RIP Sweet Prince
RIP Sweet Prince
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As long as hideo is alive everything will work out
I know your joking but at least have the decency to pastebin it.
good riddance
He'll be fine.
I'm actually still kinda messed up over Bowies death
It's been a year already and it just flew by
Time is fucked up
For real, though.
Those four alone are enough to piss you off.
Who cares
Who cares
Who cares
Didn't think there existed a super faggot.
But here you are.
Add yourself to the 2016 death list, senpai.
literally who
Hi there HOMO boy
>my joking
Outside of video games he's fucking irrelevant
>people you never knew IRL died
Not even trying to be edgy, but who cares? It's sad that Bowie died, but lets be honest, he hasn't been relevant for years. Same thing applies to most other celebs that died in 2016.
>hasn't been relevant for years
Nigga he released an album 3 days before he died
Blackstar was okay but came nowhere near his older stuff.
Yeah I really wish Bowie didn't do pounds of coke daily in his youth
>It's sad that Bowie died, but lets be honest, he hasn't been relevant for years
He dropped the hottest album of 2016 days before his death and he was writing music on his deathbed
Why can't good people just live forever?
Not to mention that no shit these guys died around 50-60. All of them did drugs. Next year will be the same.
I wonder if people feel this way because they know nobody will give a shit when they die.
No one is surprised. Just disappointed. Can't you care about anything?
why is someone dying making you get pissed off?
are you a retard?
I don't know half of those celebs
I was listening to the radio the other day, and Michael Savage was talking about how we in the West tend to idolize those artists, while in Ancient Rome or Greece, I forgot which was it, artists tended to be mocked and considered the scum of society, something like that.
If you stop and think about it, it really makes sense. All those amazing hollywood people we're supposed to weep about are drug addicts and shit, really people you shouldn't look up to. Their lives are all kinds of fucked up.
pic unrelated
>That's a damn good looking 60~ year old guy
I wouldn't even read into it that much. 'Misery loves company' is a sufficient explanation of that behavior.
>artists, actors, and sculptors in ancient greece and rome were mocked
this has nothing to do with videogames
Faggot OP, be the fist an hero of 2017, you piece of useless garbage
>artists were mocked
>art was loved
Check your math, Hitler jr.
I'd rather look up to Bowie than some basement dwelling faggot who hasn't even gotten his dick wet at 28 years old.
>the hottest album of 2016
Don't be a fucking idiot. You're like those morons who came out and claimed that Ali was the greatest sportsman ever and some sort of intellectual, after he died.
Cut the fucking virtue signalling because it's fucking pathetic.
He's with his husbando David Bowie now
>t. only heard it after he died
>virtue signalling
>anonymous board
really got those neurons firing
>who cares
well fuck (You) too, buddy.
Lazarus is the best song of 2016.
>while in Ancient Rome or Greece, I forgot which was it, artists tended to be mocked and considered the scum of society, something like that.
How fucking illiterate do you have to be to believe this shit?
blackstar was aoty for a lot of critics
That merely shows that you are an incredibly shallow human being who sees value in treating your body like shit with drug abuse and celebrity as some great merit.
You are everything shitty about the lowest common denominator.
Try thinking a little about what you posted, user.
Yes, you fucking cocksucker, that's exactly what it is. If you think people are immune to peer pressure on Sup Forums, of all fucking places, then you're fucking oblivious of human behaviour.
No it's fucking not.
Who the fuck cares
Miss him
Listening to Michael Savage might have tipped you off.
>for a lot of critics
You mean those parasites who promote opinions that will make them popular with particular target audiences?
Fucking grow up.
Ricky Gervais just died of a heart attack. Is he still a 2016 death?
Did Bowie kill your mom or something?
Hans Grube, asshole
jesus christ
you stink of the pseudo-intelligent 14yr old mongs that go on Sup Forums and reddit
don't cry friend
>Ricky Gervais just died of a heart attack
if only
>not lake or emerson
literal pleb desu fammo
No, 2017 is gonna be the year people who suck die.
almost as big of a meme as the beatles
yeah he was great
And outside of film brad pitt is irrelevant...
Holy shit, kill yourself
wilder hit the hardest for me. Havent felt something like that since Williams died. I used to watch the chocolate factory so much
>tips fedora
You could die tomorrow and nobody will care
my mom would be sad
not unless you two go at the same.
>I was listening to the radio the other day, and Michael Savage said
You're a fucking moron, grandpa. Get off the internet.
never heard of any of these fucks
But then again I have never watched any movie or Television or anything like that
also my 1 friend would be sad
a couple other people would think "huh that sucks"
Williams was the real fucking tragedy
It was suicide too which made it worse, and the icing on the cake was the edgy reddit faggots that were harassing Zelda with fake pics of his body.
2014 was the actual garbage year, not 2016 because tumblrs favored candidate lost.
What the fuck do you do with your spare time besides being a faggot on Sup Forums?
or listened to music apparently
Are you a peasant living in Azerbaijan or some shit?
Are you posting from a library?
Don't give a shit. I'm too young for that dadrock shit to be relevant for me
Who the fuck cares
Only celeb death that made me sad this year. That and Carrie because it's a shame she died before completing episode 8 and 9
Literally haven't seen the original. I've seen the remake though.
>Mfw I mostly don't give a shit about celebrities and I wanted Trump to win and Britain to leave the EU so 2016 has been a fucking excellent year for me
>being this underage
Is this what Sup Forums has become?
But Soul Eater came out years ago...
she already did her filming for E8. Although disney got $50 million for life insurance since they were originally going to use her for 9 but she died
King of Thailand and Singaporean prime minister are the only deaths that mattered.
>unironic dadrock
>mobile poster
>Sup Forumsack
How's high school?
You forgot George Michaels
Ali was a fucking legend who was talked about very highly all through his career and long after it. Kill yourself retard.
I want this meme dead
>all those underage kids ITT
Jesus Christ 2017 started off shitty
>I'm too young
You got that right faggot.
Maybe it's just you who's old, gramps? The willy wonka movie came out in 1971. Neither Bowie nor Prince has been relevant for a decade. And who mentioned anything about Sup Forums?
Blink 182 is dad rock.
What shithole do you live in?
my parents were just complete nutjobs who hated shit like television and radio because they thought that the government used them to mind control people, they were that bad that I didn't know that the internet even existed until I failed multiple assignments in highschool because I had literally no clue how to operate a computer or do anything in fucking 2008
You're gonna have to destroy Sup Forums.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm gonna miss all these easy fireworks captchas. Goddamn, fuck those fading and "draw a line around" ones
>select all the sushi
>not using legacy captcha
this triggers me, please stop
You have to go back.
>You're gonna have to destroy Sup Forums
Nothing of value would be lost
>caring about Bowie but not Prince
Nice boogeymanposting
Get the fuck over it, moron. Millions upon millions of people die every single day and you care about one random person who abused drugs and thusly killed himself earlier than he should have. Just like Carrie Fisher.
>caring about subhumans
>just found out buckwheat zydeco died
fuck man
Everyone fucking dies.
You're dead.
I'm dead.
In a few short years, more people will die.
Life has an end.
People die.
We can discuss it, and act sad about it, or we can live and die like everyone else.
Your choice.
>Neither Bowie nor Prince has been relevant for a decade.
What the fuck is this shit
Bowie was releasing singles during the 2010s and the next day was released like 3 years before blackstar. That's fucking impressive for a guy who's been doing this since the 60's
Fuck off
>Getting triggered over the mention of Trump
>Think that they aren't the ones who's a redditor
Hot meme
really makes you think
You still have moz lad
Who else was crushed when Bud died?
He was supposed to be invincible.