I quit shortly after hitting 850 right when ED was coming out. Did they fix it? Is it fun again?

I quit shortly after hitting 850 right when ED was coming out. Did they fix it? Is it fun again?

WoW hasn't been fun in like 7 years

> 2016

> WoW

Pick one

eh, I'd say it truly stopped with WoD, but I lost my love for raiding at the end of Cata, or rather 6 months before it after getting H spine/Madness kills 6 months before most did and never raided again. The following years were just playing alts due to account-wide shiz and farming stuff.

I actually only bothered to get MoP because it looked like questing was going to be fun for the first time ever, and I loved it.

WoD was shit tier garbage

Legion literally looks like they're trying to punish their playerbase for continuing to play and they can't turn it down cuz easy money.


The game is still WoD, with a few extra things to do, and a legendary system that combines the worst part about MoP and WoDs legendary system with incredibly unfair RNG.

>that pic
This is why wow is dead

That and most people are retards that never have to improve or the retards ate the vocal ones on forums and never improve so the game gets dumbed the fuck down to cater to a wider audience and it never ends.

Why did you quit? World quests are still the same, just with some new ones added. Mythic+ is the same too.

Content-wise they've added Karazhan and followup quests to Suramar, unlocked weekly like wod garrison campaign.

Class balance is still as fucked. First class revamp is only coming later this month.

only fucking fagtard normie scrublords give a flying fuck about Kara.

>Why did you quit?
FFXIV 3.4 was coming out

Jesus Christ, calm down user. Sorry I triggered your nervous reflex at the mention of kara but I'm just listing what's been added since.

There's also the addition of the Trial of Valor raid.

So basically it's more world questing, raiding, mythic dungeoning, and if you didn't like that before you quit you probably wouldn't like it now either.


What happened is the game has been around so long people now hate on it for the most absurd reasons.

My sub is still active but I haven't played since the Nost re-launch.

Maybe I'll give it a shot when the next patch hits, but I somehow doubt it. Nost ist just way too fun.

That's fair, there's probably not much reason to return unless your friends are coming along as well. Kara in particular is a pretty fun instance you can spend 3~4h with four other friends figuring out the fights.

You do have friends right?

Not the kind that plays WoW, no.

I enjoyed it up untill now, gonna let my sub run out and come back in the next patch. I Got my Main to 880IL and without a dedicated guild to run mythics with its most likely not gonna get much higher until the Nighthold is released.

Other than that leveling alts is more unique this expansion I feel. Completing the class hall campaigns keeps it interesting and world quest can get you fairly well geared in a week. Theres also a planned account wide artifact level buff in the next patch where you spend 10k class hall resources on one character and automatically increase each of your alts artifact knowledge to 10, which ends up saving you a bunch of time and effort

its garbage


>I play don't play a Marksman Hunter

>I play a Marksman Hunter
Wait for the expansion designed by the team that replaces Jay Wilson and Ion's fuccboi team once they're all fired. They should be shortly now that WoW can barely maintain 1m subs.

Forgive my ignorance, but wasn't Jay Wilson the retard that destroyed the Diablo franchise with the shit he pulled on D3 release?

Yes, and they made him Lead Designer on WoD and some of Legion before he "left" (fired) to pursue a career in Hollywood Screenwriting (lmao)

But not before hiring a bunch of people to the WoW team he approved of.

Fug, it all makes sense now.

>Burned myself out after Kara came out
>Tfw just waiting for 7.2
>Could try and force myself to level my remaining alts through Legion questing, but too busy with FFXV

Legion is currently behind designed and balanced by a bunch of yards with 0 Mmo experience and play the game with a stylus and pad

I just leveled my twelfth alt to 110. Now I am truly burnt out. If you plan on making alt armies too I recommend leveling them all to 101 first so you can afk level them.

The afk leveling isn't as great as what some will shitpost about though.
You will need to buy account-bound OR with Bloods on your main and funnel them to your alts. The amount of XP missions you get is also quite random. You may need like 2 weeks to afk level 1 level if you're unlucky.