Have you ever crossed THE line, user?
Have you ever crossed THE line, user?
your a faggot, god damn.
I cross the line everyday faggot.
I'd rather hear the stuff on top than the passive-aggressive bitch shit on the bottom.
>Faggots can't take bants without literally killing themselves
Get over it. I trash talk to team mates even if they're doing McGregor tier and carrying us all. Why? Because it's fun and 99% of the time I can goad the rest of the team into talking and fucking around. The game is supposed to be fun and having a lobby full of people, no one talking (game related or otherwise) and just the occasional sniff or sound of keyboards is sad.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo was fucking shit
No because I don't talk in multiplayer games.
why not? I recently started talking more in Overwatch, BF, etc. It's like people want someone else to break the ice before they open their mouth.
Not to mention better team coordination.
You make a lot of noise for a dead man
Yeah don't be THAT guy who doesn't exclusively speak in marvel quips
The games I play have voicechat binds so the coordination is usually good enough that way.
>soccor moms want to regulate my bant
Thats crossing the line you shaved legged she bitches
I'd rather be directly told that I am pure shit at the game rather than hear stupid passive aggressive shit that you'd get from idiots at your office.
>play a round of CSGO
>tell someone "Stop acting like a child"
>can feel the rage building up as he buys a sawnoff and aims it at my head.
I didn't think it was possible to have an opinion this shit.
you take that back
>My little sister's a better AWPer
Wouldn't this be ageist and sexist in their world?
Can't say I have, really.
Even as a young one, I felt silly telling someone to kill themself. Like, do I think I sound hard? Nah, that aint me.
you're missing a "the" after was
it's usually too late for trash talk when i want to use it. my bants usually come in the form of ignoring everything just to trash the player that i'm annoyed by.
Horrible taste.
I remember laughing so fucking hard I was crying when I was like 12 to this show. No other show could make me do that except a couple GOAT spongebob episodes
Is this real?
Is there anything more insidious and counterproductive than tone policing?
Because literally every social movement breaks down to petty tone policing when they run out of things to complain about.
>"kill yourself faggot"
>SomeFaggot was kicked from the server (Reason: being a cunt)
>"lel they couldn't handle my bants"
The reason trashtalk has no place in modern games is because modern gamers have no idea what trash talk actually is.
honestly a mod should fix this post like reddits CEO changing posts.
>The reason trashtalk has no place in modern games is because modern gamers have no idea what trash talk actually is.
riling someone up and making them hate you and that satisfaction of putting them down is the best.
I don't care if you kill me, enjoy your victory fucker.
Idiot without an aimbot that buys the one shot meme rifle in a shitty fps game
>that subtle "women can do things too" mention
god fuck off
Are you saying that women can't do things?
>being a LITERAL piece of trash