
Worth it? Friend says it's pretty dead
Never played a fighting game before, dabbled a bit in Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend but it felt clunky and made me feel like i wasted 30 bucks

Other urls found in this thread:!OUQSDC5S!YmwmwZxUQ-xbabM_M_IqNQ

Come on guys don't leave a senpai hangin'

yeah its pretty dead for a while now, and the dev usually just use the game as a scapegoat to show how progresive he is, save your money and buy a better game user.

I'll play with you user, I have some funds left over from the sale.

70% is a big discount.

sklull girkl sucks boner

you all just post pioctures of filia getting gfufcked by pigs but the gameplay itself is fucking ass.

you can jumop and then block, so that's dumb.

I mean $3 isn't that much of an investment
Fuckkkk I just remembered Steam games are refundable now lol so I got nothing to lose

I guess I'll try it out tomorrow, it'd be good to have someone to play with
Add me if you want

its certainly worth 4 dollars. Its a great game dont listen to the shitters in this thread. Online is not very active, you'll get quickmatches but itll be with the same 3 people who happen to be playing at the time. Lobbies are rare.

Join the discord and get people on your friends lists for games. The community is small but very active.

Cool cool, and by the discord you mean the one listed on the Skullgirls subreddit? Sorry, just not sure

maybe. Check if one of the moderators is a dude named midiman

Doesn't look like it, did you mean the actual discord server?

yeah moderator of the discord

here just have the link

Yep yep, thanks for the help dude
Looking forward to playing Miss Fortune

go for it. Try to at least play a duo as single character teams are wack. And remember push block is a thing

When you're ready to play ask for some beginner players in the discord

Cheers and happy new year, dude

yup yup no problem

enjoy some skalls

get SFV instead


if you want to find matches that is

It's difficult, but welcoming as a fighting game. Plus, it looks and plays well.
I recommend it with the DLC.

Ehh, even with the 2/3 discount its still over $20
Also looks to have some pretty mixed reviews

>It's difficult

Yeah. Not in terms of exectution (combos are long but windows arent that tight) but you're going to find yourself getting absolutely bodied online. SG is a game where people can really make you feel like a bitch with pressure and reset setups. Don't let it discourage you because once you understand the setups and are good at blocking/pushblock guard cancels the game opens up and is incredibly fun.

Stick to training mode and find low level players in the discord for right now.

mixed reviews are all shitters complaining about not wanting to play the game

it's better than skullgirls in terms of being able to actually play the game with people

but sf5 sucks dick


I like SG's cutesy graphics better
As long as there are some people to play with, I'm okay with a smaller playerbase

mah nigga

>my experience with SG

>play it on a free weekend, had a blast.
>decide to bite the bullet and buy on the cheap
>keep getting absolutely bodied in lobbies
>somehow join this group
>full of really helpful and welcoming guys willing to teach me all about the game
>mostly play with them, still get bodied but keep learning things, keep getting better
>finally get a win ONCE
>bantz consume the group chat, all having fun
>fuck up my hand and cant play as well as i used to
>miss playing with those guys everyday
>still in my friends list

im in aus if it makes any difference. the oceana group is mostly aus and NZ guys, one of them actually wrote a guide on valentine and explained a lot of stuff to me. generally a nice bunch of guys, little to no salt, and very welcoming.

maybe i got lucky, but it was a great experience for me. hope it is for you!

better yet is divinity 2 director's cut good?

If you read the bad reviews they're from people salty that they paid 90+ buckaroos to play it for whatever reason. It being reduced by 67% means this is probably the only time to actually buy SFV and not get jewed hard by Capcom.

Man that sucks, hope your hand gets better eventually
Thus far people have been welcoming so it looks like I'll have a good bit of fun

Are you in our discord? You can still join in the SGOCE banter and shitposting without working hands!

Who's a good partner for Beo?

im shy

isnt discord like skype? where people chat on mics and stuff? plus i dont know how much of a contribution id be to it.

my hands have gotten better and i can probably go back to playing, just so rusty though. i sometimes pop in to training mode and practice bnbs and dp motions, but i have had a lot of shit going down recently, would wanna devote a lot of time to it than just dabble.

i never knew i wanted this, jesus please post more if you have it.

if you think blaz blue feels clunky, then you shouldn't play a much clunkier game

Just get in. And no, discord is 10x better than Skype. We have a great assortment of personalities like pissed off Indian, Autistic whities, New Zealanders, and quirky Asians.

Fuck off, yandretard.

SG feels really smooth though. The engine is awesome

Everyone things blazblue feels really clunky at first

Sorry, that's all I had
I only occasionally save scraps of art when I come across a piece I like, mostly from SG threads on here lol


So you're telling me people DONT just play it for the thick monster that is Filia?

Filia's gross


its a pretty damn good team fighter too

I got banned from the Skullgirls discord because I was too good at the game. Fuck you, you faggots.

>not using dash assist

who were you and who banned you?

Skullgirls is too ugly to play. Looks like some deviantart reject. There's not enough characters anyway.

i might bookmark it at least.

maybe check out this!OUQSDC5S!YmwmwZxUQ-xbabM_M_IqNQ
its only a cerebella folder, i swear i remember seeing a mega link with all the characters but cant it right now. has porn it it but a lot of SFW stuff too.

Holy shit thanks dude

No, I play it for the perfection that is Squigly.

and also because it's actually a fun vidogame I guess

I'm Friender and they didn't ban me they muted me because I got bored and said the game was butt because it's impossible to anti-air (the game is butt and it is impossible to anti air)

>I'm too good at the game
>Can't anti-air

Nah don't bookmark. Download the client and just join in and say hi. As a community we need to grow and expand so we can all improve and increase our banter and shitpost levels. There is no pressure on anyone to do anything in our group, but I do implore you make the first step to joining. Just hang around for Friday afternoon/night ranbats for maximum shitposting. Our last ranbats was a complete cluster fuck, but none of us care because the bantz were quite :ok_hand:

np, just pissed that i didnt save that other link. had folders to every other girl on there. i dunno, ask around on SG threads for it. think i found it here.

If you try and anti air somebody they just block it and then punish you for half of your life.

how does it work? i thought it was an in browser thing.

Discord sucks, I tried to be funny and joke about the game and they fucking muted me. Back to neddit with you faggot.

haha i know exactly who you are. You've been shitting up these threads for the past weeks now. Yeah, you cant be that good if you're complaining about anti airs

cross under them for a left-right mixup
air throw them


Just run up-do :^)))))))))))

Yeah, but it's dumb, if you play as Parasoul and you try to do her Flash Kick to anti air somebody, you're just gonna get hit because you're not blocking high, and even if you don't get hit, you're just gonna get blocked and then punished

fug this game

huh i was planning to buy it but now.. i dont know anymore....

stop being so predictable with your AA's. Only AA when you know they're commiting to jump in. Honestly traditional AA isnt even that big of a part of skullgirls

Block it, pushblock them or just assist call or whatever

>the game is dumb because i am bad and think every game should work exactly the same way and i shouldnt learn how to play new games in different ways im a dipshit who takes shit out of my butt and smears it inside my gums yum yum bum gums

cross under them for a left-right mixup
air throw them


but its random when they are committing to jump in its dumb i hate itt

Good don't buy it, it's not even fundamentals, all you do is just land one poke and do a combo that lasts for 15+ seconds. I can start a combo from a low or an overhead, you don't even have to commit to anything. dumb game 0/10

I think there are both a browser and a desktop version, but the desktop client is more convenient to use
There are a bunch of text chat channels and voice chat channels through which you can talk with everyone on the server

>it's not even fundamentals
>fundamentals are exactly the same for every fighting game despite the fact they all have drastically different game mechanics

stop being shit at fighting games, moron

I like the character design at least!

I read the fighting game primer, asshole. I know fundamentals.z

you download the client from here:
Once you downloaded and made an account you basically click on the left panel with a circle with a + sing and go to join a server and add the discord link i provided in previous post. Then you will see skullgirls and shitposts channel.
Firstly idk which server you're muted on, there's many communities. I'm not US so I don't even know who the fuck are you are, faggot, and I bet no one else cares.

Secondly you probably got muted by the US group because you're an annoying faggot who said some autistic shit that just wasn't funny and looked like a little shit head and everyone laughed.

>but its random

Thats just not true. You dont sound experienced with fighters as a genre. Its never random. Learn the meta, learn player habits, learn to condition. You can make educated callouts on jump ins.

I dont know why you feel the need to anti air every time anyway, just block or air to air, hell parasoul has an air throw she can convert off of for full combo. Honestly if your AA's are getting baited it means you must be doing it predictably. Most players arent willing to sacrifice a jump in overhead possibility or the following pressure if you block it all that often. It must be obvious that you're going to DP everytime.

6/10, you gave in to very low tier bait at the end. You had me going there for a while, but you should stick to more self-delusional logical fallacies. They're more respond-to-able.

how do i converft off of her air throw?

I bought Skullgirls twice and the only thing I liked about it was the porn

>squigly having an ass
HOW? that doesnt make sense, shes a corpse.


essentially with anything. She tosses them into the air and then lands before them. I dont even think you have to spend an OTG

since when are corpses skeletons

From memory, s.MK can let you convert without using OTG, but otg is just the most consistent if you're a lazy man.

One of the devs said in a convention is Squiggly''s ass if filled with her decaying corpse gases

holy shit that's so hot_____

never said skel, but i cant imagine a rotted up corpse having a good booty, not after the worms and shit have been after it. i know, im pointing out real world logical fallacies in a game about cut up cat girls and parasitic haired thick girls. im sorry

if i were a worm i'd be so after it too they'd have to excavate her skeleton from my giant worm carcass years after i was done with her if you know what i meant

Don't play fighting games unless you already know how to play fighting games, it will neve be fun until you're good, unlike most other games where it can be fun if you aren't good