Have you ever pretended to like a game for the sake of what other people think?

Have you ever pretended to like a game for the sake of what other people think?

Rainbow six siege is really fun though.

You're pretending though

I'm pretending I understand.

How many times hqve you made this shitty thread in the last few days?

No, but I'm fairly certain a large percentage of the people here do the opposite.

You described anyone who likes Nier. They fell for the SE shilling.

>questioning my faith in zelda
i'll fuckin fight you mate

>putting Demon Patriciancore Souls among the rest of that trash

Yes. Some cRPGs like BG and Planescape, I played, but didn't enjoy since, as a kid, I could barely read a word in english.

I did go back and try to revisit them as a teen but they weren't nearly as engaging. Nowadays I just agree with anyone who's praising them.

IIDX I guess
I mean I love it, but I suck at rhythm games so I can never clear harder songs and often feel like it's just not for me even though I really like it.

r6 siege is pretty fun though

I do think, out of all of those, zelda is the one that the most people pretend to like despite never really playing it. I think OOT is insanely overrated but then again I didn't play it at release, only played the version that came with Wind Waker (coincidentally the only Zelda game i've enjoyed enough to beat but that's probably because of the sailing).

You arent missing anything. Zelda is shit. It was a pioneer but it was shit. We wouldn't have Witcher games, for instance, without Zelda, but even so, zelda is shit. There's no good zelda game.

I don't give a shit about what others think, it's an opinion. People like other shit, and it's not always the shit you like. Be an adult and accept that.

Hello, redddit!

>reality is suddenly reddit

Shit don't work like that you fucking mongoloid.

You need to go back.

You need to be 18 to post here.

I'm 22. You're a redditor on vacation here from middle school while on winter break. Fuck off, kid, before I snap you in half.

I love Persona 4 though, I don't know that many people outside of this board that actually know that Persona 4 exists. I still got to get to playing Golden. It's a fun game but it's not for everybody.

>I love Persona 4 though

>Neo Sup Forums(Redditors) now lump Souls games with the TLoU
>starter packs

Faggot doesn't even try to hide that he is a cancerous redditor.
>I want to act like a faggy Redditor!
>what site should I go to?
>Sup Forums of course!
>then complain that they have their own opinions and are not reddit enough!
If you Redditors want to act, speak and be reddit through and through why the fuck come to Sup Forums? Why not stay on reddit?
I know the answer, because you want to shitpost and are upset that people disagree with you so you shitpost even more, you fuckers ruin this site.

But isn't it cool to hate
- Undertale
- Any ubisoft game
- Dark souls 2 + 3
- Any Playstation exclusive
- Weebshit

Why do you keep posting this almost everyday?

Nobody really likes The last of us. It's just the sonyggers don't have anything else to brag about.

Find me 1 person that would respect someone more if they played through Persona 4, you cant

I like Persona 4, but that's not exactly a thing i'm proud of. I would say it's definitely a guilty pleasure.

Zelda, earthbound, and dark borne are the only games that need to be on that list.


>implying anyone claims to unironically like Drakengard

dota is fun but i'm burnt out after 2k hours.
dwarf fortress is fun but i'm burnt out also.
actually i'm just burnt out on video games in general. i'm just a shell of a man, pretending to enjoy these games. i suppose your right.

I didn't like Dark Souls or Demon's Souls. The combat was very slow and tedious.
I really enjoy most Zelda games.
I tried playing Dorf Fort, but I had to give up because it was just too complicated.
Never played any of the others.

>actually posting on Sup Forums

Nope, never in my life. I did pretend to like some music albums that I haven't listened to though.

Why are Last of Us and undertale on that pic?

I'm posting on a bait thread aren't I?

I really really love Dark Souls 1.

Please don't feed the trolls.

What's funnier to me is the implication that any of these games are so good it improves your judgement of someone elses character. I like a lot of these games, but they are like babies first "hardcore game"

websites I pretend to hate so you'll think more of me
>Sup Forums

What the fuck is Drakengard doing on that list. Of all the random ass games. I've never once heard anyone mention that game

Nobody who uses a fucking starter pack meme in 2017 has any right to accuse anybody else of being a redditor

That's actually something I never thought of, The Witcher obviously takes a lot of influence from bioware's 3D games but I never considered the Zelda influence. Especially TW3, riding around on a horse in a big open area, simple but fun combat etc... To be fair TW3 would probably have benefited from including some of the puzzle elements that Zelda is famous for.
I'm cautiously optimistic to see what the new game will be like, it seems they've taken cues from games that evolved the OOT concept and made the combat more than block/roll/slash/item.

How the fuck do I get good?

Probably because Drakengard is kind of horrible to play and there's been a big boost in the series' popularity following 3 and the upcoming nier sequel.
I picked it up on release knowing nothing about it other than it was what i thought was square making a dynasty warriors style game where you could ride a dragon.
Loved it at first, hated it very quickly, stayed because I loved the story, love it forever now and am even replaying it on an emulator as my xmas break game.

Captcha just forced me to select soup as coffee what the fuck is this shit google?

But I do like dota you double nigger

not with that netcode and lighting it isn't