What were your favorite custom maps for RTS? TBS games also welcome.
RTS Thread
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that guy playing the pit lord must be really good at it
Pyramid Escape for wc3. Was hoping it'd eventually get made in sc2 or dota2.
Maye someday.
nah he just held lanes while i fought all the bosses and got a lucky last hit
>pit lord is actually purple
whoops the first part still stands
Dota2 custom map scene is a joke. The base game is too barebones to easily build off of and the interface is designed specifically around ASSFAGGOTS
This game did not age well.
Explain how it did not age well. It plays as great as it did when it came out.
uther party
starship troopers
kodo tag
jurassic park
murder at the mansion
real life for morons
escape gay heaven series
preschool wars
helms deep
the alamo
So many other random custom games I can't remember the names of that were fun. I miss WC3
>the alamo
I forgot about that map.
Warcraft 3 was the turning point in the series where everything went downhill. Warcraft 2 is to this day still a superior game to Warcraft 3. Fuck Blizzard.
They play completely differently so I get why WC2fags are butthurt but WC3 is still a good game in its own right. WoW was being developed alongside WC3 so the decline of Blizzard was always guaranteed.
Are you fucking serious? How would you like it if a great series had the next game come out which completely fucking ruined the direction the game would take?
>WC3 is still a good game in its own right.
It has no fucking right to be called Warcraft and it signalled the end of any good Warcraft game being made every again. It was the death of the series.
Man, fuck you. You're probably too fucking young to have even been apart of the WC2 scene.
Legions TD was the coolest thing ever.
Shame the original developers abandoned the map.
Whatever man I'm not arguing with a butthurt fanboy with a chip on his shoulder against a decade old game because it tried something new.
Every thread it's just niggers arguing about minutae, are these really the majority of RTS fans?
TKoK RPG probably one of the greatest RPG maps I've ever played. Almost all of the elements of the game are coded without using the Warcraft 3 trigger system. They have a section for actual code you can inject and the RPG is built around it.
Looks like a MMORPG boss fight.
>forged alliance in low tier
I have to say, usually when you guys make intentional bait charts it's less obvious
>Red Alert 2
>mid tier
I'd actually be okay with this if Yuri's Revenge were in God Tier but instead it's in FUCKING NOTHING
0/10 shit list kys
These lists are always meme tier.
>Company of Heroes - God Tier
>Company of Heroes: 40k Edition - Mid Tier
I never understood this, is it because CoH has like 6 buildings bwtween all 2 factions?
It's more like 10+ for every faction. I never really focused on the building in CoH but the brits being mobile was neat.