I'm trying to get better at Overwatch but I dont know how...

I'm trying to get better at Overwatch but I dont know how. I feel like an accessory to the team riding them up and down the ranks. After a string of losses I kinda gave up. I'm hovering at 2222 right now.

As Lucio when should I ult? It always seems that If I use it for a push its gone before really doing anything and and I save it to counter one of the enemy ults half the team is dead by the time the animation is done if I wasn't the first to go.

As Sym how the fuck do I use my turrets? They never seem to do a fucking thing. I can never angle them so they cant be destroyed from the outside or I'll turret up a side passage that then never ever gets used that game then the next I'll turret up a different side passage and now that first one is being damn near exclusively used.

What heros should I invest my time into? I seem to only be "okay" at support. I manage to play Rein badly at times to the point they yell at me to switch even though they told me to play him in the first place. I want to invest in Torb but his turret seems to be the same as Sym's except its good at being AA which is rarely needed.

I ain't reading that.
Just stop playing.

>Taking competitive seriously

there's your problem.

I normally dont but I'm tired of being the focus of others bitching. I want to get to a point that my playing is more or less faultless.

Then what multiplayer shooter should I play? I need some kind of time sink.

>when to ult
you can use it to counter something like an enemy ult or push, remember to pair it with your speedboost if you're going in.

>sym turrets
find thoroughfares and set up 'microwave rooms' if you want kills with them, otherwise place them around corners and stuff where they'll hit people from behind, IF your team is in front- that way they dont have the luxury of hunting the turrets.

about what heroes to practise, since balance changes with each patch, you cant really pick one. ana is strong at the moment, but who knows after the next patch.

my rank is 2800 to give you a scale of my advice.

Torbjorn's turret is nice and all, but his gun is arguably one of the best in the game if you can actually aim with it.

I tend to try to put the turrets around corners like you said but they always seem do be destroyed more or less before they even fire. If they break the choke half my time is spent rebuilding them.

What about her ult? Where are good places to put it? I know of a few spots that never seem to be checked but other times in under 3 minutes its destroyed.

How should I use it long range or short? When I play Torb in 3v3 or 1v1 I'm pretty good at arcing his shots over stuff to get kills. One of my best play of the games was arcing it over and down a ramp for a headshot kill.

The answer is both. Left click for Mid to Long (can 2-3 shot Widowmaker, though they'll usually run and hide after the first hit because of how much it chunks off her health).

Right click up close. I'm fairly certain its right click out-damages Roadhogs left click point-blank.

Source: A shitty newb. But really play Torbjorn he's fun

it sounds obvious but generally somewhere close but relatively inaccessible to the enemy team. this will change depending on how your teams defending. if youre on say, hollywood first point, if you have a pretty safe lockdown with a torb and widow you can put it behind the big door, or in that little low area behind the point, but if the enemy are really on you you might have to put it further back towards your spawn. and dont worry about turrets, your turrets are expendable. they slow the enemy down rather than kill them outright.
with torb i use his gun to either gutshot rightclick anyone close range, or if theyre far away, you can use it to annoy snipers, or tie up d.vas point defence. the gun has a lot of utility. you can also shoot over the curvature as you said to kill widows that cant even see you.

>I normally dont but I'm tired of being the focus of others bitching.

Voice chat was a mistake. That and blame MOBA autists flocking to Overwatch in droves.

Is his Hammer worth anything or should I ignore it?

Well the thing with that is that they have a leg to stand on. I've wasted Lucios ult a lot of times expecting an ult that never comes or on a push where they enemy just gave up and retreated to regroup. If they are bitching just to bitch its whatever I just want to get to a point where I dont give them any fuel.

his hammers great, you can use it to upgrade your turret!

nah in all seriousness i dont know if it even does damage, i've never tried it

The wiki says this

>Forge Hammer
>55 damage

>As Lucio when should I ult?
to counter enemy ults, to help your team push, and to counteract an enemy push

>As Sym how the fuck do I use my turrets?

find side routes flankers like Genji would use, put them near health packs. generally only put down 2 at any given point, one high and one low on the opposite time to maximize the time it takes them to destroy them and make them lose more health. situationally you can also put all 6 in one area like defending the first choke in Hanamura or all around the first point of Hollywood on defense.

>What heros should I invest my time into? I seem to only be "okay" at support.

support is the most frustrating and least rewarding character type in the game. you can be the #1 ranked objective best support player in the entire world and it won't matter if your team is retarded.

it would be best to try to get good with one or two characters from each archtype. just go into QP and start playing every character from left to right a few games in a row, see what clicks, what you can do okay with and what you're total garbage with and go from there.

FWIW this game is extremely casual and almost entirely luck based, mostly due to the terrible matchmaking. if you win too many games you get matched with bads, if you lose too many you get carried by diamond players.

the turrets aren't the same as Torb's turret. Sym's turret is mostly there to harass, whittle down HP bars on squishy targets and to warn you when a Genji/Tracer/etc. is headed through a flank. they're mostly a utility skill, they aren't your bread and butter by any means.

>FWIW this game is extremely casual and almost entirely luck based, mostly due to the terrible matchmaking. if you win too many games you get matched with bads, if you lose too many you get carried by diamond players.

Why? That seems counter intuitive with the way they have their ranks set up.

use lucio to cancel enemy ults

I particularly like to cuck Genji

It is bad design. Pretty much everything about Overwatch sucks except the graphics, funnily enough.

fuck you
>get dragon blade
>cant use it well because the enemy team always has 2-3 tanks
i just want to be a ninja

I feel like zarya is a good character to practice with. Shielding your team makes you stay aware of what they're doing. Shielding yourself can be a get-out-of-jail button, or you can use it and take damage on purpose to build charge. Left click trains mouse tracking, right click trains projectile leading. And the whole "charge energy" thing makes you want to stay alive longer so you can reach max charge, so you learn not to overextend because dying and restarting at zero charge sucks. Also she's a tank, and tanks carry objectives, and objectives are how you win games.

It's also really satisfying to use it against Soldier too.

how do people get into diamond, master, etc.?



>Competitive overwatch

Pubbie ladders are the least competitive games out there.

And overwatch is designed to be casual as fuck, stop taking it seriously.

Okay, I'm no grand master, but these are some things you should know.

1. You're not going on win every game. Don't expect to, just focus on your job and not tilting.

2. Kill and don't die. This is the most important step, before anything else, focus on not dying or being out of position then focus on killing

3. Communicate. Pretty straightforward, just a simple "hi" at the beginning helps.1

4. Do something you're good at. If you're a shit tank tell your team, switch around it. Not everything has to be the meta comp.

Midlands diamond and climbing, if it matters.


Not your job to fight tanks as genji

>Not everything has to be the meta comp.
>Teammates reports you for griefing

I've had this I was playing offensive sym and SOMEFUCKINGHOW had the most damage on my team and they all reported me for playing sym while attacking.

As an additional note, judge yourself not by metals, but by how good you think you're doing. Dmg/elims/objective kills don't mean anything if it isn't working. Also if you're failing fights versus the enemy team, switch something around

I had 32 objective kills. I had the card for it.

>get card for time on objective
>everyone thinks you are not contributing

what does really count as "contributing" to the team? I know medals has arguments for and against as an indicator on how well you are doing for the team.

>Sym main
>They tell me to play Roadhog
>I'm not good and tell them
>lel three tank meta!
>I'm terrible
>They tell me to switch to Mercy
>Constantly call threats like Missile bitch and Tracers that are targeting me down
>Dude shut the fuck up just shoot them
>Start doing so


Preventing them for dying and saving them when they over extend. So many Reins over extend then bitch.

I wouldn't be surprised if they took off medals from overwatch, at least the ability to see them mid game, to keep people from being dicks to each other

Randy stop, you should focus on not going bankrupt instead of shitposting in here.

I dont understand the ranking points close game losses where they win by fractions of a meter lose me like 70 points but complete blow out losses because people are running around playing the fucking dawrf on attack lose me like 15.

Fuck Genjis. I solo ult them whenever I see them using their ult.

Leavers need to be autobanned from comp for a day. Don't even care if its a DC. Then on top of that the team with a leaver should not lose points if t hey lose.

Just had a fucker ragequit because we didn't get the final checkpoint and it doomed us.

Shit game

>tfw the round has been going on for twelve minutes but the point is still at 0% - 0% and neither side has even made any progress

FUCK that shit is intense.