Hello Sup Forums i have uninstalled all of my games for university (even though it doesnt start till another month and a half). Anyone here can relate to my position? Did i do the right thing? I have an itching urge to install a small size game.
Hello Sup Forums i have uninstalled all of my games for university (even though it doesnt start till another month and...
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enjoy your liberal indoctrination with your useless degree.
>implying i'm studying for a bachelor of arts
What university?
>inb4 a meme school like Full Sail
>Im too stupid to learn things
Poor you
not sure why you care what v thinks.
With any degree i can become a civil servant and become a comfortable cog in the machine
>we shouldn't have professionals, engineers, scientists or anyone smart in society
Sup Forums fuck off
>Anyone here can relate to my position?
i flirt with the idea of deleting my porn
>i have uninstalled all of my games for university
But why though?
If you think you wont get shit done because you have games installed, then you'll probably get distracted by something else you ADHD faggot.
>Not playing during class
>Not playing with collegebros
>He can't pass while playing video games
its not in murica
tip its somewhere cold
Not him but I have a degree in electrical engineering from a state university and it's useless.
Also uninstalling the games was a mistake unless you're going to spend your free time being a social butterfly. Maybe freshman year you can, in the dorms.
Anyway, there is always time for video games, and if there isn't, get the fuck off my Sup Forums.
This isn't your blog, faggot
Conservacuck detected. I grew up in a rural area, one of the reddest counties in the nation, and you sound exactly like all of those idiots. They turned their noses up at higher education and industry, and now nobody under the age of 40 will go there and the entire town is full of the elderly and shrinking. As long as OP isn't studying women's issues, he'll be fine.
>he's stupid enough to spend thousands of dollars to learn something you can google
Honestly now, if merely having games installed would prevent you from graduating you must have some issues with self control and with establishing priorities, so you're basically "treating" the symptom and not the cause. If you can't prioritize you're fucked either way, you'll find something else to do.
what does it matter? you can just right click and download and install in a few minutes anyway
>i'm smarter then everyone else because this small piece of paper says i learned something
Oh yeah user when you come to hospital im sure you'll be happy to know the guy treating your brain tumor fucking googled it
Wow. You're a faggot.
My post said nothing of the sort. What kind of a dolt doesn't value education?
>i flirt with the idea of deleting my porn
>downloading porn
pathetic desu senpai. i quit downloading porn in jr high
OP here
I'm studying to get into medicine and planning on spending atleast 10 hours a day all day everyday dedicated on schoolwork.
I do have self control and i can look at my library of installed games and go without playing, i just thought that the time it takes for me to look at my steam library would accumulate and i would shave off time for studying.
Just a question uni bros (especially ones studying medicine) do you guys have time for vidya?
I can relate, I quit WoW when I started college. I still play some vidyagaems but it's no where near as much as I played in high school.
This clip was posted on /sci/ a few days ago (because he uniornically makes a /sci/ shoutout earlier in it) but it really spoke to me in this.
I didn't play dark souls 3 until this Christmas break because I started grad school.
Ive never downloaded porn
Don't be a retard he wont google brain tumour, he'd have googled "brain tumour cure" and found the cure for it.
Despite their amazing degrees, scientists never thought of that. That's why people keep dying.
Started CEGEP aka slightly harder college for french canadiam fags. My average went from above average without studying to horrible with a lot of studying. Stopped playing games but it did not change a thing. I still had a social life too. Now that I have failed 2 classed I know 3 things. Work as soon as the session or what ever its called starts. Study from the beginning and stop if you notice you don't need it. Drinking fucks up study days, at least for me.
that said, moderation is key.
It's the same with the nofap/noporn shit. You don't need to cut it out of your life unless it's actually interfering with it. but you shouldn't need porn in order to jerkoff
Just go to a cheap college if you really feel the need for more education after high school. Don't fall for the expensive university, they don't guarantee a future for how much debt they could put you in. It's a complete gamble where the odds are against you.
I have nothing against people going to college, but the ones who graduate with some expensive degree just to work at McDonalds for the next ten years were total suckers.
I mentioned Full Sail above because I personally know of two cases where this was true from that school. They're stuck with shitty MacBooks they were forced to buy at a "discounted" price and a bunch of debt while they desperately try to find jobs that have nothing to do with their diploma. In the case of one of them even ten years later and still working minimum wage.
wow thats actually very helpful. thanks
>tfw I can jerk off just to mental images alone
Is this normal or?
>Ok Google! What is the cure to death?
No I can do it too.
most people can
some people on Sup Forums cannot jerk off unless it's to trap gangbang hentai
With games like pictured you did yourself a favor OP
I've finished Computer Engineering in Europe and I still had some time for games while being near top of my class and also being in a robotics team that competed internationally for multiple years in a row. I'd often end up leaving at like 3AM, because we were working on our robots until then. I wasn't working a job though, I only started that during my Master's years, but I no longer worked on robots then.
I don't know what it's like for doctorfags, but I seriously doubt a normal course load will leave you with no time for leisure, especially if you're just going to school and not working.
You are wrong, in every sense of the word
u r bad kid
If uninstalling videogames is the only way you can keep yourself from playing them, I unironically suggest you to seek help. Uninstalling them won't help you, eventually you'll just fall even further.
and you don't need running shoes to run, but they sure feel better
Was about to say this. I'm about to graduate while also playing vidya on the side. As long as your not some retard whose literally addicted, it's not too difficult to squeeze in a bit of game time while also maintaining studies and everything else. Like, how fucking hard is it to schedule ones week?
>Just go to a cheap college if you really feel the need for more education after high school
I'm a teacher and I suggest this all the time. I can usually gauge if a student will do well at a four year school or not, and I try to tell them there's no shame in going to a two year school because it's cheaper in the end and those degrees are in extremely high demand right now. Hell, even if you go there for two years to get your associates and then go to a four year school for the rest, you'll come out ahead.
I also try to tell them to avoid the liberal arts colleges that cost $40k a year and have a total of 2,000 students. Such a coddling environments.
go to a cheapo undergrad and then go to an expensive grad school if you can get funding
salaried uni is best uni