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>swing x times
>repeat for 5 hours

great game you have there

100% agree
good job user

Dark Souls 2 is the best one. The more you play 3, you more you realize how uninspired it is.

I'd put 3 at the same level as 2 or demons souls

g-get good

What's the difference between dark souls' and bloodborne's score there? This is retarded, fuck you.

>rate the easiest game in the series the highest
Well done.


Just because you always use those pics it doesn't mean it isn't some insanely stupid shit and those two pretty much represent the same thing.

I think ds3 was the easiest.

Bump DS3 down to an 8. Then you're good familia.

Dark Souls was always the least interesting of all the Souls games. It should be no surprise the sequels degenerated.

>hard = good
This is the problem with the souls fanbase.


BB is not the same kind of game, just a pseudo action game with some legacy features from the franchise.


I'd give darksouls 3 a slightly lower score probably. Probably an 8/10.

I'd also seriously debate with myself about that bloodborne score. I have so many issues with it just from it being a console exclusive, the janky framerates and load times seriously hurt my soul every time I play it and DEFINITELY hamper my enjoyment of what I consider the "best" of the soulsborne series. I'd have to cap it at 9/10.

I mean i'm basically nitpicking single points on your chart there so pretty spot on.

I have over 500 hours in each :^) pls save me from my suffering

>BB is not the same kind of game
It's practically the same game.

> 2>anything


If you like 2 the best then 2 was your first souls game.

It's literally the same game with gates on customization to force builds in a specific direction.

Bloodbourne is the hardest game, though. It's the only one that doesn't allow for any kind of hacking or cheating. You need to do everything the hard way.

I liked 2 more than 3 tbqh.

>Bloodborne is the hardest because it doesnt have a PC version that makes hacking it easy
I smell projection

After replaying DaS1, 2, and bloodborne i'm gonna have to say 3 sucks dick

also you're missing bloodborne

Played SotFS, DaS3, and BB for the first time ever in the past few months.


BB was genius.

Yeah I would go as low as a 7 and bump demon's up to a 9

What kind of setting do you want for the next one?

oh shit i'm blind

DaS3 still sucks though

>tfw you finally play Bloodborne
>tfw you realize shields are literally a crutch

the truth.. was right beside me, all along..

I would say that I enjoyed DS1 and Demon's equally, but playing Demon's first I liked it more.

More like 9 7 6 10 8

Are you legitimately 12 years old?

DeS was my first game. DaS was yours though.


>Best Gameplay (meaning combat and supporting RPG systems)

>Best Story (who really gives a fuck though)
Dark Souls

>Best Lore
Dark Souls II

>Best PvP
Dark Souls II

>Best Graphics
Dark Souls III

>Best Theme/Aesthetic

>Best Difficulty
Bloodborne (every game except DaS had a pretty smooth difficulty curve so this is sort of a shitty category)

>Best Exploration
Dark Souls

>Best Level Design
Bloodborne, along with the initial areas in DaS

>Best Music
Dark Souls III

>Best Bosses
Bloodborne (Dark Souls III had some amazing bosses, but also a lot of shitty ones)

I can't really think of any other legitimate categories to rank them in. All three games had amazing DLC. I really don't give a fuck about DeS; it was utterly mediocre and surpassed by the later games in pretty much every metric except arguably level design and story.

Dark Souls III has the best title screen.

Everyone is going to say sci-fi but i'm want to see a Mesoamerican indian setting done well

DaSII has the most content by far. The game is so damn long if you try to beat all the bosses.

i don't like such narrow scales of score between 7/10-10/10, why not fucking use 4/4 scale then?

None of the games have anything as spooky and oppressive as Latria.

Nope. Demon Souls was my first. It's just that if you actually think 2 is the best in the series then you have to have some serious bias towards it, because 2 is horrible in a lot of aspects of the game once you compare it to the other games in the series. Is it a bad game? No. But it fails at a lot of simple things that the other games do better.

Do not late hate take hold.

9 8.5 6 10 7

I want a game with a dialogue wheel and MC voice acting.


Absolutely not. mark everything down by at least 2 or 3 points and you've got a deal.

Only because it got 3 DLCs though, compared to one for both DaS, DaSIII and Bloodborne. Not that that makes you wrong, just that the base games are probably the same length except DeS which is short as shit.

>most difficult

Bloodborne is the easiest game in the series.

This is actual idiocy if true. The post without words is acceptable, but the idea expressed is wrong and under processed.

The only flaws I can think of for BB is the chalice dungeons, the Rom fight and enemy npc hunters. It's at least a 9

Hey. Fuck you

He said best, not hardest.

My rankings, which no one will agree with

Absolutely fucking ridiculous opinion. There is no way someone could objectively think that BB is easier than Dark Souls. DaS has the most pathetic bosses in the series and is by FAR the easiest to break early on. DeS is also a complete fucking joke and most people only think it's hard because it was their first Souls game.

No, BB is definitely not a 10/10.
DS1 9.5/10
DS2 8/10
DS3 9/10
BB 8.5/10

That's actually my rating user holy shit

Demon's Souls is hard in the sense that it's cryptic and unforgiving. It's the definition of a game that is hard the first time you play it and then is a breeze forever more.

Explain desu


>when Nightmare of Mensis, Yahar'gul, and Forbidden Woods exist as areas

I would switch BB and DaS3, desu, but other than that you are correct

8, 9, 7, 7-7.5, 9. Bloodborne isn't THAT great, but it's notbad, either.

Better than the entire second half of Dark Souls sucking.

Except it's literally the opposite that's true and only a blind man would not see it. The vast majority of people who trash on 2 are either parroting that e-celeb cancer vid or the parrots that parrot the e-celeb vid. The fact that we are having this discussion is literal proof of your bias, the second one not being on top is already an established fact for you. Uhm i wonder why, i wonder how that idea might have gotten into your head. And guess what, outside of Souls Cancer ground zero (aka Sup Forums) and Reddit: Home of the Prepare to Die XD this zealot like hate for 2 is nowhere to be found.

2 manages to be better then 1 at practically everything it does, it's hilarious, so is the fact that everyone judges half of a game as if it were it's whole.

>Bloodbourne is the hardest game, though. It's the only one that doesn't allow for any kind of hacking or cheating
That doesn't make it the hardest game.

Every game will sound dumb if you simplified them.
>jump and run for 8 stages
>press shoot until respawn
>mash square button

>come from DS3 as

It's better than 3 for sure though.


>swing x times

what were you trying to say here?

>he never learned how to read roman numerals

Forbidden Woods was great pham. Only time I really felt lost in a videogame. The whole area is so dense and packed with shortcuts. The snake enemies were kind of boring though i guess.

>2 manages to be better then 1 at practically everything it does
They couldn't even get the movement right. The only people who like DaS2 more than any other title in the series played it first. You're either lying or just really dumb.

BB is like 8/10 without the DLC, and bumping it higher than an 8.5/10 because of paid content is bullshit.

It's actually not the hardest at all. I just finished it for the first time this week doing every boss except for the DLCs and I didn't find it as hard as DaS1, or nearly as hard as DaS3.

Yes, the enemies are fast, but so are you; once you get used to the dodge timing, you'll literally never get hit ever again, and the Tonitrice makes the end-game a fucking cake-walk.

Bloodborne is incredibly easy and if you sdisagree you're either naive or just stupid

>long distance parries
>rallies + long distance parries + viscerals = free full health
>almost every enemy in the game drops blood vials so healing is never an issue and you should never run out of healing items unless you're an idiot
>snipers are everywhere and they always drop quicksilver bullets so running out of bullets to parry with is hard
>even if the enemies never droped blood vials or bullets, thsoe two items are littered on corpses all over the game world
>all but 1 boss in the game can get stunned (ex: cleric beast, vicar amelia, paarl), stunlocked (Every single humanoid boss barring Logarius), or parried (every single humanoid boss) into oblivion
>bosses also do stupid things which give the player a ton of breathing room like sitting in one spot and scratching their ass for 5 seconds or sitting in one spot to vomit lava for 10 seconds and do nothing else
>every boss can get visceral'd, which robs it of a massive amount of HP
>dodging is extremely OP because of how quickly the hunter can dodge in succession and because of the i-frames quick-stepping has
>stamina management is basically non-existant and a ton of regular enemies, even beast enemies, can get stunlocked
>weapon upgrading is extremely casual
>blood gems are OP
>carryl runes

I feel like i'm missing other points, btut his is all I remember since I ahven't played the game in a while.

How exactly is it not the easiest game in the series?

inb4' le adjust' meme

Tehre isn't much of a need to adjust when playing Bloodborne, it controlls like every other souls game.

It's the fucking truth

All those games are obviously the same to a fault, but BB is too different then they are to each other to be put in the same ranking system. It's a pseudo action game built on the remains of the other franchise, the vast majority of common things in it are there as legacy almost. If the same games was made by a different dev you would rank them together now would you?

>I just finished it for the first time this week doing every boss except for the DLC

If you didn't beat Orphan, then you can't say shit about difficulty.

lower every game by 1 point
lower dark souls 2 and 3 by 1 extra point

just how many snakes are in forbidden woods?

i'd say at least 100. really seems silly. you can't take a step any direction without aggro'ing a snake.

>tfw you realize shields are literally a crutch
They aren't when every mechanic is adjusted for parrying and enemies dumbed down accordingly. The window for parrying in BB is ridiculously high compared to dark souls.

Forbidden woods is meh in my opinion, even on my first play through I didn't like it. At least it's not Bergenwyrth. That place was dogshit.

>classical music starts playing
Oceiros was fucking great

>>Best Music
>Dark Souls III
>mfw fighting Abyss Watchers for the first time

>Literally posting dead horse DaSfag zealot shit

Oh it's you. Enjoy your last (You) then faggot

Make your New year resolution to get a fucking life

fucking hiromoot submitted my post before i could finish

>come from DS2 as a scrub
>get a PS4 + BB
>beat the game
>"huh this wasn't too bad, some places were tough but it wasn't a nightmare like everyone said"
>buy the DLC after my playthrough
>"holy fuck what is this bullshit"
>hit a wall for months at Ludwig the Rapehorse
>finally tackle him solo
>move through to OoK with relative ease and finish the game for good, platinum and all
>go back to DS3
>beat it with ease 2handing the entire way
>go to DS1 for the first time
>2h all the way up until Artorias
>got gud and beat him along with Manus

BB really is the key to getting good at souls games. Shields are a stupidly easy crutch that just end up weighing you down (figuratively and literally) and don't offer much. They have some uses in DS1 with parry fishing for certain areas, but in DS3 they're 100% useless thanks to practically infinite rolls and no penalty for equip load up to 70%. And whatever you couldn't roll through you could abuse Hyperarmor to tank through

>DaS has the most pathetic bosses in the series

I'm totally with you on this. It has a handful of good bosses, but most of it consists of monsters that you run around to attack their butt, and cheesy gimmicks that kill you unless you know about them, but are piss easy if you do.

O&S are a totally overrated boss, but Solo Ornstein is one of the greatest in the series.

I'm playing through BB right now and I've killed five bosses. Gascoigne (which I reached first) is by far the best in every way, and so far I'm somewhat disappointed that the rest of the game hasn't lived up to the impression my initial experience gave off.

Funny. Half of your post is typical Sup Forums meme spouting bullshit, and yet you say I'm parroting.

The base game of 2 is an okay game. As I said before, it failed at a lot of different things that other games in the series did better. One of those things is the hit box area in 2 absolutely horrible. Many people here have had that argument before. Another thing is how poise is nonexistent. How the pvp scaling and soul memory works. Having to wear an item so you can stay at a certain level so you can play with people is really just bad design, and that item wasn't even available in the base part of the game.

Once you get into the DLC of Dark Souls 2, the whole game becomes even more of a shit fest. The whole enemy placement and the B team claiming that, "This is how we wanted the game to be but couldn't because limitations" is retarded. It adds nothing except artificial difficulty and doesn't make the game actually harder or more enjoyable. Speaking of artificial difficulty, the base game is loaded with that too. I still shudder at the thought of the shrine of Amana.

So basically, you're either retarded or trolling. Probably both, since you haven't bothered actually saying anything about what you like or what makes 2 the best for you.

gascoigne is a little bitch compared to all the other hunters you fight, boss and non-boss

If i had to guess maybe 60? 66 if you include the humanoid snakedudes.

I guess it comes down to personal taste. I agree that Byrgenwerth is underdeveloped and boring though, which is a shame since its lore is cool.

>can't refute webm
>proceeds to throw a temper tantrum
So either very stupid or both.

>DaS2's lore is better than DaS
>DaS2's lore is better than bloodborne

it would be acceptable if the area wasn't a giant maze for no reason.

Like if they had more areas connecting it than just Bergenwyrth and the "shortcut" back to Ioesfka's clinic.

And the snake enemies were completely out of left field. By that point we were getting clued in to the Elder nature of what was happening behind the scenes, which would have been a perfect excuse to introduce enemy types that match those "lovecraftian" themes. But instead we get giant balls of snakes every two feet.

I'm pretty good at Bloodborne, and despite Ludwig being hard, you should not beat yourself up for not being able to beat him. He's hard for all the wrong reasons. Some of his attacks have phantom range and his charge attack can injure the hunter even if he dodges properly. There's also a rare moment where Ludwig's charge will curve into the hunter even if it's dodge properly. He's basically a shitty bullet sponge boss that isn't coded properly in phase 1. so people die a lot to him. Phase 2 is fine, though. The devs even leave an NPC outside of his boss room that drops blood vials every time he dies and he respawns too. The Boss is just horseshit (kek) but he's not impossible.

Actual hard but fair bosses in BB are Logarius, Orphan, and Lawrence.

Difficulty forces you to look out for options. I'd say it's a good thing when it comes to Souls games since they're all about options.

Yeah, those are the mechanics of the game, retard. The DLC alone is harder than any souls game.

Also, ranged parties is a really fucking bad point considering youre parrying enemies that are attacking you, meaning that they're within melee distance anyway.

Gascoigne is easy as fuck and so are all BB bosses. I didn't die more than twice on any of them on my first playthrough.


The shitty part about BB's lore is that is all basically boils down to head canon. Since it's lovecraftian inspired there aren't any definitive answers for anything, especially anything that has to do with the Great Ones. IT has good atmosphere, but the actual lore is lacking in almost every department because it's intentional.

For you.

>They couldn't even get the movement right.

DaS2 movement shits on 1's and I couldn't stand going back to 1 after playing 2 because it just felt so wrong. 2 lets you string movement together and swivel around in ways which are impossible in 1.


2 fundamentals are absolutely fantastic and I love how it tries to ween players off so many of the crutches that people use to carry them through the games.

i've since gotten the fight down but i notice that there's a lot of "phantom" bullshit compared to most other bosses in the game, where attacks that were clearly dodged or out of range somehow landing

>The DLC alone is harder than any souls game.
It's really not. The hardest parts of it is about as hard as the challenge zones of the DaS2 DLCs.

>Yeah, those are the mechanics of the game, retard.
Yeah, and? It being that way on purpose doesn't suddenly absolve it of all criticism you fucking dumb ass.

I guess Souls emmory in DS2 is perfectly fine because it's like that on purpose?

>The DLC alone is harder than any souls game.

>Also, ranged parties is a really fucking bad point considering you're parrying enemies that are attacking you, meaning that they're within melee distance anyway.
That depends on the gun being used. Pistols have massive range and can be used at medium distance. rifles have really long range and can be used at any distance. The only gun in the game which can only be used at close range is the shotgun/blunderbuss

You're literally lying. Ludwig does not have phantom range nor does his charge have any significant tracking.

Stop blaming the game for your mistakes.