>Not picking Red
It's like you want to die
>Not picking Red
It's like you want to die
>not dual wielding blue and green
Red knife every time
Always STR or else you're gay
Depends on how enemy armor works in the game
Trap/summoner class always
Mathematically green is the best
what's wrong with it?
These pictures never present the situation we would find ourselves using them in.
It creates a sun made of water
Red and Green are the same.
You hit 50 times with green in the same time it takes to hit once with red. Simple math.
Essentially the same sword
die you degenerate red fag
>dodge your shitty big long attack
>i jump your ass with my green
>run away before you can do shit to me again
ok you are starting a quest and get the three options from your local blacksmith, there's the situation.
Sun made of rock. I played power toy.
It depends on whether you attack at the beginning or end of an attack window. If you attack at the beginning, red is better; if you attack at the end, green is better. Depending, as someone else pointed out, on the defense rules.
No, mathematically you can't say shit because you're given zero mechanics. For example in some games there's a straight up flat damage reduction, whereas in others it's percentage based. If it's the former then if the 1 attack or even 5 attack power are negated then it literally doesn't matter if they had a billion speed, a billion times zero is still zero. Converse if it's percentage based or worse if there is no armor but there's a significant dodge/agility/regen mechanic then the 50 at 1 speed might be worthless too if it can't hit enough to even keep up.
tl;dr: Here at the start of the New Year of Two Thousand Seventeen, OP shows no sign at all of not sucking cocks this year too.
Green is better
Say a red player and a green player have the same amount of health
>if the health isn't divisible by 50, green wins if they both have 100% accuracy
>if they don't have 100% accuracy, green has an equal chance of doing 50 damage with 50 hits as red has of doing 50 damage with 1 hit, but green has a greater chance of doing any damage at all
They have the same DPS, but they don't necessarily have the same distribution of damage over time. In most cases damage now is better than damage later, which is for example why damage-over-time is often cheaper or quicker to lay down. So you'd really have to look at how the two swords deal damage as a function of time, but that requires knowing a lot more details about the game in which those weapons are being used.
Depends on the mechanics.
If you hit instantly and then have a recharge time depending on your speed, then Red slaps the shit out of Green, because you immediately hit for 50 and Green only catches up to your damage when you're ready to attack again.
If the speed dictates the wind-up time going into the attack, then it's the reverse, and green slaps the shit out of red.
Also red has the advantage of not needing to be in range of the target constantly - any time stunned or out of range costs green damage, where-as it will only cost red damage if it's ready to swing.
>pick red
>green has now cut you 50 times
>pick green
>hit them 49 times a nanosecond after
redfags btfo
the red one is literally just better this is stupid
but wielding green in the offhand halves its speed retard
Blue because it seems more fun.
What does a speed unit really do? Does it make it so you attack that many times in a given period or does it have diminishing returns? Is 50 speed really twice as fast as 25? Is the DPS for each of these weapons equivalent? Do enemies have armor that negates certain quantities of damage? Is it possible to miss?
If the mechanics work in such a way as to deal damage over a certain period of time, and the only way to avoid damage is through the attacker missing, the best option is green. If armor totally ignores some damage, the best option is blue. If you cannot miss, red is the best.
And to expand on this post, attacking more often will get you closer-to-median results. For example, this is why craps is designed the way it is, that 7 is the most likely number when rolling two six-sided dice, while 2 and 12 are the least likely numbers. But if you roll one six-sided die, you have equal odds of getting any particular number. The same thing happens when attacking more frequently: your actual damage will tend to be closer to your theoretical damage.
I'm the guy who picks the blue sword.
Not in LOTRO.
Warden's the "Joining groups for group based quests? Fuck that noise" class and it's AGI/VIT based.
Given that information, the only correct choice is blue. Min/maxing only works if you actually have any idea how the fuck the system works and you give us fucking nothing. So I'd pick blue because there's a decent chance I at least can do some damage and hit some stuff, I'll figure it out from there. Whereas under lots of standard vidya systems green or red is a 50/50 chance of leaving you utterly gimped.
Even if the other 50% is easier, blue will at least be able to soldier through. A real man needs nothing more anyway.
Good luck timing your attacks and missing.
Good luck dealing with durability/sharpness mechanics, also defece could potentialy nulify the attacks
We can't say that, we don't know what stat modifiers the player has. Whether stats like str and dex are additive to main damage or multiplicative. If additive green wins hands down, but multiplicative red wins.
>use flat damage buff
>50x increase in damage for green compared to red
>pick green
>enemy has ONE (1) defense point
top wew
Nothing. Latter gets cooler the closer you get. Space rules are fucking weird.
>picking the slowest weapon so you have less chances to crit
Its like you're retarded
if enemy wears armor that negates certain amount of attack, the green is fucked.
if red can only attack one enemy at the time and the enemies are a horde of poisonous angry frogs, the red ones are fucked.
I'm a middle of the road man.
>Picking the lowest damage so you do tiny crits
what do you mean by "ice"? Like, water ice or it's just a re-ealy cold star?
why are you only asking about the ice
are you saying the sun made of lava makes sense?
Depends. If I can pop stacking on-hit effects, say flat poison DoTs, I am 100% taking that Green Dagger.
If Accuracy is a thing and its chance is identical with all 3, I'm taking the Green Dagger.
If I can get 100% hit-rate with the Miniature Claymore, I may consider it, but 9 times out of 10, the dagger beats out Red and the Short Sword.
You wouldn't have a "sun" made of ice, because
1) The Sun is just a star. A specific star in the Solar System. There aren't multiple Suns. Just the one.
2) A star made of ice with the mass of the Sun could not exist. The sheer mass would cause nuclear fusion and you would end up with a hot star anyways. If the two combined they would just be a more massive, hotter star than either would be alone.
It turns into an ice cream star with chocolate fudge, and space keeps it at the perfect texture to wait for us to build star ships to reach it.
>Damage minimum is 1
Befuddled again, STRfag.
I'm fine with sun made out of lava, actually - there are super-cool (like, below 2000 Celcius) metal stars, which can sorta pass for being lava-ish
so dual wield 2 Reds then
since its already 1 it cant go any lower
The -1000 degree Celsius knife is well below absolute zero (which is approximately -273 degrees Celsius)
>Dog faggots are into bestiality
If Let It Die has taught me anything its that you always use a weakass fast weapon to break their armor, then follow up with a slow strong weapon to fuck their naked ass up. Alternatively you could just bust out the clothes iron and do both at the same time.
>pick red
>get surrounded by 50 skeletons
>swing sword and crush one of them
>get fucked by the other 49 skeletons
You only pick Red once you know the game and just need to blow through shit when farming drops from that one side quest.
You know which one I mean.
Blue with a shield or you're a fag
objectively the mask
Nobody asked you mr smartypants
>Impying I'm not a paladin
>grapple gun
>swing from rooptop to rooftop, far away from any zombies
>swing so fast no bandit's gun could ever track you
>use the grapple to rip weapons out of enemy's hands
>become fucking Spiderman of the post apocalypse
Who the fuck would choose anything else
>five core cpu
Best answer here.
It's the hyperthreading.
red since if you crit on it, you will do more damage than the green. Its easier to crit 1 time then 50 times
>not dual spike shield
it depends on how much HP your enemy has. If they only had 1 HP then green would be the obvious choice
Who /chaosblade/ here
The pistol.
Eventually you can just kill all the zombies.
The glasses would be the safest. You could die to a stray zombie from anything else except the radar, but that's worthless because the glasses to its job but better.
If there are any enemies with non-multiple of 50 in hit points, the green sword is better.
>not a katana
You don't have to crit every single time and you have more chances to crit if you hit 50 times.
Dumb catposter.
>Red sword
Good luck killing swarms of 1hp enemies.
You're actually competely wrong. It is entirely possible for an object to have the mass of the sun and also be cold. It just needs to be made of the right kind of matter.
>choosing anything green when everybody dies in one hit and there is no damage mitigation
It is obvious, really.
>Blue is the middle of the road Sword and Board shit-build
>Is crap because you aren't hitting hard or quickly
Even Path of Exile exemplifies this. The strongest builds are Dex-based with Daggers 99% of the time. They got btfo by the Hand of Wisdom and Action Claw this League, but whatever.
>what's wrong with it?
Youtube keeps reccomending it to me for no reason and the thumbnail looks like dumb clickbait shit.
>pick red
>use max attack speed buff
gg no re
But ice isn't the right kind of matter. You'd end up with a star with higher than average metallicity, not a star-sized object made of ice.
mask because the zombies won't hear you. you can literally walk up to each zombie and just stab them in the head if you're not in their direct line of sight
How fast is ONE(1) speed?
the key any day?
take any car you see, loot high end places, sleep in fallout shelter or bank vault or house long as you fuckin want, niggas cant lock you out of safe places, unlock her iphone and find out if that bitch cheating.
Red is too slow, if you whiff you leave yourself open. You also leave yourself open during the windup animation. Though it depends on the game.
Monster Hunter Unite taught me to pick red
You die before hitting once.
>Is % based
>Green uses it and knocks you out of attack range every time you get close
You get Sonic Boom: Lava and Ice.
Red sword is better because of potential opp regen also higher damage multiplier on crits -_-
>he doesn't stack poise
I like your style
>being a sword & board fag
You may only post again once you've grown some BALLS you goddamn skeleton pig
>knock back
>Same as a stun
>Being a Souls bab
This is by far the happiest post I've seen on Sup Forums, bless your little, beautiful soul, user.
>enemy with 20 HP
You're wasting time
>enemy with 51 HP
You're wasting time
If it's Turn Based, Red wins because you may go 3rd but you out DPS everyone.
If it's Real Time, Green wins because you'll stunlock everyone.
Happy New Years user, it won't last long but for at least an hour or two I hope some of us at least can be a bit happier then normal.
>out DPS
>In the span of time it takes for you to hit once for 50, you've been hit 10 times for 5 or 50 times for 1
If there's another thing to be learned from PoE, it's that an area of effect skill that can be tuned for single target is better than a single target that can be modified for AoE.
What if stun depends on how much damage you did in a single blow?
>If it's Turn Based
Read, nigga, READ.
Is defense a static reduced damage from each attack?
The chance for blue to be more effective than red is minimal in the yes scenario.
This. DPS may be equal, but damage per millisecond isn't. Green sword wins fastest against any enemy with a HP value that ends with a number from 6 to 9, while being equal with the other swords for other enemies.
Green unequivocally wins.
Because GGG can't balance for shit. Especially in the Melee category
>True Melee is pure garbage excluding Cyclone which barely qualifies due to how close you gotta get
>"Melee" is the only viable shit, including "Lemme leave this massive aftershock here to nuke everything," "Reave 2.0," (why it doesn't work with claws is beyond my understanding), Spectral Throw, and "Not actually a channeled Spell" Flurry
>Single target to be made AoE requires a Support Gem that gimps damage to non-primary targets (It still needs an initial target)
>AoE can be made single-target through changing your LM/GMP or Inc. AoE for some % More Gem and gains even more damage for the few adds the fight may have