It's fucking new year

it's fucking new year
what games are you playing, faggot?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Grove City
>German Village

I know where these places are.

i grew up there

>Devil Daggers
>Lords of the Fallen

Been 2017 here for over an hour. Already in bed, just gonna fap and go to sleep I guess.

>Titanfall 2
It's like crack, and the fact that it filled a void left by Tribes: Ascend, just makes it like that crack you thought you'd never get again.

Dead in one year or less.

Enjoy it while it lasts. :^)

Oh, I am. But if Titanfall is anything to judge it by, we'll get two years out of it considering Titanfall 1 actually survived up until the release of 2.
If you were happy with a few select modes being populated.

But yeah, I'm having a blast. Put in slightly over 100 hours already.

>not appreciating Super Troopers even used

I was going to play either Minecraft or Lego Dimensions, but I didn't

I checked on my health insurance plan instead. I keep receiving bills and payment notices, even though my yearly premium is paid in full. I also have a temporary online card for doctor and pharmacy access, but I can't use it because it doesn't list important information like my insurance provider's mailing address. On top of this, I was supposed to have received several documents which were mailed December 16th, but I still haven't.

And that's why I haven't played any video games tonight.

That, and because I keep hearing gunfire mixed into the fireworks.