Is my friend right Sup Forums?
Consider the following
>stop Sup Forums
Was the original quote about men?
One of the dumbest things I read tonight. Inb4 "nigger" comment
Possibly yes
Marcus sounds like an alright guy.
"nigger" comment
I think it's more that they are "hype" as the negroids say and the instant gratification stimulates their underdeveloped brains.
Black guy here and hate fighting games so I have no idea what the fuck your going on about
Please fuck off back to Sup Forums.
What games do you like? if I may ask.
add white people, brown people and pretty much anyone else who plays video games for the joy of shooting people to the list and you've just about got it right.
All the black people I know play shooters,
Presumably so they can unleash their homicidal tendencies without risk of getting shot.
And Asians?
RPGs and the occasional RTS
Do they fuck your little white boi ass?
Asians are robots who don't see any of the visuals of videogames they play, just hitboxes, iframes, apm etc.
If anyone wanted instant gratification they would play RPGs. JRPGs give you fanfare and a buch of experience every time you win a simple battle.
They play them to unleash their rape instincts.
>stop pol
>is on Sup Forums
You're on the wrong board
Tell you're "friend" he's a dumbass.
If they can't control themselves then they should be put on a leash like other animals.
Dark, dense people. A bit late in development. Roughest. They used more pants with stripes put. Wildness.
Your friend seems like one of those guys obsessed with black people. Buy hin q black dildo and tell him to go focus on something worthwhile.
Your friend is outright ignorant and full of shit.
Blacks either play sports games, or go full on weeb.
They play fighting games because it lets them do both
What if they dont play neither. Got a couple of black bros that hate those genres
People are individuals
>all these neo-Sup Forums kiddies that feel like they have to defend niggers at every opportunity
The person saying that in OPs image is black.
Niggerfag here ask me anything
Do you also live in Virginia like OP?
I live in Colorado