My favorite games so far are Far Cry 3 and The Last Of Us, what else will I like Sup Forums?

My favorite games so far are Far Cry 3 and The Last Of Us, what else will I like Sup Forums?


Far Cry 4

go into EB games /gamestop/whaever and just ask for whats popular

you are their target audience

Being a fucking pleb.

Xbot faggots detected. Die in your sleep, or get raped and have your throat slashed, bitches!

Weak bait, though i'll admit that Far Cry 3 and 4 have some merits, 4 has a genuinely interesting and pretty world and comes close to having good atmosphere when it's not trying too hard to be funny.


Are you mad that you spent new years alone? Its ok user I will be your friends :D

you've very kind user

Uncharted series
seriously the series is great

Are you a girl?


Have you not played 4 yet or do you just like 3's story that much?

Played 4, but the story didn't interest me all that much

I got FC3 for free from a giveaway if I had actually paid for it I would have been mad. The only reason its open world is to waste your time and make it feel like the game is longer than it actually is

it's open world so you can liberate the outposts (making completing the game easier) and so that you can go out and hunt animals and collect their skins for crafting

bioshock infinite
darksouls 2
dragonage inquisition

Far Cry 4 has a shit story compared to FC3. It's sooooooo boring and you can't skip the cutscenes, which makes replays even more boring.


Does Last of us get any better after that woman died? Everyone praises it but I'm bored as fuck wondering whether it will get any better.


Prostate cancer


I think that's her name. The one you do the first part with. It's really boring up till now and I didn't bat an eye when she died.

I'd say the story gets better from there, you're constantly meeting new characters which makes it p interesting imo + you start to see the characters develop from that point on

witcher 3

up the difficulty

Actual feces slamming into your face at such an incredible velocity that it leaves permanent scarring.