Its real

I dont know much about HS but that recent expac mustve really fucked the game up.

The stantard sucked before the expansion. Now it sucks even more I don't understand how they succeeded in it. The HS team is comletely incompetent

you tell me

It just costs 9

I got a Daria is there a deck I can build with her? She seems really good

If you have 8 or less resource, 5 will be the cost and it will do x.
If you have 9 or more, 9 will be the cost, triggers x and do enhance y

It made me abandon the game.
Granted, i barely played any games at all in the new expansion, but the latest adventure had been shit.
And then the expansion was nothing but shit cards.
They're not even trying honestly.

Vania, vampire princess is quickly becoming one of my favorite cards. It's just so positive and generous. Practically costs nothing at all at two mana you drop her on the board and that chill ass motherfucker gives you a bat to use later in the game. And you also get this adorable little 2/2 can ping things but usually is too harmless to be removed.
But more than the Vania is just so positive. It comes on the board like "It's me, Vania!" and I'm like "yeah Vania let's do this shit" and when she attacks she's like "Yummy!" and I'm like "yeah they are SO YUMMY!" She doesn't say some bullshit macho shit like "I will destroy you" she's just like "nah yummy." And it looks so happy. I mean this is an vampire girl literally brought to life by magic. It understands it's life is a temporary magical gift and the dudette is just fucking loving it. I mean look at her face she's just so happy.
I am literally never sad when Vania is on board. IDK if she's gonna make it into the metagame or not but for now she (or he) a pretty chill card

Nep better be fucking good. I don't want to play shitty daria

In the OP you can literally see that aggro vamp and daria runecraft are tier one decks. Though that second one seems like a copypasta anyway

Just made an account and got done opening my packs. Legendary cards I got are:
3x Odin
2x Dragonsong Flute
1x Sun Oracle Pascale
1x Foil (Animated?) Zirnitra
1x Dark Angel Olivia
2x Enstatued Seraph
1x Arch Summoner Erasmus
1x Eidolon of Madness
1x Crystalia Tia

How shit/good did I do guys?

>gets 13 legendaries
>asks "how gus did i do"

Exactly, I DON'T KNOW if that's good or not. I have no idea about any aspects of the game. Thanks for letting me know I did well i guess?


dam son

Finally being able to make a roach-centric deck. Pure concentrated cancer. pls dont ward

Hybrid Dshift will rule the meta

Not as long as there is even a single aggro blood player on the ladder.

Dragon got better with the expansion? What changed?

Bahamut gives them a reason to actually invest in ramp and they got more fortes.

Oh? Are there any updated decklists? How expensive is it to make the new deck? Only got 7k liquid

I still think daria is shit. a deck that can draw 40 cards and still lose will never be tier 1.

>a deck that can draw 40 cards and still lose will never be tier 1.
Just like discard dragon.

All the way up to AA, maybe even Master

It was the western localisation team that fucked up RoB
Cygames themselves are handling the western version now

To be honest they are kinda not so good

Like you got Pascale and Erasmus for Rune when you want Merlin and or Daria
You got Flute and zirnitra when you want Forte and or Bahamut and maybe Imperial Dragoon

Tia, seraph, Olivia are good

Is FaceDragon really tier3?
Becuase I win most of the times playing it and don't seem to have many issues.


jesus christ how horrifying

No, it's tier 2.

>Queen Vampire 2.0
good lord