Filename thread

Filename thread

nice filename


You fucking mong.

Street Fighter: Shoto Edition.


Dr Becker is probably the shittiest name of that bunch.

>no DR Pupper
Why do these companies live

bumping with OC


good joke, but the thumbnail is a bit too small to work


I see Hagrid and the police but the Iron Giant seems off


is this the most meta post in a filename thread? are we just gonna devolve into posting pictures with the image number in them and defend them by saying that they dont "get it" or its "too meta for you", i dant wanna live in this 2017.


ib4 arthur image gets posted

is it because the filename is generic, and so is the soda?

i'm really not sure


Don't worry.
I got it.

you might be onto something

KEK, youre alright for a tripfag, dont push it.

>calling it american for no reason at all even when its literally from london
>all these images just happen to be from fucking london

Needs "at 60 fps" appended.

>theres always one

have a you, m80.

calm down we're all just here to enjoy filenames

Fucking how?

Fucking Brits man.

h-here i go!

ill slap a postit on your knickers calling you a fag


>no middle eastern mentioned

cord wrapped around a front-end piece of a car + higher breaking point than the car's kinetic energy output = flipped vehicle.


i've tasted Dr. Thunder. it does taste like Dr Pepper but flat

>Dark soul hitboxs



that's funny because if you tried that here you'd have a drunk native bitch with no teeth demanding a hundred free cupcakes


The Middle East is in Asia, dingus

>Israel, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are in Asia
yeah, no.


So is Europe, that doesn't make whites "asian".

yes they are. technically part of egypt is too


>implying anybody would not want free cupcakes

I'm 1/16th Native American. Can I get one for $1.89?


I couldn't think of anything.

>the complete and unrelenting assfucking
7-1 will always make me chuckle.


>tfw native american girl liked me back in high school and i didnt go for it

I love the Times New Roman font on Dr. Thunder.

To me it's the masses of Brazilians having an existential crisis simply because their countrymen lost a game.
>Inb4 some faggot spergs out about sports being serious business and not just games


Sports are serious business.

For Brazil, which makes Germany kicking their asses all the more enjoyable.




You cheeky cunt.

i like you






A continent can't be in another continent

that snake still does way better than those retards

europe is a region not a continent.


Where the fuck did you learn geography? Demand your time and money back from those hacks.

>Sup Forumsposting
the unfunniest shit in the world.

Unless you're white and straight
Then it's pretty good

Butthurt sandnigger detected

It's funny to see all those assholes cry about a stupid game when on the streets, people were rioting about the corruption in their country and didn't want such money waster that would cripple their country's economy even more

That's why I enjoy seeing their stupid faces cry over the pettiest shit.




Define continent, because Europe and Asia are one single piece of land.


Why are you asking people on Sup Forums the definition of words when there are online dictionaries?

Not him, but I'm a Muslim and I'm all for Sup Forumsposting, shit's funny.

>Define continent
Nigger why the fuck should I have to define a term that already has a definition, by that retarded rhetoric north and south America are one continent.




Are you legitimately retarded?
Asia and Europe are regions.
Eurasia is a continent.


Yeah, the continent known as America. Are you sure you paid attention in school?

Reread my post.

Eurasia is a landmass you retarded shitstain, same as the Americas.

>tfw russian/german redhead in highschool liked me
>tfw 5-foot puerto rican liked me
>tfw love of my life liked me
>tfw when I rejected all of them

why do I do this help

>muslim uncle tom

every time i watch that guy i get really warm inside.
hes so genuine and you can tell hes put real love into what hes made.
like, i imagine him making the yarn doll late at night. and he finishes it and props it up on the nightstand and it makes me happy that people who give a shit are still in the games industry.


Eat shit.

>mouse sensitivity

I identify as a woman

Okay for the last fucking time
Explain this mother fucking joke

>Americans felt the need to include their special-snowflake retardation
Nice source you have there faggot

We can't help you because we are you