Which Ys games are worth getting on PC?
Which Ys games are worth getting on PC?
Every single one of them.
Welcome to the Ys ride.
Ys games aren't worth getting on anything.
>boss mechanics being obtuse just for the sake of being obtuse
Any of them. They're all pretty good.
Gonna need an example here, because pretty much every Ys boss is really basic pattern recognition shit with glowing weak points.
I played Origin and liked it a lot
Tried a bit of Ark of Napishtim after and wasn't so hot on it but to be fair I didn't get very far since I had other games I wanted to play at the time
How about The Legend of Heroes series?
All of them. Origin and Oath In Felghana are the best starting points. 1-2 are a lot of fun but they're very simplistic and somewhat awkward. Ark of Napishtim is like the middle ground between the two styles, it has the exploration and grinding of 1-2 while having combat and bosses closer to Origin/Felghana.
I actually just got to chapter 2 in Trails in the sky and I'm loving it so far
The fuck are you talking about? All I can think of is the silver gear in Ys 1 but that shit's pretty obvious if you're paying attention.
They are very different types of games (Ys is action RPG with emphasis on action, LoS is turn based) but are both very good. Trails in the Sky is one of the best JRPG's I've played in a long time. It has a slow start and kind of ass visuals since it's a PSP port but it's incredibly charming.
Ark was the first game in the new 3D engine if I recall correctly, so that makes sense.
Depend, are you planning to play entire thing or just few bunch of them?
If it's just some, then just pick which entry with gameplay that interest you.
Do you have to do a lot of grinding in Ys?
Ys 1: hard to get into and has some obscure direction but is overall a pretty great game
Ys 2: refined portions of 1 while adding more the the gameplay, having much more content and overall better design, both in maps and boss design. still overall dated, but it was extremely good.
Ys Origins: nice to get a back story, has combat that is easy to get the hang of and is designed really well. lots of replay-ability with 3 characters that have different play styles and will reveal different sides of the same story.
YsOiF: same general combat as origins, so it has solid mechanics for both old and new players of the series and has really great boss fights. less replay-ability than origins but overall better boss design.
haven't played the others, but even if they're half as good as those I've mentioned then they're at least worth one playthrough.
you really can't go wrong unless you're a total pleb or extremely close minded in gameplay.
>but overall better boss design.
Naw Felghana's boss designs are sloppy as shit overall. Origin is the more tightly crafted game.
Definitely play 1 & 2, they still stand up.
Xanadu Next
>play Ys 1
>where the FUCK is my attck button?!?
Not everything has to be solved through violence user.
His burns where off the charts. I felt bad for his victims.
Just beat the first Trails game and I wanna jump into the 2nd one but I think I'm gonna wait for a discount. Sorry Estelle
none, they're real shit. i got meme'd into buying felghana and would refund it if i could. they say it's the best one too.
>PSP port
The PSP version is the port, it's a PC game. It's just from 2004 when their only other 3D games were Gurumin and Ys VI.
t. PC Gamer
The only sloppy boss in Felghana is Gyalva.
Origin relies too heavily on bosses that force you to stop attacking/self-heal. They feel more tedious in comparison.
All of them. Then you'll get pissed that the rest won't be released on PC.
Nah a lot of them are very sloppily designed like Gildias whose first half is him getting stunlocked and then the second half involves him spamming his grab attack without you being able to get any decent damage in for ages. Then there's Death Faleon and Schultiger the difficulty of which comes from one single attack they have with the rest being piss easy. Also Origin may have that design but it prevents you from trapping bosses in loops and abusing their AI like Felghana
You can damage Gildias any time he's not in the grab attack animation (and you can dodge the grab attack).
>Death Faleon
The difficulty there comes from prediction and positioning him to get damage off as quickly as possible.
Prediction and spacing
Compare that to Ys Origin's bosses which with the exception of the humanoid bosses are just "wait for the short phase where you can damage the boss and then the boss goes invulnerable/nearly invulnerable for a while/pushes you away/heals themselves"
>people actually complain when a game isn't filled with straight hallways
>even in games that are mostly straight hallways
>You can damage Gildias any time he's not in the grab attack
Unless he decides to fly away right after flapping his wings which he can do for literally minutes
>The difficulty there comes from prediction and positioning him to get damage off as quickly as possible.
Nah the difficulty comes from getting impatient and trying to sneak damage in and then getting caught off guard when he decides to do his dash attack. Pretty much every single other attack he has is very easily dodgeable, that's the only one which requires any sort of execution.
>Prediction and spacing
How so? You can wail on him and then use the earth bracelet as soon as he goes for any attack. The only attack which is threatening is the ping pong one, which makes the entire fight poorly balanced which is a common problem in the whole game.
Compared to this, Origin has a very smooth difficulty curve in all the boss fights, without some attacks being particularly more troublesome than others. Also there's nothing wrong with Origin's vulnerability periods, you have a lot of control over them since they depend on your DPS so it's not like you can't be aggressive.
Also don't forget bosses like Garland with his insane pull move. There's nothing to dangerous in the fight besides it except for maybe the random magic explosions, yet if you get caught in it you're done.
>attack button
>not running into your enemies like a man
Come on, user, take a page from Adol. You need to bumper-cart your way into life. Fuck people up by bumping into them.
>playing Ys 6
>doing pretty good on boss, about to beat it
>crit :^)
>die in one hit
What the fuck were they thinking
the ones that are on PC
>Unless he decides to fly away right after flapping his wings which he can do for literally minutes
Except you can damage him when he does that
>How so? You can wail on him and then use the earth bracelet as soon as he goes for any attack
Your MP isn't infinite and he counterattacks if you attack him while he's not open. Yes you can earth bracelet, but unlike Godspeed in Toal's route in Ys Origin you can't spam it forever.
>without some attacks being particularly more troublesome than others.
This isn't even remotely true, every boss has only one or two threatening attacks and unlike Death Faleon that attack isn't used to punish mindless button mashing, they're all telegraphed heavily.
>you have a lot of control over them since they depend on your DPS so it's not like you can't be aggressive.
Most bosses with vulnerability phases do them at specific damage thresholds. Others you can out DPS but being constantly pushed away isn't fun.
All of them really. They're extremely good. 1&2 might feel a bit outdated, but you should give them atleast 1 playthrough
LoH is very slow but if you don't mind that, they're really good. Every character has something to say and they're really good at worldbuilding and dialouge
>not stunlocking Gildias to death
Come on now
>Except you can damage him when he does that
If you can make it in time. Still though, that entire fight is a mess because you either have him falling down before he can get up, or trying to quickly get a bit of damage in before he flies away and does the grab with the most awkward, unclear hitboxes in the game that can potentially lead to a 15 second fall. I can't think of any fight like this in Origin, except maybe Velagunder as Yunica. But even then very few people actually trap him in that loop, most just fight him normally.
>Your MP isn't infinite
He takes lengthy breaks between each and every attack he does, this is never an issue unless you intentionally put yourself in harm's way. I'd be very surprised if anyone had difficulty avoiding attacks he does besides the ping pong one.
>every boss has only one or two threatening attacks
Two is already more than most Oath in Felghana bosses have and I don't agree at all, the attacks are more balanced in difficulty and the spikes come from RNG creating tricky situations rather than bosses just having one difficult to dodge attack. What are some examples of attacks that you found unbalanced?
>damage thresholds
Honestly the only fight where this was genuine annoyance for me was Gelaldy, everything else gave you plenty of opportunities to speed up the fights by being aggressive.
>If you can make it in time.
You can always make it in time
>Still though, that entire fight is a mess because you either have him falling down before he can get up
Wow how dare they reward people for damaging his legs quickly, what a travesty. They should have given him 6 legs spread across the arena that take forever to kill due to shitty physics on the moving floor fucking up hitboxes for your downthrust like Origin does.
>He takes lengthy breaks between each and every attack he does
He literally counterattacks if you try to hit him at any point when he's not stunned. Apparently you played a different game or your game bugged out because this happens every single time anyone I've seen has fought him.
>RNG creating tricky situations
You mean like Pictimos deciding to jump away and then immediately spawn adds after reviving which he can do over and over so the fight lasts 10 minutes? Oh wait, that was Origin.
>everything else gave you plenty of opportunities to speed up the fights by being aggressive.
Khonsclard doesn't, Velagunder doesn't, Darm doesn't and even more infuriatingly instead of just making it based on damage thresholds they just have him heal to those thresholds after you damage him. The only way Darm rewards you is pushing through 2 thresholds instead of one in a damage phase but that's pathetically easy and pushing 3 is impossible without using Adol or exploiting a bug.
when is 8 coming stateside?
The ones without the shitty bumper gameplay
Probably right after the PS4 release.
Yes it is a travesty when a boss gets stunlocked for most of the fight from just two presses of a button. It's not even a reward for exceptional skill, a drooling retard can break the boss. How is this ok?
>He literally counterattacks if you try to hit him at any point when he's not stunned
3 of his attacks leave him completely vulnerable for ages, and IIRC he never goes for the melee after recovering from that vulnerability, only doing either his ground slam or dash attacks which are easily bypassed with the earth magic.
>You mean like Pictimos deciding to jump away and then immediately spawn adds after reviving which he can do over and over so the fight lasts 10 minutes?
You mean the adds that decrease in number with each spawn that you can also easily dispose of when he's doing his laser attack? Even if you completely ignore them and just focus on damaging him it will last maybe an additional minute which makes him in line with how long other bosses take.
>Khonsclard doesn't, Velagunder doesn't
You have no idea what you're talking about. Khonsclard's vulnerability depends entirely on how fast you take out the spores and Velagunder can be trapped in a loop where you stun him before he has a chance to suck in his bugs. This is consistent. Also Galbalan heals for his final phase