Sup Forumsideogame Men

Who is the most handsome video game character Sup Forums?

Definitely not someone who looks like he fell into the dumpster behind a Goodwill to get dressed.

I'd probably be grossed out about his Augsburg IRL tho

I'm not hard gay, how fuckable is Sam Fisher?


you would fuck me


anyone but aiden pearce


You just can't beat the gruff.

A man can only get so beautiful, but goddamn Venom pushes that limit.


Kyle is moe.

Kiryu Kazuma, a man so sexy that the developers of the series use every excuse they can to have him rip his shirt off

Rmaling with these two, Kazuya gets points for being REAL man.

He reminds me a bit of Young Snake in MGS4.


No, those eyebrows are ridiculous.



Its just good ol' Japanese tough guy eyebrows trope user.

ayyfaggotry walking through don't mind me
i really find turians hot for some reason

He's so aloof. So mysterious. The look of sorrow in his eyes, if you are ever blessed with having them turn to you, invite you to find out more about his dark, melancholy past. They make you wonder, "What tragedies could this man have gone through to carry such a visible burden on himself?". You almost want to reach out and touch him, comfort him, help him heal those wounds. But you know that the wall he's built around himself would never let you or anyone else in.

Like a dark painting behind a locked display case, all you can do is observe him from the distance. Through the scope of your rifle, you let yourself momentarily get lost in him, and wonder if he can ever feel the same way about you.

>implying men can be handsome

Beauty only matters when it comes to women, OP

Avery Johnson is a handsome man.

>Hurr hurr chimps cant be handsome.

Oh I know what the ladies like.


You had one job.

Why is everyone only posting ugly western shit?

Where are all the cute girls (male)?


Kyle isnt western shit

Season 2 fucking when? I need more of this spunk hunk.

supposedly 2017 but who actually knows.

>tfw he's freeballing it under the loincloth

are you mentally disabled


>Big Boss
>Kyle Hyde
>weebs in charge of not being retarded shitposters


Imagine what he could do with those robot arms....

>he will never come home to you and tell you his problems
why live?

>Beauty only matters when it comes to women


I like Aiden


This guy

Baby-faced sissy faggot


The 'young Geralt' Mod takes his handsomeness to the max

he looks like a douchebag now

Watch your words


>tfw no sequel

10/10 would love with all my heart

>tfw elves have a great capacity for handsome
>All vidya devs never ever do any handsome elves
>All the good elves are the OC's drawn by fanartists

At least I can settle for my edgelord


>no muscles
>no manly face
>no proper wear
>sits with his legs crossed
Maybe if you're a teenager and like Twilight.

This is the objective truth.

He looks really handsome in cutscenes.

No homo.


