

Makes good games but Sup Forums is too contrarian to enjoy them.

shhs, don't bait, he's trying to do a thing


Name 1 from the last 5 years.

battlefield 1
Mirrors edge

Dead Space 2
Battlefield 4
Dead Space 3
Crysis 3
Titanfall 2

Pretty sure valve is worse now. At least EA still makes fucking games.

Simpsons memes and pre sjw simpsons are absolutely pure, post more



WHICH Game Company Supports Childhood Gambling And Did Not Give A Shit Till They Were Called out?

>banning process on v


Does current Simpsons even have physical humor?

I know that would require a certain level of animation to execute properly.

dont think so, not anymore.

>steam friend thread

current simpsons is just lisa the liberal mouthpiece and every other character is a shitty strawman

Yes but everything is so lifeless and dull it doesn't register.


Homer Badman is a more relevant episode now than it was when it came out.

Titanfall 2 is my goty

i still cant believe how accurately it predicted butt hurt feminists. "homer simpson sleeps nude in an oxygen tent which he believes gives him SEXUAL POWERS!"

>posting my derp way of saving filenames when i didnt know any better


>predicting butthurt feminists
Those existed as long as Suffrage itself.
It's just they also accomplished gaining actual rights so they kind of overshadow the ones sandbagging black voting rights and supporting prohibition.

good to see youre putting that womens studies degree to work user!

jk, just bantz m80



Dont get it



>current Simpsons
it's still going on?

Kind of the same way a brain dead body is kept alive by machines.

dont know why i laughed at this.

i really hope some of these pics make it into filename threads, i fucking love simpsons filenames.

trying to think of a good one for this, non premium player enters the server? i dunno.



the only good season i've seen from the simpsons was the first one
anything with double digits is painful to watch sometimes... but i just need to see some animation while having a snack so i watch this shit while rolling my eyes every couple of minutes


PS4 Pro

Naughty Dog games.

>implying EA made that
They tried to sabotage it all the way, the Tech Test was full of decisions EA forced them to make.
In return, Respawn made all Gameplay DLC (maps/weapons) free and said fuck you to their pricing and put their own prices on cosmetics.

And made the best multiplayer for fucking years, I'm so hooked.

>These shitty games are unironically the best any of you can name


definitely ps4 pro

Contrarian detected


It's not contrarian to think shit games are shit



saw this as
>dragon dildo arives in mail
had a good chuckle

That made me laugh.

keep this shit alive anons.

>eat your hamburger, apollo

>taste this bad



That's not the problem with that show, the problem is they fired all the decent writers some 18 years ago.


>they didn't make it
>they didn't make it and killed it by forcing it to release early

More like >hideo kojima.jpg