Fuck all of you for memeing me into buy this awful game I hope you all die
Fuck all of you for memeing me into buy this awful game I hope you all die
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Use a shitter weapon like the axe kirkhammer or ludwigs spam r1 so you don't have to git gud scrub.
quick post wheels
Hahaha you fell for the ps4 meme fag
People who play on PC have no friends to play games with
i played this last year and absolutely loved my first playthrough. i leveled health, strength, and skill more or less equally with a bit of arcane so i could fuck around with hunter tools
a month ago i broke it out again to do a health/bloodtinge build. not fun at all. i kept telling myself it would get better once i got evelyn and chikage so i got to castle cainhurst ASAP. i was basically underleveled the entire game and every single boss was a roadblock that had me farming blood vials. i didn't have this issue my first playthrough, but i now realize it really is an inferior mechanic to estus charges, not just because you have to farm them, but also because 20 vials + rallying makes the game easy peasy if you're even slightly overleveled and can do good damage, but if your damage is a little low then you're severely punished
gitgud at a shit game? no thanks
I felt the same way with the vita because of Sup Forums, all saying the vita is this great system... console made for weeaboos. All i wanted to do was play crash bandicoot, then i try putting the games on there and they don't even work. Never buy the vita
Oh i would never buy a vita and the hacking scene on it is dead so thats more of a reason not to buy it
Stop lying. Even if you're shit at the game people admit it's one of the best on the PS4.
Please go fuck yourself.
>insight too high to enjoy Bloodborne
I did until Nightmare of Menses
Now it's just a bottom tier artificial difficulty shitfest
The only part of Mensis that's difficult is the first room. Also for Micolash, stand right next to him and he won't use A Call Beyond Bullshit.
Also, fuck your cutesy captcha, Google.
lol enjoy the 15 fps
kek. i must be an exception. feels gud senpai. stay salty
I'm better at the game than 85% of Sup Forums shitters who think Vicar Amelia is hard and I still hate it.
It has very real and tangible problems with its design, some people do dislike the game, shill.
Calm your tits. I know it's not the best Souls game but it's not bad at all. It truly exhibits all the the weaknesses of The Super Charged PC 4 though.
please elaborate on those problems. im still on the fence about buying this game.
Grinding for blood vials is mildly annoying.
A few bosses have genuine RNG mechanics, and one is an outright gank squad.
Frequent framedrops and massive jaggies.
Plot makes no fucking sense. The enemies are designed around fast weapons, and anything with a long animation will get you rekked. It's still a great game though. I'd give it an 8, because when its good, it's amazing.
Don't be shit at a gud game
Then you might wanna hear a more leveled critique from someone less biased than me.
I found build variety severely lacking, there are no real armors in the game because the defense differences are laughable (combined with the fact that there are no shields which eliminates a whole playstyle. It's not about being ez, this an entire removed feature and a step down), the cathedral and cobblestone aesthetic permeates the entire game and gets old super quickly, the music is almost all choirs hitting high notes, the netcode was broken when I played it, and imo the story gets way too far ahead of itself with too much hamfisted symbolism involving birth and dreams and such.
But that's my takeaway from it.
Armor is cosmetic. You're not supposed to get hit at all.
I don't know, killing ludwig with a transformed ludwig was the most satisfying fight in the game for me.
We really should have a marketer purge in 2017. Hiro needs to get off his ass and delete all these shills. The game is shit, plain and simple. I even paltinumed it so I can prove my supeririority and point over the dumb BB kiddies who circlejerk over their literal fuckdoll and muh ludwig
Wow so fun. Maybe that's part of why I hate BB, I always played a tanky faggot in the previous Souls titles.
>B-B-But that's easy mode
Yeah, mashing circle through attacks that are Skyward Sword levels of telegraphed sure is challenging. If you died to anything other than Frenzy or Micolash's surprise one-hit magic spell, then I feel bad for you.
>i platinumed a game just so i can call it shit
Blaming discussion on shills is still the most childish thing I've seen on Sup Forums. Beyond cuckposting, and even the entire Sup Forums board. Like, hide the thread, look the other way. What's wrong with you?
Not him but maybe if BBfags could contain their autism it wouldn't be a problem. Every time there's an OP asking for a specific type of game or games with certain themes, BB retards find some asinine way to make their shitty game relevant to the topic so they can circlejerk it some more.
It's borderline shilling, and not even very good shilling since the game sold only around 2mil on a console with 45mil+ sales. Nice install base.
The term is attach rate. Also, the is a lot of shitposting about the game surrounding its exclusivity, so people always bring it up to troll. If it bugs you so much, filter the name of the game.
Doesn't install base refer to the percentage of people who buy the games of a system vs the number of people who bought the system itself?
No, maybe install base is just people who own the system. Well, fuck me, because I've been using the term when discussing the Ps2 for years.
Better than memers who dont beat or even play the games they call shit or good
What the fuck is a health build? Are you retarded?
nice meme opinion you casual piece of trash
let me guess you couldn't even beat gasciogne after four attempts so you gave up like a democrat
I genuinely and utterly hate you
Has there ever been a more obvious shitter?
Can you at least try to form a coherent disagreement?
It is the best souls game though.
Why is figuring out where to go so annoying in this game. I was fine is DS1-3. and Demon. Also why are all the lamp posts like really far and in-between after the first area?
The levels are designed like a maze, as if you're in a nightmare.
And youre supposed to open shortcuts between lamps dood
I can appreciate the tension which rises from going a long distance without finding a lamp post, only to find a shortcut back to one which cuts out a lot of backtracking. Personally, I've only gotten lost right after defeating Vicar Amelia, though I stopped playing the game after I first arrived at the Nightmare Frontier so I am not sure if there are any other confusing spots in the game.
its pretty linear though. I think the most confusing parts are all concentrated into the 1/3rd mark concerning catherdral ward and old yharnam but most players just go kill the BSB and then continue on and never realize they can skip it if they buy the gate emblem. And then after that they can go to hemwick charnel or ignore it entirely and go to the woods, but only once they realize its not the path the hemwick lane or the opposite path that would lead to yharhghul which they have yet to open
>Good at the game
>Grinding for blood vials
God I hope this is fucking bait.
Most levels only have 1 lamp. You are supposed to open short cuts back to the lamp. Also the lamp placement and spacing is akin to DaS1.
I enjoyed BB, and got the wheelchair ending, but one thing I didn't like about it is how much I could've missed by playing blind.
Like, I completely bypassed the musicbox, and if I hadn't snuck a peek at the wiki to find a particular weapon, I never would've found Cainhurst or the Brain of Mensis
He is right about the framedrops.
Fighting Laurance would be fun if it didn't send my FPS into the 20s everytime he decided to fill my screen with flames.
Justify this
HARD MODE: Justify this in the Upper Cathedral
I don't understand. Did we play the same build? Cause I just did a bloodtinge build and used the cleaver up until I was able to get the bloodletter and Evelyn and it was easy as fuck and just got easier after I got the weapons. Never had to farm for anything at all. Now I'm sitting at the end of ng+ with max everything from the shop.
Why are you such a shitter? Bloodtinge was fun as fuck
>Amygdala bleeds
>game drops to 2 FPS
Only time I had fps drop was on yahargul chapel, when you fight 3 hunters at once, and it was a huge drop, although when I went down it got better.
The game gives you infinite insight.
Just git gud.
what's there to justify? They have really easy to read attack patterns, and they don't even do that much damage
I wouldn't call it awful, just flawed.
Really unplayable drops were when Amy fired the laser right before you entered the chapel with 3 hunters.
Other times framedrops just move to the uncomfortable region. Laurance was annoying cause of that
I only ever came across it in upper cathedral ward. I only remember there being like 1 or 2 of em anyway.
so whats up with those things an insight? I just discovered my first one in the cathedral and i killed it. He hit me once with his spell and did a lot of damage with his command grab but i still managed to kill it.
There was a note mentioning insight. What does insight change about it?
Just running around gives very noticeable hitching in Central Yharnam.
They suck the Insight out of you
Yeah I see, I was wrong In saying that was the only time it dropped, but that was Indeed the only time it was droped really bad for me at least, lawrence didnt give me any problems in regards of fps, amygdala did though
Not always bad if you want that fucking baby to stop crying.
They Literaly suck your Brain out, that should fucking one hit you lel
fucking hot
Only Lwarence 3rd phase did cause of the lava and effects
That game is awesome. Take that from someone who has the Batman: Arkham series as his favorite games.
Apparently, i got the normal ending: now i took the place of Gherman in the hunter's dream.
Less insight is good cause more insight = less frenzy res while offering nothing in return except Lore stuff
What is Insight even supposed to do other than act as a currency? I see it spawns a few enemies here and there, but it seems more like a gimmick than a core element.
Maybe you don't have enough insight to really get it.
If you want to spoil yourself
I've never been grabbed by it. Is the only one in the entire game?.
Frenzy witches, on the other hand...
>pc cuck detected.
>download dlc
>know for a fact I ate three umbilical cords cause I did it right after killing Mergo's Wet Nurse
>don't wake up
>beat Gherman to get his weapon for the dlc
>game ends
Nah, you find them on the healing church, or upper cathedral cant recall
Maybe you'll have to get gooder. Where's the harm in that?
One of them literally ambushes you in Upper Cathedral Ward, and if the first attack happens to be the snare, byebye insight.
>beat the obvious last boss
>Doesn't have at least 2 save states.
You fucked yourself op not even sorry for your stupid fuck up.
>save states
user, come on now
They really do have save states are you legit retarded.
There are save states. Export your save to a USB or into PSN. That is 1 save state. Delete your current save and restore it to have save states.
the restrained lamp placement and shortcut based level design is one of the best things about the game. DS3 completely fucks this up with sloppy bonfire placement everywhere.
i was not aware that this was possible on ps4, thats still pretty bullshit, save states should not be possible in a soulsborne game
Except that has been possible since forever. Did you forgot how people made save states for DaS1 and 2 because hackers were dropping game breaking items that fucked with people games?
but it's best played on ng+ for a decent challenge, the difficulty scaling for ng+ is a bit higher in the dlc it feels.
Does it really matter if it did or didn't have save states?
I dont, i only jumped on the dark souls bandwagon a little over a year ago, and i was on 360 so it was already dead
Bloodborne is in my top 5 favorite games, especially TOHs content. Your taste is so far removed from mine.
I dare say OP, how does one "get memed"?
Jesus christ
what? what is so bad about getting to a game late?
yeah the game is pretty trash good thing I was able to return it
>started playing yesterday
>can't see anything; notes/spectres blend in with the background and are nearly invisible until you're right on top of them, and I missed 3 different NPCs because they're just windows
>nothing is labeled/explained; nearly missed my starting equipment, I had to google how to backstab/ripostes, I STILL don't know what a visceral attack is, and despite finding 3 I have no idea how to equip/use runes
>parries are some arcane bullshit that never work because of lazy hit detection
>still using my starting weapon after like 10 hours
>lots of enemies are gigantic so you can't see their telegraphs- whether you're targeting them or not (and if you're not targeting them good fucking luck hitting anything)
>you have to farm consumables (Haven't run out yet but that's a sword of damocles dangling over my head if ever there was one)
>got lost for 2 hours in Old Yarnham because I missed the single doorway that leads down to the lower city where the boss is
Now I'm up to the church, and my +3 Threaded cane with 25 skill does fuckall damage to anything; can't beat Amalia/The Darkbeast (and can scarcely beat those cunts that kidnap you away to some prison shithole as well; a fully-charged R2 does like 1/8th their HP).
>got drunk last night
>wake up, turn on PS4
>Download Complete: Bloodborne
>nothing is labeled/explained; nearly missed my starting equipment, I had to google how to backstab/ripostes, I STILL don't know what a visceral attack is, and despite finding 3 I have no idea how to equip/use runes
There are notes all over the Hunter's Dream explaining all of this.
As for the kidnappers, if they're all alone, just hit them a few times and then get behind them and charge up an attack as they get angry and become more powerful. You'll stun them and can do a visceral. They drop the items you need to upgrade your weapon to +6 so you can farm them.
You didn't have to remind me.