>mfw West Coast (You)s will never EVER get 2017
Mfw West Coast (You)s will never EVER get 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw east coast master race
>tfw it's 2017 RIGHT NOW
It's great always getting the new years releases first while those filthy west coast fags are stuck in the past haha.
>mfw Oregon comfy race
>2017 is j-just a timed exclusive! y-you'll see
Keep crying, westfags
>not still being in the best year
Must be nice having all that rain and suicide.
sorry about you're aspergers
thanks for beta testing 2017, though
One of those things is happening right now.
Remember up the road not across the street.
Why would I want to leave the best year in history for some shitty nuyear though?
Not him but constant rain is comfy. Shame I'm moving from the east coast to CO but at least it's dry and not full of subhumans
Australia here, have the American peasantry finally gotten to 2017?
Disgusting. Oregon must be a hell hole if you're indicative of that state's breeding stock.
The leaderboards will be impenetrable by then.
>17 hours late
>acting like hot shit
You were beat by sheep fucking hobbits, abos, and the nips.
>Lives in a country that was literally settled by people who were deemed too shit to live on an island full of inbreeding and general retardation
>Feeling superior to anyone
irrelevant countries
2017 isn't official until EST
I'll take "countries that don't matter" for 500, Alex.
4:13pm, 1st January 2017 here.
What are you fags bitching about all the way over there in the past?
Washington or bust.
irrelevant shithole
>tfw still in the year Trump got elected
Good luck with your suicide
>america is literally stuck in the past.
wtf.... i bet those trump supporters did this!
>tfw we get the goty edition of 2017
>that was literally settled by people who were deemed too shit to live on an island full of inbreeding and general retardation
There's your education showing. Australia stopped being a penal colony long before Federation. In fact America upon federation was more of a penal colony than Australia.
>Feeling superior to anyone
Don't be a hypocrite now.
>bragging about early access and kickbackers
Have they patched the bugs yet?
mfw it's already 6pm on the first right now
>aus/JPfags got the alpha release
>yuropoors got the beta release
>amerigods got the 1.0 release
>mfw still in the year trump got elected
Anyone else watch that Mariah Carey fuck up?
The colonists told England to fuck off and left on their own, Australia was its rejects.
Enjoying that WiFi? How about nuclear power?
Yeah, enjoy your ignorance.
kys abo subhuman
That's not a duck.
Enjoy being an irrelevant shithole.
Try reading the post again, this time with your eyes.
Calm the fuck down Jose.
the future sucks
Oregon sucks for me, mainly because I'm in southern oregon and I can't find many friends if any that I ever get to see. Can't find a bf either because of where I live. /blog
>this autistic aussie
>American so stuck in the past he's talking about when Australia was settled like it matters
i live in the future and you can't keep up.
Stay salty.
Hard to be irrelevant when the western world is entirely dependant upon your mines for nuclear materials.
Why are Americans so quick to throw out insults but so fucking incapable of taking them? You're like a fat fuck who goes around bullying scrawy kids then starts crying in a corner when someone calls you a lard arse.
By that logic the east coast is also worse off because the west gets the day one patch.
>happy new year thread
>ausfag goes on shit fit
fucking hell
moot was right about you cancerous faggots
aussies were beating by emu's lol like nigga how you lose to a fucking bird!? Joke country
Abos please fuck off.
this is the first image I have saved in 2017
Fuck yeah, Washington bro. Too bad I'm in Tacoma
>tfw CST cuck
>East coast master race
>Most of it is niggers and white people that are sissy anime bois
>Once they go to sleep the board finally is tolerable
Yeah nah, fuck off least coasters, west coast BEST coast. All you have is beast coast, you fucking furries.
>new year thread
>Americans bragging about how they're a couple hours ahead of their neighbors before getting shut down by Australian gods
this is how insecure non-Americans are, folks
aussies aren't even gods of their own shithole
reminder to be nice to austrailians in the CURRENT YEAR
>west coast not full of degenerates
you realize west coast basically equals california, right?
cali makes new york look like saints
There will be no mercy for the conquered.
>West coast is just california
>Ignores everything else
See this is why least coasters get hell snow every year, God knows Jew York makes california look like cotton candy, same with miami and your massholes. Califorina is just LA and SF, nuke those, and it's red.
t. non Californian that isn't afraid of faggot california
Fucking localizers , Japan had 2017 this whole time and now spoilers are everywhere. I bet our 2017 is full of memes and all the "problematic" content was removed.
>Ignores the mexicans in the south and libs in the Northeast
are you referring to yourself cuck faggot? Go ahead and die, I don't care about your projections.
>Whole world beta test 2017
>West coast gets GOTY edition
>living on the west coast in 2017
LMAOing at your life
>he lives in commiefornia
>all these cucks who beta tested v2.017 for based Hawaii
The entire coast is california now, they've spread like locusts since the 80s.
>whitest states are still on the west coast
All that needs to be done is take out the city strongholds, that's were all the libs live
Who else here has snow?
>Still doing the current year meme in 2017
look at this pleb, that meme is 2016
>fellow American will get the last shitpost of 2016
>Featuring Donald from Dems May Cry
Enjoy all those reviews plastered on your box art.
>STILL ON 2016
>Not white
Ok man, don't let what your seeing fool you i'm here only for a certain reason
I live in Virginia
All girls here are either fat or black
no wonder i'm still a KV
>tfw I'm Master West Coast Race
Enjoy your shitty new years.
>Finally get to point at people who do extremely left actions with "IT'S 2017"
>Not harnessing the power of the past to destroy East Coast fags
West Coast master race here. We still have a whole year to ruin 2017 for you ESTards. Enjoy your new year while it lasts, nerds.
>mfw when I'm literally living in 2016 RIGHT NOW
Everything is better in the past you faggots.
me, also expected snow tomorrow and Thursday
good stuff compared to last year's "drought"
How many of these predictions came true in 2016?
ecks dee ROFL
come on people it's 2017 XD
>American's bragging about getting sloppy seconds.
It's already 1644 on 01/01/2017.
You're all pathetic.
Japan here. Did you peasants in America finally get 2017 localized? Hope they didn't mess up the translations.
Any Hawaiibros? You'll get the best edition of the game.
>yfw 2017 is banned in Murrca because kids might swallow it
>tfw east coast
>tfw visiting friends on west coast
Feels awful man