Who oron't ooo plooong Porogon, Sup Forums? Ot hos octool grophocs

Who oron't ooo plooong Porogon, Sup Forums? Ot hos octool grophocs.

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It has actual graphics./type/op/

So if the verison ban isnt an accident and a sign of things to come, what will happen to you Orwell?

Looks uncomfortable as fuck. No breathing or flexibility

O om on T-mobolo.

O woll sorvovo.

B-but what if they ban that too?

Ooo oro not mon onoogh to bo o womon.

Octool grophocs novor doo.

testing: paragon, actual graphics

Looks like I'm in the clear, guys! :D

Man can you post more screenshots? You have like 2 or 3. I need to get convinced to play this game.


Nice asses and all but is the game fun?

I don't know what you think is fun. I've played Paragon for 370 hours. Some of that was probably fun.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It has actual graphics./type/op/

reminder to report, sage and hide these threads.

Why do you hate actual graphics?


Whoa! I've never seen THOSE actual graphics before!!

>Someone using my image
feels good
heres the full res user

I want countess to feast on me...badly

not gonna lie, as far as assfaggots go, paragon was pretty fun

Kek, Hiro banned Verizon users?

it looks like a range ban as a scam to sell more Sup Forums passes

Saved. Stay actual, brother.

Who the fuck would buy a Sup Forums pass for a 4G data connection?

Damn, it's refreshing to see a game with ACTUAL graphics for once. I am impress.

>make a game with Nice asses, nice graphics
>but its a MOBA

Do you even play any other games anymore Orwell or is that it?


I'm actually playing Siege right now on PS4. Check my Steam too.
