Fuck off 2016

Good fucking riddance.

Dark Souls 3 was great though

>Dark Souls III

fuck you.

TLG was exactly what everyone expected it to be.

>umbrella corps

my fucking sides. I still cant believe they actually made it

>Still pretending FFXV failed


while not incredible, DS3 was a good game.

This bait thread can now die

Dark Souls 3 and TLG turned out to be good. FFXV had good aspects and despite its flaws, was still reasonably entertaining. SFV is still lacking in content, but is a pretty solid fighter after the numerous updates.
Overall pretty satisfying year for me.


quality retort, you sure proved him wrong

>tfw every game here wanted to be casual and "comfy" for the child audience, without offering much of a challenge

DS3 is bait but you nailed Zero Time Dilemma right.

A-at least we got memes.

Didn't it though?

>Final Fantasy XV
>The Last Guardian
>Dark Souls III
>Street Fighter V

You don't know what "blunder" means, do you?

Is it possible for games to come back in quality?

FFXV and DS3 are fine though

Everything else not so much

What was wrong with zero time dilema? I must have been off Sup Forums for that whole fiasco

it sold worse than FF 13-2 soooooo....


The waifus alone are all you need. The game's only flaw is that the area surrounding Rock of Ravatogh looks like a PS1 game.

>no Mighty No. 9
You had one job.

Is no one going to mention MN9?

For once I agree with OP. There are plain bad games there, overhyped garbage, and the rest is formulaic tripe.

SFV is gud

game was so shit everyone forgot it existed

>Not adding memewatch to this list.
Fuck off Blizzard

>An entire year playing nothing but the Witcher 3

I'm a mad man.

No one was expecting that shit to be good. You cant be a blunder if no one expected anything of you in the first place.

You sure showed that guy!

Square still hasn't release sales yet, just 5 million shipped first week. All we know for a fact is it sold worse than 13 in japan but has the highest digital salesin asia ever. And the game's been out for a month. So things must not be doing well


>only flaw
Yeah nvm magic, gearing, enemies, travelling, summoning, the story etc are all complete ass

How the fuck do you people convince yourselves this is a good game, at all?

Bought NMS in the PSN sale and played with a friend yesterday, pretty alright game with a really stunning world. Just another instance of the internet enjoying being angry at shit rather than actually talking about games objectively

SFV being a fucking beta full of meaty setups it's fucking dissapointing

oh well, time to play airdashers

Because you can't name 4 games that are better.

So Zero Time Dilemma is shit or something? I wanted to play it when it came out to finish off the trilogy, but the graphics were just horrifying bad that it put me off for a bit. Is the story really not enough to hold it up?

The enemies weren't bad aside from a few of the boss fights.

I know that you shitposters need to convince yourselves that 2016 was a bad year for vidya but this is just pathetic.

Did 13-2 even get 5 million sales?

That's probably because nips don't buy console games anymore.

fuck you.

Fuck you too.

Is there anything more accurate

>Being this desperate

Uncharted 4

13 fags really don't want to be remembered as the worst FF game of all time.

No, fuck YOU

Why isn't Fallout 4 on this list?

>Uncharted 4

Kek so this is the delusion
don't ask for spoiler and consider that 999 and VLR are what you have left of Zero Escape ; playing ZTD will remove forerver any serious thought you have of the licence as a whole, especially VLR

Did you unironically just imply that a Bethesda game, a shooter none-the-less, is better than anything?

Really, man?

Because Fallout 4 came out in 2015

I like 13 and 15. But 15 was much better and likely sold a lot better when taking into account digital and Western sales. Gauging success by Japan's dying console market is stupid.


2/10 retort

>Japan's dying console market

I'm not too familiar with Japan's market but aren't they almost entirely console?

Are they just all switching to handhelds or PC or something?

smartphones and web browser games have gotten way more popular over there.

How is what he posted bait? Literally every single game listed either was a financial disaster or a massive, massive fucking letdown.

3 of those games were none of those things

Nope. Japan is heavily mobile now. The west is more console oriented. Squeenix has also said a majority of their sales are from western resellers. FFXV is at about 850k right now in Japan. So you can expect a couple million outside of Japan. Squeenix sold and shipped 5 million to resellers, and right now it seems about 70% of stock has been sold in Japan. So it's reasonable to probably say anywhere from 3-4 million of those 5 million have been sold to players. That doesn't even speak to digital sales which are up.

DS3 turned out exactly as expected.
Star Fox Zero turned out exactly as expected.
TLG turned out exactly as expected.
FFXV managed to not be an absolute 100% trainwreck which I would say exceeded a lot of people's expectations.

It must be hard being so jaded that anything that isn't perfect in every way is "LE BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY XDD"

>massive, massive fucking letdown.
Are you a child? Do you still expect every game to deliver on every promise they make and be perfect in every single way?

There's a difference between something being disappointing and an actual blunder right?

Battleborn, No Man's Sky and Umbrella Corps where certainly blunder, but everything else there is a pretty big stretch.

Then again this is Sup Forums and this is most likely a bait thread.

Which 3. An argument could be made for DS3, but everything else applies. Umbrella Corps was so shit and irrelevant that I forgot it existed. NMS was arguably the biggest blunder of the year and a scam. FF XV and TLG both took a literal decade and both failed heavily to meet expectations. Nobody bought or enjoyed the new Star Fox. ZTD was a complete piece of shit compared to the other Zero Escape games. Battleborn flopped so hard that it almost killed Gearbox. SFV is shit and the FGC hates it.

>Do you still expect every game to deliver on every promise they make and be perfect in every single way?
Did I say that? Did I even imply that? No, but nice strawman attempt. If a dev makes 300 promises and only delivers 5 of them, people are have fucking right to be assmad.

>The game didn't meet my expectations
>Clearly the problem is the game, not my expectations!

you forgot something

Umm... FFXV and DSIII are masterpieces.

wait i posted the wrong pic whoops. i have an image thats the same but with mighty number 9

Fuck you.

Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles X
DQ Builders

All in the same genre, too.

It is, SE went full panick mode and that's the reason Shuhei and Badboy Sakaguchi have to come out and said something nice about the game to begin with.

Now, their hope to win back the series reputation is with 7R and only bad stuff keep coming out about it's development.

Can you explain the negatives of each of the aspects you listed?

"I don't like it" isn't a flaw.

DS3 > SFZero > ZTD > SFV > Umbrella Corps > TLG > FFXV > NMS > Blunderborn

Replace Star Fox Zero with Fettuccine Force and Color Splash, and remove DS3 entirely. It was better than DS2 by a mile, and better than Bloodborne if you don't count the DLC.

>le ebin blunder of the year meme
Tortanic was a mistake

>Only 70% of 5M shipment are sell.
That does not sounds good at all, you know that right?

>FFXV manage to not be an absolute trainwreck
Marketing and FF name save the day for this game.

> Literally every single game listed either was a financial disaster or a massive, massive fucking letdown.
>Literally every single game
>LOL Nice strawman bro :)

I really don't know what to say to this, if you honestly went into EVERY one of these games MASSIVELY let down and honestly, truly, feel that the devs made "300 promises and deliver 5" you're a moron. DS3 did exactly what it advertised, TLG did exactly what it advertised, Star Fox Zero delivered EXACTLY what they fuckin advertised. The only explanation I can come up with as to why you went into these games and came out MASSIVELY let down is that you're incapable of using your brain to figure out that sometimes games don't turn out exactly as advertised.

You mean MN9. Now everyone is looking for the next Kickstarter "blunder", to the point where they've convinced themselves Shantae 1/2GH, Yooka Laylee, and Bloodstained are garbage 3/10 games.

Happy new year, Sup Forums. I know we're all pretty toxic to each other but I love you guys and I hope you all have a good one.

Even then, I'd still say it turned out better than it had any right to be for a game that was in development hell for that long. At least for the first half. I expected much worse, which is why I wouldn't call it a blunder.

2016 > 2017

waiting for xv-kun to come and cry again that xv wasn't a turd

>SFV is shit and the FGC hates it.
It's shit but cumfuckers love it.

Why can't versus fags just get over their emo shit and move on with their lives?

You're contradicting yourself in the same post.

>Thinking the Gregorian calendar has some mythical ability that causes the quality of video games to be better or worse based merely on the year they were released in.

I don't want to be mean but XV has a decent development time of 3 years just like other AAA game. The 10 years meme is just wrong when the game got reboot in late 2012.

I mean, sure, but ideas still carried over. It was still ten years, but seven of them were spent working on scrapped ideas.

You forgot Federation Force

2017 will be even worse because the devs and publishers learned you idiots will buy broken and unfinished games. They got the idea from 343's broken Halo games.

Dont fucking preorder anything you assholes

total war warhammer
civilization 6
mafia 3
battlefield 1
generally all the AAA titles

Street Fighter V is the premier fighting games so I expect to see that make the end of the year list till 2020z

only two of those were actually anticipated and ended up being bad.

SFV and FF15 were good. DS3 was ok. The rest I didn't play.

15 doesn't even have 5 million sales

If you are implying D44M is a shit game, you are going to find it hard to find many people that agree with you, even here.

Zero Time Dilemma might've been a bit disappointing and the worst of the three, but fuck me if it isn't still better than 99% of games out there.

2017 has had no good games released yet

Wheres homefront the revolution?