Other urls found in this thread:

Eve? Nigga where are you posting this?

M8, right now I'm in the mood for nothing, I'm just shitposting until I get sleepy, maybe I'll watch some anime or something
Leftover dinner, which is just pasta salad
The rest of the champagne
To the last few fireworks and the drunken people in the streets screaming
Pretty tired and kinda drunk honestly
I remember promising to a family member that I would learn german so I could talk to the german qt that just arrived in town for some exchange program, she can only speak german and was lucky that there's a german-immigrant family here.
I'll prolly give up on it tomorrow tho

FE Fates Conquest
Fuck off with this shit faggot
Really fucking tired, really fucking lonely. I'm not gonna make it til midnight, I'm about to pass out.
I'm going to kiss a girl o-or cute boy or kill myself, I'm not turning 20 as a kissless virgin.

Couldn't think of a more appropriate game to bring me into 2017. Holds some of my best memories.
Had some pizza earlier.
Grape juice
To the OST
I don't know.
Be more social.

Postan husbando

>Eve? Nigga where are you posting this?
EST my man

Still 30 minutes till midnight here.

Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice

Mac and Cheese, Ham and Shrimp

Peach Apple cider

Gorilla Glue out the steamroller

AA6 soundtrack. Loving Ema's remixed theme

Chill but a little down. Got in a fight with my dad over the weekend and now he's moving out, ah well.

To save money. I've been living paycheck to paycheck and I want to finally start having a pocket. Got a couple 100 saved up now and trying to save 50-100 per check.

Also lose weight but I've been working on that since end of October.

Had some chips with salsa earlier
Moutain Dew
Nothing, drugs are bad
Lets play of resident evil 5
Pretty good, a little lonely

Try and stick to it. I'm going to try and do one of those crash course fluencies on Farsi so if I get accepted to Grad school I can focus on that instead of just general IR security.

Resident Evil 6
Watercrackers and Tatziki
Play more video games

>>PLAYAN FFX remastered for vita
>>EATAN nuthin
>>DRINKAN scotch
>>SMOKAN marlboro
>>LISTENAN weeb shit
>>FEELAN depressed

How can such a young person have so much regrets bros

Deulyst, my reddit-ass friend got me into it
buffalo chicken dip
good. alcohol is clearly doing it's job
get better at school, get over ex, go to space

> I'm not turning 20 as a kissless virgin.

Yeah you are. 25 strong here. 5 years before wizardry.

Sven coop thread
burger and fries
blackberry lemonade
Leper Messiah/Welcome Home the best tbhwyfm
work out, get a job, not be useless I guess

Modded Fallout 4. Got the Donald Trump Companion mod, and we're trying to make the Wasteland great again.
Free food from my shitty job.
Water - too tired to get anything else
Life, man. Just life
Sweet, sweet Old World Tunes via mods
Just happy to be here
get /fit/, get out of my shitty job, and find the will to live long enough 'till "Sup Forums the Musical 5" comes along Wish me luck, Sup Forums

You gotta go out and party. Meet people your age who wanna drink. You'll get lucky one night.

t. Non-virgin

Was playing HATRED on Insane. Beat two levels, so I'm happy as fuck. Played BUTCHER today as well, on The Hardest. Beat one level, but the next one is going to fuck my shit up.

Just ate a few potato wedges.


Export 'A' Full Flavour.

Was listening to some KING 810. Lossless quality is the shit.

Good. Feel like 2017 is gonna be decent. Gotta learn to endure the down periods. Change is possible, but it takes time. Shit gets easier.

Nah. Don't need one.

But I'm too pretty to be a wizard...

it's actually new years day famalam
avocado and brie sandwich
dunhill reds
yung thug
get money nigga

Some VA-11 HA-11-A. Just got and I really like it so far.
Already had too many snacks.
kyary pamyu pamyu - ponponpon
good, man
Be more dedicated and disciplined next year.

>Meet people your age who wanna drink
Are those really the kind of people I want to meet though? My biggest problem is that I don't want to regret it, I feel like just throwing it away would be a mistake.

were do i find these from?

Drinking is fun, but you don't have to do it to have fun/meet normies. It'll just make it a bit harder to find people that are actually interesting.

Pretzels and chocolate graham crackers
lil bit sick
Actually try to learn how to fucking draw.

Animal Crossing New Leaf

Ice cream

Cranberry Ginger Shandy


Mariah Carey making a fool of herself on Dick Clark's New Year show.

tired, been a long 2016

Lose all this weight I put on since getting a desk job.


Alright. Die a virgin.

See if I give a fuck.

By the way, I banged attractive women at house parties.



>Eve? Nigga where are you posting this?

the only country that matters, yuropoor ;^)

>Eve? Nigga where are you posting this?

Not him but I'm a humble west coast nigga with a big ass dick

Resi 6

Finished finding the emblems for the first 3 campaigns all I need is Ada's

Tamales aka the Spic delight

Ginger Ale


Toro y Moi, Isaiah Rashad, and Frank Ocean

Nervous since I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do once I get back to Uni

I've been talking to someone I really like but I'm at a crossroads whether I should make it out of the friendzone or just move the fuck on

Also I'm trying to adjust the way I study since I spent too much time shitposting rather than studying

why u do this to me

Bloodborne and FFXV

Crab with other fish like scallops, shrimp, and clams



TV on NYE presentations

Pretty sick man

Be happy and successful in my career

Persona 4, Melee
Beef bowl
r/a/dio New Years stream
Tired, sleepy
Haven't decided.

Hotline Miami
Chips and Salsa
Rum and Dr. Pepper
to give even less fucks

DUDE > alcohol

prove me wrong

Nothin. Maybe tomorrow I'll try FFIII or Etrian Odyssey again.

Does ice count?



Vidya (Castle Dedede, Epic Yarn Edition)


My personal one is to update my fanfictions more and call attention to/figure out all the cut FFIII dialogue.

Less than five minutes to go, EST bois.

trying to decide if I want to play AoE2 HD tonight
pepsi and water, maybe beer later
Katawa Shoujo soundtrack
no more junk food is the big one for me

I'm going to bed. Fuck you.

I'm just eatan Tostitos and posting on Sup Forums. Happy New Years everyone!

Asura's Wrath
dont smoke
live streams
pretty chill
Work my art, be able to sell my stitching stuff and make my own money

some frozen shit
water, coming down from a bottle of champagne i had earlier
keep this shit outta the OP
pandora jazz station
just came back from visiting my family for christmas, so pretty lonely. it's jarring going from being in a house with 5 other people for a week and having no privacy to coming back to my apartment where its just me by myself.
it would be nice if i could lose 30 lbs. 60 would be enough to make me "fit", but 30 seems like a reachable goal and i'd definitely look and feel better with jsut that

VA-11 Hall-A
I had meatball subs for dinner
with a coke
>being a degenerate
tryin to relax
hoping for another "interesting" year, praise lord kek

yearly playthrough of super metroid, having fun as always
Literally nothing, i havent eaten anything today
Water, some eggnog
Fresh air because i like living a long life
Nothing today, yesterday some joji music
sad, no friends, no presents, everyone that i know is having a blast without me
Next year i plan to not only do Nofap, but also stop focusing so much on my love life and somehow avoid falling in love with girls with always the same issue in them= they cant get over past relationships even though their ex was absolut cancer. It has happened 3 times already. I also plan to do better in college and life overall

Oh you my mainest man, I wish you luck in all your endeavours.

happy new year you fucking nerdy losers

i find solace in knowing we will all be together and connected through pure autism

>>dark souls 3
>>buf wild wings bc of giftcard
>>smoking some herb dude weed
>>feeling gud. roomies are out, I'm just chilling at home. feels gud
>>not sure what I'll do. I typically do nothing.
lame I know. i need to stop drinking liquid fat ass sodas

It just turned January 1. I haven't posted on Sup Forums since last year!

Happy new year gents.

Let's hope this year of Vidya makes up for last year.


Bloodborne, Stuck in BS best, that shit is made of fucking poison and i love it
Fuckton of pressure cooked meat my family did for the rest of ppl i my house now
Some soda, not in the mood to get wasted really
Can't smoke too many ppl
Some Kavinsky to get the mood going
bretty gud
Gotta do what i gotta do, i'm soon to be free, kinda...

dota 2
skyrim special edition
sports games for ps4

just finished some taco bell

baja blast, coffee later

marlboro lights

led zeppelin BBC sessions real loud

great, next 2 days off work

move out of my parents house

That was the point user.

Civ 5, tryna conquer the world one last time in 2016
Siamese war music
comfy af desu
read more books, play less vidya so I stop melting my brain

>marlboro lights
>doter 2

disgusting. one day you will get sick of cigs. glad I finally nutted up in 2011

pokemon moon
jerk off less/get out of bed earlier

Pretty fucking garbage, I failed my test and have to wait a half year to try again.

Battlefront in PS4. Got the whole game for $40 and its not bad.
Chicken and pineapple pizza with white sauce, pan style
Dank ass grass
loud as fuck fireworks
Aight I guess, not sober and getting double/triple kills with explosives consistently.
quit being a fat fuck and maybe lose my virginity, even though I doubt my confidence will improve that much in a year to the point I'm fucking a nice piece of ass (22 yr old virgin with a 5"1/4 dick, I'm honestly just incredibly paranoid a girl is just gonna laugh at it)

Project Diva F2nd
Dr. Pepper
High on life
Peace and Happiness commitee
Get a job within a pharmacy

Tales of symphonia on Manic mode.
Spinach dip with pumpernickel bread
Bitchass sword dancer v.3
Full metal alchemist as it plays on my second monitor
Pretty cozy, a little bummed I didnt i out, but this is probably the best new years ive had in a long long time.
Nothing. If something needed to change I would have done it when it needed to be done.

Dicks fine. I've fucked probably a dozen girls, and have had numerous nasty breakups, my dicks about the same and none went with the "small dick" approach. Which is a girls bread and butter.

Gravity Rush 2 demo, might jump on Overwatch
Grape Juice
I'm not 14
Arctic Monkeys
Going back to school after being NEET for 5 years

Played Pump It Up at Dave and Buster's for 4 hours

Big Mac meal

Dr. Pepper

I don't want lung cancer

YouTube videos

Tired from stepping on arrows

Graduate college, enjoy MAGfest, and adopting a healthy lifestyle

Thanks for the glimmer of hope user. My personality is shitty so hopefully bitches just call me out on that.

Final Fantasy XV. Will be playing Grand Theft Auto V shortly.
I'm about to eat a good ol Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich
Wish I had some weed
Indifferent. I'm alone but I'm okay with that
To be more social and get out the house more. Workout and lose weight.

>Arctic Monkeys

those are some pretty good resolutions man, I might cop em
which test user?

The Long Dark
Ate a bunch of appetizers at neighbor's house
Drank some Guinness at said neighbor's house
Game sounds so I don't get eaten
Great, no school for a while. Also it turns out the chick I was into also had a thing for me (realized that way too late) and I might obtain first gf in 7 months when she gets back from studying abroad. If not, idc. Also mad because I can't spearfish tomorrow on account of the rain earlier today.
Graduate and get a real job in the spring

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Store-bought pizza
Blackstar by David Bowie
Apathetic, shitty, the usual

Some Overwatch and maybe Killing Floor 2
Leftover pizza
Twisted Tea
Anything 90's
Fucking glad that this year's almost over
To get less involved with people

/tg/station 13
Yule log and turkey
Gin Fizz
Closer by Joy Div.
Shitty feels with regret and sorrow.
Be real with myself and seek help more often.

Smash 3ds
Dont smoke
Ingame sounds
To better myself in skills and personality

Astroneer for maximum comfy
Thinking of whipping up some hot cocoa
Not tonight
Triphop, classical, and jazz
Okay. Realize I'm in a shitty place in life right now, but I gotta try to work on it. Not sure if I can though.
Want to get a job and a driver's license. I think earning my own money and getting pushed into socializing would help build some confidence. From there on I'd probably like to lose weight.

i might play some black ops 3 after midnight
i have a shit ton of candy left over form christmas
I'm feelibng good
gain muscle, live a happier lifestyle

Cyber Sleuths
Mountain Dew
Watching The Wailing
Who cares.
Put all this Japanese learning shit to use. Whatever.

Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden
Root Beer
To go to college, get a job and buy a PS4


Fire Emblen Awakening. This is the first FE game I'm taking seriously. Never thoroughly played one before. Loving it.
Apparently a Lindt Lindor
Weed and just one cigg
Opeth's Blackwater Park, some beautiful shit
Need to get in shape.

Nothing since I was watching shit with my family, might pop up Stardew Valley for some comfy
Leftovers, had lamb earlier.
Chugging on some tea at the moment, wish I had alcohol but I'm fresh out.
Dan Carlin's Podcast
Disappointed that all my friends decided to go do their own thing as opposed to getting together like we usually do, but I saw this coming a mile away anyway.
Get a better, decent paying job. Step up my current workout so I can benefit more and be more fit. Find a way to live happier, if not more fulfilled.Stop fapping, aiming for at least a month, just to keep it simple.

i'm thinking about buying astroneer. is it a large download? and is it easy to get into? i like comfy games

green tea
you know it
pensive, anxious
to have a less shitty year than the past 15

Buly, an indie walking sim called 35MM, and some Planet Coaster
Ordered pizza and wings today
rum and coke
not a degenerate, why do so many people ask this now?
Buddy is streaming DayZ, I'm laughing at how unfinished and shitty it is
Bombay Bicycle Club
Bretty solid, actually.
I need to be more proactive and take care of shit like going to the dentist and eye doctor, but I put it off and haven;'t been to either in several years. I could also stand to lose a little weight, I started a new job that took up a ton of my time since August, so I need to get back on the horse. I used to lift five days a week and really miss it.

cities skyline
Leftover sushi i made
wish i knew where to get my hands on some weed right now with it being recently legalized
like committing sodoku after recent events
getting a motorcycle and just getting out of this shit hole of a city

I bet you probably want to leave JoJo references and we are number one memes back in 2016 so here's a little present for you

Back from a party, Drunk as Fuck boys in the mood to play some crash Bandicoot which should Naughty Dog Crash should i play.

Bowl of Cereal
Lots of alcohol
stop being a beta fucc boi and get my dick wet

>cities skyline
Loved this game, what are your thoughts on it, user?

it's relaxing i guess

Kirby super star
It's been a long week, but things are getting better
Gonna finish this book I've been writing

Shitposting, drinking coors light, talking about models with huge fake tits on discord and rendering waifus in daz studio to warm my room.
Truly a night to remember.

Yeah it's pretty comfy. Shame it doesn't have more depth.

Fucking nothing because I thought I'd invite my parents over to my apartment for the new years. Or rather they decided it would be a great idea to come over to my place once they realized I had no plans.
They were arguing with me since they arrived over trivial little bullshit, they argued with each other through out the night, and they're still fucking arguing into the new year. I fucking hate them so god damn much right now because the first emotion I get to feel in the new year is seething anger at them for acting this way and ruining my fucking night.

Titanfall 2
Twitch streams
Pretty good
Going back to study and enter a new field I'm actually interested in.

Fuck that, just speak to her in English.
>but she won't understand
That bitch is not going to show up, knowing absolutely no English. Express genuine interest, and she'll probably be happy to talk to you even a little bit.

Tfw stuck at new years party.

>why do people keep telling me im brave?

Because you havent killed yourself yet.

Super Smash Bros Melee. Also have my Vita here.
It's fucking 1AM. I'm going to turn in at some point.
Yo Gotti.
Had pizza.
I have this pint of Jack Daniels, but I'm probably not going to drink it. Already had 4-5 other shots. It's too late for this.
I might jerk off to some Eastern European bitches and some vanilla shit.
I'm alright. Roasting a friend for being full of shit and caught up on a chick. Acting like a fucking girl.

Love these threads
Let it die. Grinding tdm to get my tier 4 striker back from yo yo cunt
Grapes/ pringles
>LISTENAN Don't laugh
Comfy, mildly annoyed about having to grind so god damn much
Lose weight, get /fit/. Not turn 20 a kvhv.

just chillin on Sup Forums for now
dorito snacks and rice crispies
PBR, and Newcastle
quit two years ago
madlib and daedelus always makes me feel good
feels good man getting drunk and sleepy
gonna get that network+ cert for sure next year, gonna take the test in february.

SIEGE and Mankind Divided.
Blue berry muffins
Okay. I think.
Work out more. I was good about it for a few months. Stopped for a few weeks, and I've been pretty good about it since Christmas. Keep up my 4.0. Continue and improve at work. Get another gf. Got better at Siege.

Happy new year, anons.

I never will, just to spite you faggots that tell me to (^:
Happy new years insecure conservacuck!

Clash of Clans and Candy Crush

Roast Pork



DMA's cover of Believe from Like A Version



Skyrim, modded to the brim and memeing as a punchcat
Delivery pizza and leftover thai
Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA. Highly recommend it to anyone who's into beer.
Some hip-hop spotify playlist I found, good music for punching dragons and stealing cheese wheels to.
Warm and fuzzy. Spent a pile of time tonight in a Sup Forums new years thread encouraging people to follow through with their dreams and grab 2017 by the balls. You guys really are good people, and seeing you with hope makes me happy
Early last year my fiancee left me. I was suicidal and depressed. I worked hard, went through counseling, made lots of new friends, and redefined my life. This is the year I date again, solidify some new hobbies, become the man I want to be.

I'm optimistic, this is likely going to be the best year of my life, and I'm actually kind of happy I'm spending the first night of it with Sup Forums. You're all great, and I'm rooting for you all this year!

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
Just had Chinese food. Beef Egg Foo Young to be specific
Orange Juice
Don't smoke
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3's soundtrack
Pretty good. I guess.
Nothing really.

havent done one of these in at least 4 years

granola bar
deep ellum playdate sour blond ale
move back home

>You guys really are good people
Shit user, I wish I had your optimistic outlook and attitude. I'm glad things managed to work out for you though.