It's fucking new year

it's fucking new year
what games are you playing, faggot?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Grove City
>German Village

I know where these places are.

i grew up there

>Devil Daggers
>Lords of the Fallen

Been 2017 here for over an hour. Already in bed, just gonna fap and go to sleep I guess.

>Titanfall 2
It's like crack, and the fact that it filled a void left by Tribes: Ascend, just makes it like that crack you thought you'd never get again.

Dead in one year or less.

Enjoy it while it lasts. :^)

Oh, I am. But if Titanfall is anything to judge it by, we'll get two years out of it considering Titanfall 1 actually survived up until the release of 2.
If you were happy with a few select modes being populated.

But yeah, I'm having a blast. Put in slightly over 100 hours already.

>not appreciating Super Troopers even used

I was going to play either Minecraft or Lego Dimensions, but I didn't

I checked on my health insurance plan instead. I keep receiving bills and payment notices, even though my yearly premium is paid in full. I also have a temporary online card for doctor and pharmacy access, but I can't use it because it doesn't list important information like my insurance provider's mailing address. On top of this, I was supposed to have received several documents which were mailed December 16th, but I still haven't.

And that's why I haven't played any video games tonight.

That, and because I keep hearing gunfire mixed into the fireworks.

>Talking shit about Super Troopers

This. Soon as I go to work I just want to be playing.
Soon as I come home I just want to play.

>That, and because I keep hearing gunfire mixed into the fireworks.

You're paranoid.

My buddy's playing Sly Cooper 2
I'm on Super Mario RPG

You mean your boyfriend, right?

We won't laugh.

I know the feeling, I was away for a few days during Christmas and had to go straight to work when I got home, I had the biggest smile all day just cause I knew I was going home to play.

And I've been playing ever since now, a few days later with barely any sleep, but fuck me if I'm not almost starting it again now. (it's 7.30 am and I haven't slept yet)

Trying to play SFV but the mother fucker crashes abruptly after 15 or so minutes.

I want to try and get into The Witcher

that shit combat though

I feel like watching a lets play might legitimately be a good alternative

EA Games fucked up.

>You're paranoid.

I'm Floridian
Tell that to the guy who got shot last week.


Combat's dope. Everything else is shit.


Nobody's gonna break down your door and shoot you.

Rest easy.

I would love a used super troopers movie fuck that stupid bitch.



Oh yeah, Origin is a pain in the ass and EA is seemingly trying to sabotage the game and is scared shitless that it will take all their players from the franchises they actually control fully (like BF1).
I mean, end the discount AFTER the free weekend? Fuck up the launch of Prime Titans and so on? Releasing between CoD and BF1? Fuck me if they didn't try to kill us, but they fucking won't.

Not that it really matters too much, but did you see how many fucking awards and columns the game snatched up? Like every single magazine/site put it ahead of all other shooters, including Overwatch. Even PC Gamer put Titanfall 2 as #1.

Just played some D&D with friends.

They are shit at it, but it was fun.

Video games arent fun to me anymore. They are all just too disappointing, and Im never to fulfill the urge to begin a collection of rare shit that is impossible to achieve.

Might begin playing some SNES ROMs.

Sounds like EA Games is gonna murder another based developer.

Please look forward to it.

Wait, Titanfall 2 was actually good?

Sounds like it. I've heard nothing but good things about it.

Respawn isn't actually contracted to EA for more than Titanfall 1 and 2.
Nor are they actually obliged to do what EA says, hence why every map, weapon and gameplay DLC will be free.

I'm fairly certain they'll just wait a year then break free from EA to make TF3 themselves and self-publish on Steam (or even go the crowd funding route)

>Mega Man Legacy Collection
>Burnout Paradise
>Splosion Man
>Red Dead Redemption

ADD is getting the better of me but rate my shit if you want.

Smart as fuck.

Maybe that's why they fucked them.

No way they didn't know. That release date was obviously suicide.

Never played the Spyro series but I just got the first one so gonna do that. Also just started Elona recently.

>>Mega Man Legacy Collection
better not be on the 3ds nigga or else you are going to get even more slowdowns then the original or the VC ones

Red pill me on Elona.

muh authenticity

Shadow of Mordor since I've had it for months but never got around to playing it and it's fucking 50 gigs and I need space on my SSD now

Go find Kevin. He needs a friend.

I'm having a blast, the multiplayer with it's low ttk and insane speed is the most fun I've had with a shooter since Tribes. There's everything from Grenadier weapons, projectile based launchers/snipers/machineguns, mini-rocket launchers, revolvers (with ricochet rounds!), hitscan and to top it off, ADS basically makes your aim worse!
Gravity grenades that pull you in, mini incendiary throwing stars or why not arc grenades that stun your enemies?
Then we got the abilities? Quick burst of speed and heal, stim around like a maniac! Why not pop into another dimension for a quick getaway only to pop up behind the enemy and execute them with a dataknife to the face?
Oh? You're Spider-Man, here have this grapple, or just use the Holopilot to ruise cruise every slow shitter out there!

And the Single Player, dare I say it, is the best since HL2.

Dead by Daylight for some fucking reason

It's unique, but way too easy. Might wanna skip it.

I can't decide between FFXV, Total Warhammer, or Momodora reverie. Someone tell me what to play.

How is it? Heard it's rife with exploits.

Ya, I'm like 20 minutes in and it seems pretty repetitive already. Not sure if I'll stick it out.

Repostting from the other 2017 gaming thread:

Just finished Nes Double Dragon 2.

I'm playing trough all the Nintendo ones again because of the Double Dragon 4 announcement, after i finish the first three i probably gonna play the arcades ones, Super Double Dragon and Double Dragon Advance, may finish with Neon we will see.

Feels quite comfy.

you are clearly are an idiot, and should not talk about games you have not played before.
please go alert your mother that you have been naughty so she can punish you accordingly

It is, I've dealt with worse shit and only game I found unplayable due to slowdown was psn version of GTA LCS on my ps3.

Also, there are 9 different abilites, so the ones I wrote there are just the ones I prefer to use. The weapons add up to a total of 28 different ones, some of them performing totally different from the other. Some are to kill Titans with, although most of the Grenadier weapons can do insane damage towards them.
5 different grenades/ordinance too.

And then I haven't even gotten into the Titans yet, holy shit I love this game.

I wouldn't even accept money to shill for it, honestly. It's just that fun and I want more people to have fun.

Which one would you get?
Going to buy a game before the sale ends.

Not much I can tell you since I only recently started, but it's a roguelike and there are a lot of fun customization options.

nah for real the VC games run smother on the 3ds then that shittly put together collection.

I'm just parroting the autistic retards that defend the abortion known as the megaman legacy collection, they legitimately believe the shit performance is "authentic"

Hand of Fate and Transformers were both pretty cool. Transformers is short but there's a good amount of repayability.

I'd go Devastation but I'm a Transformers fan so I'm biased.

If you want Ninja Storm you definitely want to get the latest one. But they're way too simplistic to really get into.

I'd go for Transformers.

Cool. I'll look it up. Enjoy.

Anyone play Halcyon 6? Is it any good?

Yeah, they threw all the marketing budget towards BF1 in hopes of drowning out TF2 because they knew that BF1 is a game that requires a new influx of players since people are dropping that like flies, all while mostly everyone who (likes fast shooters) will stick with TF2 in the long haul.

I got it as a gift so I can't do anything about it so I'm just glad I got it period.

Do I have to pick one? ;\


Respawn also owns the rights to Titanfall, both name and franchise and everything related to it.

Mega Man Battle Network 3 White, usually play Blue because for the most part it's plain better, but I want to mix it up. Actually playing through the whole series and for 3~6 plan to do all the versions I usually don't go for White, Blue Moon, Team ProtoMan, Cybeast Gregar except maybe BN6 which I may play with the translation patch for JP Falzar since I still haven't played that so I can finally experience the uncut post-game.

Playing melee with some friends. Might switch over to chuchu rocket in a minute. Been pretty comfy.

I loved Transformers but for some reason I just couldn't get myself to replay it, idk why either.

Playing some Battletoads. It's how I usually greet the new year/

I like super troopers but It's not for everyone desu.

Seems fucking retarded to self-sabotage, but they're swimming in cash.

I get it.

They flirted with death, but didn't get caught. Most developers aren't so lucky.

Bought a crapton of bundles this past fall. So 2017 is gonna consist of bouncing between bundle crap beating games and getting around 50 percent achievements. Will probably get into the bigger stuff by spring.

What's actually happening is that EA is intentionally sabotaging Titanfall 2 by releasing it between Battlefield and CoD and giving it no marketing because they WANT the game to fail.

The game fails, Respawn's stock prices tank, EA buys them out and absorbs them, assuming direct control over them. That's what EA has done before and that's what they're trying to do now.

It seems like retarded self-sabotage because it is. They're sabotaging one release because they know that once they own Respawn they can milk money out of them and get a bigger cut until they're dead, making more profit in the long haul.

Expect Titanfall 3 to be made under REAspawn and have paid DLC and paid cosmetics/weapons/etc microtransations.

Well yeah, that's the problem. The marketing payed of for BF1, every single normie bought it, and shelled out a total of $120 for the game + season pass.
Each sale of BF1 netted them almost four times as much as TF2 (since it's $30 most of the times, with the seasons being what they are).

They also know that most normies just drop it instead of analyzing and figuring out WHY they're dropping it, which means the game won't get bad rep from a dude who bought it, played it for 30 hours then dropped it.

100% OJ
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus

It's fun. That being said the developers are incompetent who haven't fixed major issues. Let alone game balance.

Currently a bunch of exploits that involve switching abilities for killers that shouldn't have them, and stacking multiples of the same perks for retarded effects

And also matchmaking is broken mess that just doesn't work if you are with a group of people.

>this guy
If you only knew how much they've sold of their cosmetic DLC, which btw, is so much cheaper than other games (it's like, 30 skins for $5-10) and the Prime Titans ($4.99 each) you'd realize that isn't the case.
The problem here is the mentality nowadays that a game needs 50k+ players to be considered a success.
Titanfall has had a steady population since it's release and it hasn't dropped anything, in fact, it's only gone up since it's release, and it's still going up.

>The game fails
But it didn't, and it won't. You realize as soon as they drop their first major content patches, every single magazine/website/player will be talking about the fact that a game released a free DLC pack, in it's first months of life, that had equal (or more) content than ~$60 season passes.

And that will just make the playerbase grow more.

Dodonpachi Resurrection
Warhammer Vermintide

>If you only knew how much they've sold of their cosmetic DLC, which btw, is so much cheaper than other games (it's like, 30 skins for $5-10) and the Prime Titans ($4.99 each) you'd realize that isn't the case.
Are you retarded? That's exactly why the game is failing; EA wants more money from that shit (and wants them to also charge for content updates) so they're killing off Respawn so they can acquire them.
>Titanfall has had a steady population since it's release and it hasn't dropped anything, in fact, it's only gone up since it's release, and it's still going up.
Which is definitely against EA's expectations. I doubt they factored in what would happen if the game was actually good and sold well because of that, which they're probably incapable of because EA does not know what quality is.
>But it didn't, and it won't.
That doesn't mean EA isn't fucking trying to get it to fail.
> every single magazine/website
Fat fucking chance, EA is going to suppress news about the game, just wait.

The game is surviving purely on word of mouth due to being a good fucking game. EA is trying its hardest to kill it though.

Battlefield 1

Everybody is terrible

>Earthbound beginnings
Some metroid fans might be mad but
>Metroid Prime:FF
>Pokemon sun
>Scribblenauts unlimited

God Eater 2.

Shits is better than 1, but I think it needs at least mention MC1. What the hell happened to him. 14hrs in.
Gender selection is a mistake.


The constantly re-spawning enemies are killing my will to play this. I must be a casual.

>Are you retarded? That's exactly why the game is failing
But it's not failing, that's the thing. And it's Respawn actually putting down the foot and saying no to EA that makes it has that price. They already won the "No DLC that affects the gameplay will cost" battle, and will not release paid maps to divide the playerbase.
>Which is definitely against EA's expectations. I doubt they factored in what would happen if the game was actually good and sold well because of that
Exactly, which means that they won't actually succeed in sabotaging it to death considering word of mouth is always better than TV marketing, and a sleeperhit will always live longer than a crash and burn like BF1.
>That doesn't mean EA isn't fucking trying to get it to fail.
I never argued they aren't, I'm arguing they won't succeed it killing it.
>Fat fucking chance, EA is going to suppress news about the game, just wait.
They aren't succeeding tho, because even the jaded press is amazed by the game.

>The game is surviving purely on word of mouth due to being a good fucking game. EA is trying its hardest to kill it though.
As I said above, word of mouth will always be better than "marketing". I've gotten a few friends to play this, and they're all hooked and in turn have gotten a few friends to play it. All of them (who bought it) dropped BF1 after a short time.

>The encore to the orginal Titanfall has received over 80 scores of 90+ and features no season pass.
>and features no season pass

EA can try to kill it, but this will get mentioned everywhere in the coming months because it's simply not the norm anymore, and magazines/websites will always want more clicks, and news is what brings those clicks, and for this generation, no season pass is the biggest news there is.

Speaking of Titanfall 2 trailers, this one is so good for making people understand what the game is.

Etrian Odyssey 4
give some advices for my runemaster and sniper