Thoughts on Tracer, from Overwatch, being gay?
Thoughts on Tracer, from Overwatch, being gay?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Stole straight hentai character
>Make her gay
>"lol it's not plagiarism because our's gay"
Give me one reason why Blizzard made this decision in the first place
She's not gay, she's bisexual.
I don't care
sauce boss
If her preference for sweet britbong pusspuss somehow manages to directly impact the way she plays and help get me out of platinum-hell any time soon then I'm sure I'll start giving a fuck. Until then, I have none.
All the Overwatch characters are gay.
And so are the people who play it.
What's supposed to be so surprising?
Nothing of value was lost
Overwatch isn't Sup Forums.
How is her gayness reflected in game mechanics?
Shes a gay cunt to verse when youre healer
Being a gay character or a female protagonist is a 2016 meme. Now we can lay it to rest.
Lol, if Tracer's gay, then I'm the fuckin' Queen of Timbuktu
So tracer is gay and Zarya turned out to be the racist(robotist?)?
Well played blizzard, caught me as off guard as Runas the Shamed's fate.
Haven't cried that much since MGS3.
Literally everyone already assumed she was gay, so no real merit in the move to announce it.
This game is shit
They are using this shit for marketing, I guess lesbian identify with hot lesbian
Though in my opinion women when are hot are lesbian for being att whore, they won´t waste their youth with another woman.
Winston is her counter
Blizzard just needs to announce she's officially bisexual and we make everybody happy.
It's only a big deal if you make it out to be.
Not that user, but it's Secret Plot Deep. Happy new year.
>make waifu bait
>maker her gay 8 month later
Blizzard has actually has no idea what they are doing.
>redhead with freckles
she has good taste
I still haven't thought about it. The whole game is pretty gay, this is kinda just like pissng into a river.
Forced controversy
PLEASE be vanilla and no disgusting fetish shit
kotaku/polygon article bait
blizzard just fed all the usual shitty gaming journalist outlets some fake outrage bullshit because they wanted attention
>There are gay people in real life
>A character in a game is gay
Wow, I'm furious
Has no bearing on gameplay
Would've been completely irrelevant if Blizzard hadn't made such a big fucking deal out of it, straight going "I'm not telling~~~~~" so they could make an even bigger deal out of it. Then they played the "You just hate gays" card when it was stale and forced in the comic. The actual comic was also pretty shit.
I don't see how this changes anything since most of her fan art was lesbian anyway.
>It's okay if a Japanese developer does it
Oh, you should check out Secret Plot first, Secret Plot Deep is the sequel.
It's not fetish shit. It's just mostly female teacher/male student plus a bit of femdom.
don't care
could have picked better homo options
McHanzo fags on suicide watch though so it's not all bad
hello "journalist"
True. And gays too
reminds me of hollywood lol
Overwatch has no in-game story. It's not like there was a single player mode where this random nugget of useless info would come into play. Unless they start centering all her ingame dialogue around the idea of eating snatch this doesn't matter at all. Also the game is trash
>They felt like it
>It was interesting at the time
>Someone on the writing team is gay, so they wrote a gay relationship
>Why not
take your pick, pick a couple.
Could not possibly care less tbqh.
>stories written by game companies now count as fanfics
Why is she so perfect?
Can someone who's well versed in tumblr's retard language remind me what the "Q" in LGBTQ stands for?
It's not queer is it?
at different points queer or questioning.
my thought on the matter is
who cares
>Queer: Individuals who experience fluidity in their experience of sexuality or gender and therefore do not identify strictly as LGB or T. The term ‘Queer’ can also include those who do not identify as either gender.
Q is some fuckin gay shit desu, and I'm bisexual
What the hell is that disgusting Ginny Weasley thing kissing her?
Whatever happened to queer being a derogatory term?
I don't know, a few decades of internal politics within the gay community that still hasn't solidified into one opinion or the other?
Well, language evolves and people change the definition of words, like how gay used to mean happy, just the natural progression of human civilization I suppose
Who gives a shit, it's a fictional character in a game with no real story. It really could not be less important.
Reclamation, like with nigger or faggot or similar words.
Like nigger and faggot it can still obviously be offensive.
I don't think OP asked if it is important, just for people's thoughts.
You have no thoughts on it at all? Weird.
My thoughts are that it's not important and anyone who's mad or excited or whatever is a faggot.
Why can't they just shorten this to LGB
>Lesbian = Sexual preference
>Gay = Sexual preference
>Bi = Sexual preference
>Transgender = Gender identity
one of these is not like the other
Not inclusive enough, clearly. Gotta pander to every form of mental illness.
Their main binding as a community puts them all in the same bucket.
Not all gays agree with that, but enough do that it works regardless.
Because they want to lump sexual politics and gender politics together
Partially because these groups have been fringe allies for a while
>Thoughts on Tracer from Overwatch being gay?
Pointless. She's just a 3DCG model that can be used in any form (depending on the individual). There will be a SFM animator that would produce clips of Tracer fucking men and enjoying it. Wait a minute.... It's already been done:
porn hub. com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57b59bdf70537
I fucking hate Tracer now. Every time she says something I just mumble "whatever, dyke".
Shouldve been Reaper desu. Lesbians are boring
I'm gay but I ain't fucking no tranny dude
The reaper/76/ana love triangle would have been glorious
And Ana isn't the middle point here. It's 76s tight white ass
Why is Hanzo raping the little boy from the christmas comic?
Blizzard can say what they want, but at the end of the day people do what they want with fictional characters.
>I fucking hate Tracer now. Every time she says something I just mumble "whatever, dyke".
>being so beta you can't even back-talk a video game character
Marketing, pure and simple.
Gotta do whatever you can to keep people talking about the game, even when it doesn't really have anything to do with the game.
A boring, cliche choice
They made the plucky tomboy a lesbian
I'm surprised they haven't gotten more flak for how cliche this is.
I would find it funny and worthwhile if they kept making tracer like their token oppressed minority character for everything. She's already the feminist icon from the buttpose thing and now the gay icon. So next we need to find out she has autism, used to be a man, and has a fursona which is why she gets along with Winston so well. She came from a single parent home, had a black dad (he died so as to not be offensive), and is a Muslim like most Londoners. Basically just make her the star of every very special episode of overwatch and see how long the retards eat it up before they catch onto the joke
I only care about(and am attracted to) old lady Ana, so Tracer being lesbo/bi doesn't affect me at all.
Am I supposed to yell it at the top of my lungs?
Yes. While masturbating.
You follow it up with IT WAS MY PRIVILEGE
You forgot to mention that she was also part jewish.
The only characters they could make gay that wouldn't have been a cliche are Winston, Ana, and Torbjorn.
Everyone else would have been some sort of cliche, because the characters themselves are built on cliches.
Why is it always lesbians? Why do they never have the balls to make it gay dudes?
Feels kinda homophobic and anti-man in itself to go with "the safe gays"
It couldn't make you any MORE of a faggot, at least.
Too risky.
Overwatch in its entirety is the very definition of a safe descision.
I love it, because it's fun watching SJW types get absolutely infuriated if you bring up that she could very well be bisexual. Which is funny, since you'd think bisexual people would fall under the window of things they'd jizz themselves over.
You answered yourself. It's safer
Men don't care about playing a lesbian. Some may think it's kind of hot. Same for women. Lesbians think it's empowering
Men won't play as a gay man. It's threatening. Women don't like a gay male character unless they're fujoshi. Only gays would find it empowering.
Gay men please almost no one
Lesbians please almost every one
Boring and predicable. They were always going to make one of the white characters gay. It never would have been Phara or Symetra.
Like I fucking care. I'll do whatever I please.
Nothing personnel, kiddo.
>Lesbians please almost every one
I fucking hate dykes but I've got no problem with fags
You are supposed to not be so pathetic that you get bothered by something like this.
Blizzard themselves confirmed she's not bi because they suck
Can you imagine the asshurt from the Indians? They're already pissed about her devi skin. And possibly her being autistic
>Men won't play as a gay man. It's threatening. Women don't like a gay male character unless they're fujoshi. Only gays would find it empowering.
Unless it's Revolver Ocelot
Because even straight men don't mind lesbians as much as they despise gay men, which makes lesbians "safe."
>Why do they never have the balls to make it gay dudes?
have you ever read a western comic mate? Straight up gay men are far more safe and popular than gay girls which 99% of the time are just bisexual.
Remember that this is what Blizzard think makes their game have "depth"
Fags tend to be chiller. Even the most flamboyant in your face pink boa sitting on a throne of boys faggot does it in a way that is meant to to be seen as empowered, they're having fun, they're being true to themselves a d enjoying life
Flamboyant Lesbians on the other hand are ANGRY. Angry at men, angry at society. They're no fun allowed
It's gotten to a point that despite all this sjw pandering shit, whether you think it is just pandering shit, that'd I'd actually give a company some respect for doing a gay dude who's like a main character or at least in the main cast, just because of how scared they all seem to be to do it.
It's not gay if it's Snake though
>Nooo YOU just don't get it! My sexuality means everything to ME. How could YOU say such hurtful things to ME, a gay trans helicopter dinosaur? I'm alliteratingly CRYING right now. YOU did this. How could YOU?
>[citation needed]
You know I honestly wouldn't mind playing as a gay man that murders women because he despises them.