Darkest Dungeon

Lets get depressed, the comfy kind of depressed

How quickly the tide turns.


pls post ones of crusader

When I played this the first time it was piss easy, there was nothing that literally outright kills a character like there should be, and once you got over the not very considerable early game hump there is no way you could lose. It would be cool if the game was as hard as it makes itself out to be but I haven't played since it came out, have things changed?


What are these sprites?

custom skins

They're very lewd.
Are they just overwrites to toss over the vanilla sprites?
Does the game have modding support in general.

you can replace the existing or mod it in so it an extra recolour

Any link to where I can get em?

just go to the nexus, plenty of them there

There can be no hope in this hell.




got any more?


Cool my dude. I've paid little attention.


this one is a part of an entire new class but I just use it as a reskin, the new effects are nice too


>not even new classes
>just disgusting new skins


there are custom classes too dingus



>that underboob
Aw yiss.

I can feel my tide turning.

There needs to be something called "bitchy warning" it tells you when you that you need certain characters or certain attacks for certain ranks or you lose.

No reason I have to quit because hag is a fucking nigger cunt

No reason I have to quit because bitch nig prophet is 4th rank only

not acceptable. there's no hints or anything, just walk into a boss fight and you get niggered.

the fucking audacity, I guess I have to ruin the game for myself and look up boss fights in advance so I don't need to deal with stupid fuck shit wasting my time.

This game is about losing and then overcoming you mong.


You learn all those things through trial and error. That's the whole point of the game. You have no idea what you're dealing with, under the old manor, so you're just throwing bodies at it until you discover how to deal with it.

Will installing PBD fuck my save up?

Pretty sure you need to make a new save for PBD my man.

>We're going to reduce the amount of grind in the game, we're looking to make the average campaign go from 80 hours to 30 hours!


>We're going to reduce the amount of grind in the game, we're looking to make the average campaign go from 80 hours to 30 hours!
did they actually say this somewhere?
Thank fucking god if they did.

Yeah, there's a patch coming out soonish that alters the grind.

They should just make higher difficulty dungeons have new curios/traps/enemies (and the existing enemies use moves they don't use in lower difficulties)
The problem with DD is not so much the grind as it is the fact that it gets repetitive as fuck

They also helpfully said that there may be features and items cut in the "Quick" mode so as not to punish the people horrible enough to play through a regular game of it.

It drives me up the wall. As much as I enjoy the game, they really needed to either remove 90% of the grind and keep a winning goal, or keep it almost entirely grind like it is right now but have no end game goal. Dump all that content that went into the darkest dungeon locations/enemies/items/bosses to expand the content everywhere else and just make it Adventurerer Misery Simulator 2016.

>They also helpfully said that there may be features and items cut in the "Quick" mode so as not to punish the people horrible enough to play through a regular game of it.
and now my hyper is ruined. The features of DD aren't exactly plentiful, it's mostly based on a few strong core concepts. What the fuck would they cut?

Yeah, that's a fine option too. There are extremely minimal differences between tiers of dungeon, and the biggest jump is between 1 and 2 and even that isn't huge. But they would need to up the rewards more too, since even as-is you really need to drop the cash to upgrade your dudes before tackling a tier upgrade.

>Try Pitch Black Dungeon mod
>Love the new trinkets, new enemies with affixes, new curio interactions, the fact that abilities get new effects at levels 3 and 5 and the overall increased difficulty
>They had to fucking make it a grindfest worse than vanilla by making everything cost more gold and all loot giving less gold

Why the fuck would you look at DD and say "yup, it needs to be grindier"?

They cut the bosses. Now there's only 1 set of apprentice bosses and you don't have to bother with veteran/champion quests. But to keep things spicy the Darkest Dungeon retains the same difficulty so your apprentice heroes are fucked.

having played it for only 8 hours, I wouldn't cut anything, but the one thing I would nerf is stress damage. I have one hero in a roster of 20 who can heal stress damage and he is level 3. The grind is fucking insufferable having to pay for heroes to de-stress and pile on more stress for the others. I can't help that I haven't gotten any jesters in the carriage. Stress makes me not want to play anymore.

Stop that, Vestal is not a whore

I'd nerf hamlet upgrade requirements. My dudes are out-leveling their gear because I can't farm dozens of deeds quickly enough.

The darkness warps minds in different ways.

fuck your shit

The custom skins always crash my game so does classes with the dank tryhard mod that makes everything harder.

New player, I like the torch system but I have some questions.

I normally play with the torch in the 100-75% range because being safe is more important than not for me. If I scout ahead and find curios or leave curios behind is it safe for me to let the torch die so I get bonus loot from them since I know there won't be any enemies?

Came back to the game recently after playing it early access. The game seems about as hard as ever which is not very hard. The biggest difference, is there is as many OP combos so the game just feels like a grind, 40% achievements atm, maybe something will change?

There's no danger whatsoever in walking in total darkness. In fact, why don't you light a few altars with those torches you won't be needing?

I've been playing it every few months or so and never really gotten too far.
The meta squads and length of the grind are too much for me.

Having restrictions on your party(abomination), and things like 4 crusader lance squads being available are just silly.
As I always make sure to do, should be a hardcoded rule: Never duplicate character types in a squad.

If by combos you mean mark squads, they're a bit more reasonable.



>Le tentacuel oWo lewd ;O_O spoop! SPOOP! monster man

God damn it Darkest Dungeon. The atmosphere they had earlier on was fine, then they went down the Reddit Cthulhu-route of adding tentacles and eyes everywhere and calling it done. An example of a creepy enemy done well (Added late, even) is the rapturous cultist. Almost all the other darkest dungeon specific enemies are full of memes but the rapturous cultist is fairly minimal and has good freaky animations to go with him.

The reason it gets my autistic dander up is because the normal monsters in the game work well. Pig men eating people and leaving shit and cum all over the floor, necromancers and the undead, cruel murderous bandits, etc. Then you veer off into tentacle town and your moderately low fantasy setting goes to shit.

Did the rest of the comics ever come out?

Is that game worth ~12€?

That's not nice. Plague Doctor is clean! Clean!

Jesus fuck.

Despite the horrendous grindy flaws, yeah. The annoying part is it's so close to perfection.

I really wish there was an iPad version, I wanna play this while lying in bed. There's nothing you'd really lose going to the touch interface.

At least they found out what they got themselves into early.

Reynauld is the only character I'll savescum to keep alive

>Buy game
>Do 2 excursions
>They go ok though I nearly lost 2 people in the very last room cause I figured I could do one more without anything bad happening
>Games tallying up my shit
>It crashes
>Back at week 0 with nothing walking to Hamlet
>Ask around about it
>Nobody knows how the fuck that's possible because is constantly auto saving to prevent save scumming

Well that's just fucking great.


>then they went down the Reddit Cthulhu-route of adding tentacles and eyes everywhere and calling it done.

Have you ever actually fucking read Lovecraft?

You lost all of 30 minutes of playtime.

In a game that's meant to last many hours if you're actually playing it without cheating, even longer if you're bad or playing cautiously.

Just fucking start over. You'll most likely have to start from scratch at least once during your playthrough anyway.

>Game's ending straight up tells you all of this meant nothing and you're doomed to repeat the same events of your ancestor and call another one of your relatives
What's the fucking point? I expected more religious references and themes in the game seeing as the starting characters are both recognized religious figures.

I have, which is why I feel crazed cannibalistic humans are better than tentacles.

Someone said the game crashed at the same place for him at the same place, when he reload it just tallied up his stuff and everything was fine.

And what guarantee do I have it wont happen when Im balls deep in the game

Should stop fucking with the game files and just play normally. No other reason for it to happen. Also like the other guy said, was only like 30 minutes of game play lost.

And the entire point of Lovecraft was ALWAYS that there was something bigger, older and more evil under the surface. That the murder and cults and weird humanoid things were just the tip of the iceberg.

And since this is a game, and a game requires some sort of actual closure of a story arc and can't just pull the Lovecraftian "And then they all went insane and everyone was unhappy. The End.", you have to make actual enemies for the end of the game.

Are you really telling me you want to play an RPG where at level 50 you're still fighting the exact same cultists you were at level 5?

>And what guarantee do I have it wont happen when Im balls deep in the game

Holy shit you're such a fucking bitch.

If you're so paranoid, just backup your save.

>Fucking with the game files
>Literally fired up the game once it downloaded without doing anything else.

>80+ hour game
>"ur just paranoid, so what if you lose everything 40 hours in"

Glad to know the DD community is complete shit, what is with these games that attract the shittiest possible people

You even said literally no one else was having the problem. No one here has heard of the problem. So you're just the random special snowflake that broke the game that literally no one else has ran into? Fuck off. Either play the game and quit after two hours cause it's too hard or just don't bother at all.

>Glad to know the DD community is complete shit
First, you're talking to one, maybe two people on Sup Forums. If you consider that representative of a game's community, you're legitimately retarded or you're trolling trying to stir up shit and earn your (You).

Second, if no one else has ever had the issue, the problem is not the game, it's you.

And the bigger, older, and more evil loses weight once you see it. "I'm a blobby meat tentacle monster bluuuuughh" is about as standard as a goddamn orc from the player's perspective. Keeping the big evil in the background would be more interesting.

They absolutely could pull an everyone was unhappy the end-ending since that's by and large what they did anyway. They just removed any feeling of unease for the player by wheeling out Generic Tentacle Beast #12 before giving the unsatisfying ending as opposed to leaving it in the air.

Darkest Dungeon also isn't fucking D&D. It's not like high level characters are sticking their thumbs up gods' asses and planeswalking. Your magic items are even mostly talismans and trinkets that provide passive bonuses. It absolutely makes sense not to suddenly change gears from fighting bandits to wrestling eldritch horrors. A high level DD hero is more skilled and hardened than a low level DD hero but they aren't RPG supermen.

who would be the best person to watch playthrough the hardest difficulty of this game? I love watching ironman impossible runs of xcom, and figured this would have the same kind of people gravitate towards it.

You always built teams who can reach all slots, if you dont you are fuck right before starting the quest.

That shit is basic because the most powerfull enemies are always in rank 3-4

Yeah the tell, don't show is a hard line to balance but I feel DD did it fairly well.

Speaking of >standard as a goddamn orc
Have you played Battle Brothers?

>first game
>trying stuff out, lose a lot of men to bandits and goblins and undead, but still manage to persevere
>mission to fight Orcs
>Go in there, conservative deployment as I'm not sure what I'm up against
>500kg of muscle and metal leaps halfway across the screen and obliterates my best solider in one swing

>And the bigger, older, and more evil loses weight once you see it.
Which is great in theory, except by definition, you cannot have a movie or game reach a story conclusion without actually showing the Big Evil and defeating it, no matter how much time you spend skirting it.

>Keeping the big evil in the background would be more interesting.
So you say, but that's very easy to posit without actually attempting to write a story where you somehow succeed in the narrative without ever seeing the thing you're succeeding against.

>It absolutely makes sense not to suddenly change gears from fighting bandits to wrestling eldritch horrors
I love how salty this makes you. I have never met a bigger autist.

Yes and no. 99% of time you are fine and the extra loot is worth it. I extinguish the torch every time I enter the hidden room before I loot the chest. But there's always that 1%(it's literally 1%) chance of

If you know anything about Lovecraftian horror, you know that we are all good and fucked forever and hope is a lie. Man is a flea on the back of cosmic horrors that could crush us any given second.

>tfw that is my Weald team

I want to have raunchy sex with the Hellion

>Have you played Battle Brothers?

I actually have, and it's amazing. On the same topic of bitching as I've been doing for Darkest Dungeon, Battle Brothers really nails the progression. You still fight mostly the same things, and your soldiers absolutely improve in both skill and equipment, but they're not walking gods.

And yep, orcs are brutal that way. The best way I've found to deal with them is the heaviest armor you can get and have a good shieldwall. They're absolutely going to charge your ass, so as long as your men can withstand the initial charge without being stunned you at least have a fighting chance. That's the general rule of thumb tactic anyway, but it's even more important against orcs. It's also the exact opposite of what you want against goblins, but that's part of the beauty of Battle Brothers.

You keep saying defeat and succeed. I think you're looking at this the wrong way user.

I should mention the only thing worth backtracking for is the hidden rooms. Never leave anything else behind, it's rarely worth it. You'll be hit with new enemy spawns including THIS FAGGOT and hunger checks constantly.


This guy. I thought i was building a perfect team on my first runthrough. Discovered the wonderful, wonderful world of having an arbalest backline.

This guy, he ruined everything. Just when I started to become attached to my characters, he killed three of them and forced me to get my first retreat out of the way.

I'll never forget.

>It's not enough his fights can drag out for like 25 fucking turns
>his head drops are all fucking horrible and sell for shit.

Yeah that was only my first rodeo. In later games I avoided Orcs like the plague until I a really solid line. Then I stunned and ganged up on individuals while spearwalling the rest. Never went perfectly but it went well enough.

Really looking forward to the next update/game release/whatever, but the prospect of late game orc crisis terrifies me.
Though alternatively, anything that gives me undead-romans is automatically 10/10, just like dominions.

Does anyone even use his heads? Maybe it's cause I was playing in pure darkness, but the extra stress from them was not worth it at all.

Any of the classes that would actually use the heads all had better much less rare options that had extra stat boosts. Heavy Boots is a mile better that the PROT head, every healing class some kind of healing trinket minus the stress increase from the healing head, and the health decrease and stress increase just wasn't worth the damage at all.


You're a good person, user.

And yeah, I'm really pumped for the next Battle Brothers update too. Sounds like if it isn't version 1.0 it will at least be a full game at that point. Unlike almost any other early access game I would be mildly content even if they fell off the face of the Earth and never updated it at this point. It would be Mount and Blade-tier "Well the combat is great but it's a shame there's zero point to the sandbox" territory. Really excited to have actual win conditions and loss conditions beyond just "You fucked up and now you're dead".

Also kind of hope they speed up the reputation gain/loss even more for towns and noble houses. I fucked around with that a bit in the most recent version and it still takes a good while before the nobles give you peasant raping missions, which is a shame since they're pretty unique compared to the standard kill missions.

>Cove medium to take the Drowned Crew on champion
>Highwayman and the Grave Robber get virtue early in the run
>Occultist gets it the last fight before the boss
>Man at Arms get powerful
>the Anchorman cant do jack shit and stands there just sucking up the buff instead of the Crew

By far is the best moment I ever had in Darkest Dungeon

They are ok, I got three Aria boxes so My Vestal can healbomb anyone without going nuts

What kind of flaws are we talking here?

Not that guy but the heavy grind stars at the end of the game;

The jump from champion to veteran is rather big, and you need to upgrade the town if you want a chance at the Darkest Dungeon (the final place in the game) which takes some time.

Also the problem is most people in they first time overlevel they parties so they hit this problems: they sstill missing some upgradess o they cant take harder dungeons too well or they run out of characters and they ahve to grind with low level recruits.

Not the person you're replying to but it goes on too long with too little variation. At least for myself and the people I've spoken with.

You do get stories like:
But I bet he had to go through ten monotonous grinding missions to get one of those four characters up to level, or to afford the threshold for the next guild upgrade or something along those lines.

Maybe bannerlord will fix the mountain blade formula and finally be GOTYAY. We've seen nothing on the diplo side of things so maybe they're hard at work there. Hopefully.

Back to BB:
I like the more sensible faction town placement the update advertises. Patrol missions are my favorite but the paths you take can be stupid.

The only other thing the game could use beyond what it already has or is coming in the next update is a little more flavour you can spread among the brothers. So you could have an assigned physician and roleplay your own Croaker or something.

That's nice and all, but its so forced and abrupt. The whole game is about making the best of bad circumstances. Killing the elder God, even though it'll come back, is a good example of "even though he'll come back, for now he's gone."

Instead the narrator just goes full nihilistic defeatism, completely nonsensically.

Did you missed out the fact that the final boss WAS the narrator? Of course he will go full nihilistic defeatism, that's his job.

Yeah, it really could use more flavor events. They've got a few minor ones in there (Ratcatcher can feed your band if you're starving, cultists doing weird shit, tailor with a specific cool event, etc) but more of it would help. You still get some of that Xcom attachment to your dudes who survived some hellish encounters but it would be nice if there was more fluff.

It does sound like we'll get a smidge more fluff with the ambitions system at least, but that'll be more for your band at large/your unseen character.

Also fingers crossed on Bannerlord. I'm also hoping they'll devote the most work to the sandbox since the combat is already really solid, but lord only knows.

>games that rely on rng for artificial difficulty

>Patrol missions are my favorite but the paths you take can be stupid.
>buy BB during the sale
>win the first battle
>do the mission to get the guy who got away
>ok now what
>take mission to go patrolling
>all right so I just walk here and there and get dosh, sounds good
>just click on the city I need to go through
>auto pathfinding takes me through a big forest
>at night
>suddenly attacked by an unknown army
>it's a pack of dire wolves
>they kill my dudes in one hit
>somehow manage to kill 2 of them before everyone gets fucking raped
>start new game
>again win the first missions easily
>find a new mission
>exterminate an Orc camp
>I dunno that sounds tough
>whatever let's try it
>they're only Orc Youngs anyway, how hard could it be
>everyone gets fucking raped again
>third attempt
>first missions are ezpz again
>new mission
>transport this message to a different city
>all right sounds easy enough
>stay on the roads, don't go into the forest
>suddenly my ass gets ambushed
>lol it's just goblins, time for free XP
>everyone gets fucking raped again
I'm starting to sense a pattern here. And the pattern is never fight anything that isn't humans.

