Did you hug him?
Did you hug him?
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Damn right I did.
I hated the random QTEs in this game
I was a dick move
But they we're really game-overs or anything. Just an extra little interaction.
also it's an almost 10 years old game
I remeber the cut-scene was fairly long so I put down the controller on the table. Smashed that motherfucker as soon as the prompet showed up.
Hug your brother.
of course
Leo was the best thing about ACII, so damn right I did
Not as bad as AC3.
>QTE in the middle of a fight
>a split second to block a wolf's attack
>the look on his face as you fail the QTE
Seeing this thread has made me think
Is it seen as weird to hug people you're good friends with? Is it seen as an inappropriate or weird thing to do?
You rarely if ever do see friends hugging each other after though times, or before them. If anything it's always couples that do it
It's a cultural thing. In my country you hug your friends as a greeting. Most of the times it's half a hug half a handshake but the principle is the same.
I do it all the time in England
It's not hugging your true friends that is rare.
Having true friends is rare. Leonardo put his life in risk for Ezio. How many friends nowadays you think would do that for each other? We live in age of egocentrism and will never experience true friendship.
I didn't expect a QTE like this mid cutscene. When it happened, I quickly shut down the game to avoid it autosaving so I can go back and hug him!
I wasn't expecting the QTE. I felt so fucking bad when I saw his face.
Hell no. Da Vinci's a faggot.
Absofuckinglutely I hugged him. He's Leonardo DaVinci for fucks sake, and he's 110% bro to Ezio. Plus the look on his face when you don't hug him, sweet Christ, it's a kick to the heart.
Careful with those edges man
Willingly hugging a ho-mo?
Are you insane?
Yeah, that's why it strikes me as strange. I'm a Spaniard and me and my friends always greet each other by hugging. So it bugs it to see it so sparsely in media
Got to say, it might be me misremembering, but I recall reading that the English saw hugging as something very personal
That might be it, actually
>not going homo for him
I bet you'd kill your mothers for a friend like him
Perhaps at younger ages or older generations but it's not unusual for strangers (male) to half-hug a greeting or farewell.
It's different for male to female, I guess.
Yeah he's cool.
I would reload the game no matter how far back the last checkpoint was if I missed it (and I have done so in other games).
>having physical contact with a homosexual
Nah fuck that, mate.
He would probably pity hug you
Of course, Da Vinci is bro for life.
Physical intimacy has generally declined and in a lot of cases even become the subject of ridicule. Hell, I remember when this game came out(and things weren't nearly as bad as they are now), several of my friends joked that Leonardo was gay just because of that interaction. Like, fucking seriously? Again, it was a joke(and more or less good natured, not one of those ugly passive-aggressive "jokes"), but the fact that that was the first thing to pop into multiple peoples' heads just blew my mind. And I'M supposed to be the "antisocial weirdo"
No, because no one expects stupid ass QTE shit during cut scene in the game where you climb towers all the time. That joke LOL da Vinci is gay LOL wasn't funny too.
By the time I realized there was a QTE in a friendly conversation, it was too late.
It really came out of nowhere.
I was bracing myself through the entire game, ready to press circle whenever Ezio knocked on Leo's door
Then when it comes to it actually happening, it still came out of nowhere but I hugged him because he is true friend and my reflexes aren't too bad
> Hugging ANYONE in a universe where it could be a templar faggot with his own hidden blades
>Not trusting Leonardo with your life
>yfw Uncle Mario died
>Rosa's romantic subplot was resolved offscreen
>Game wastes time with his bizarre obsessesion over Svorsfa and Vespucci even though he could probably land any girl in Rome he wanted, even his archenemies incestuous sister
Leonardo best bro, of course I'd hug the man who upgraded my weapons and shit for no cost.
My controller was on my night stand. Felt bad.
I missed the button prompt.
Restarted 10 seconds later.
>this qte comes up
>my cheetos fall on the keyboard
>as im scrambling to collect them i look at the screen
>vinci has decapitated ezio and put the rest of his body in the vitrovian man stance
fucking qtes, man
I fucked the QTE up.
I felt bad afterwards
I fucking missed it.
I felt so bad that I restarted the memory. Did that a few times with other things. I'm quite glad they got rid of this in the later games.
Goddammit remember how hyped we were when we saw this? Feels like yesterday.
>Rosa's romantic subplot was resolved offscreen
Wasn't it because her VA died?
I replayed the Ezio games last week and had as much fun as I did back then desu. I like how 2 just perfectly flows into Brotherhood and you pretty much start exactly where it left off and you get a glimpse of what Ezio's retirement days would have been like.
I also thought Ezio lied in AC2 when he said his family got a proper burial. Completely forgot about this flashback mission.
Why couldn't AC be just an assassins game with each numbered game have no relation to the other? Why couldn't they try to actually improve and polish this great concept instead of recycling shit and making gimmick empty stuff? Why did it have to become this fucking thing when it had so much potential?
Why? Why?
>And people say rome wasn't built in a dayyyyyy
Fuck man, Brotherhood was so good. How could they fuck up 3 and Revelations so badly?
Brotherhood was pretty short and going straight from 2 to it made its faster pace more apparent.
It was the beginning of making so much side content that the main story began to suffer.
Ezio's character development spanning 2 and Brotherhood was very well done and nicely paced, though. He was a bit off in Revelations.
I thought Revelations was alright but it had no comfiness. It was pretty dark overall. And I'm german and play video games to get away from reality, not to see even more muslims.
At least we got Assassin's Creed 2 out of the whole deal. Sure everything went to shit but we still have the two first games which were amazing and a few decent games after them before it blew up.
What hurt revelations was the story of the modern world about the guy I even forgot the name.
Though I have to confess the end of AC2 gave me shills, when the woman talked looking straight into the camera.
>it's too bitter, it needs something else, like milk or sugar
AC2 is a gem
Fuck I remember how hype I was and me and a few buddies also hyped ourselves up for the 2012 end of the wolrd theory mostly out of boredom.
Then 3 happened. I guess my world kind of ended a little that day, well played Ubisoft.
>tfw you read about Ceasare Borgia and you find out he was a pretty intresting character
>read about him in Machiavelli's "The Prince" where he just fellatios him continuosly throughout the passages.
It seems strange to see him so brash and cocky in Brotherhood
Fuck no, hugs are for fags.
>where he just fellatios him continuosly throughout the passages.
He also goes on and suggests arming the civilian population and living in cities you conquer
Machiavelli was playing 74D chess before it was cool and Brotherhood even touches on it a bit
Cesare, o Cesare
A man of great depravity
He thought he was immortal
Til he had a date with gravity
Yeah and how you can take away many things from your people but never take away their weapons or family
I remember borrowed 2 and Brotherhood of a friend a month before the whole 2012 thing. I had no idea about it appearing in the game and it really caught me off. Good shit.
Reminder that Desmond's mind still exists within The Grey
Would it be better for AC or worse if they dropped all that modern world stuff?
Modern world stuff was the reason endings were such a mindfuck. AC wouldn't be the same without them.
Getting yanked out of the animus every few hours is annoying as shit. Everything you do in the modern world is annoying as shit too, and I never give a fuck about it.
>several of my friends joked that Leonardo was gay
He was tho
It would be worse without it but the modern day stuff from 4 onwards is pretty lame.
Are all those people at Abstergo now using Desmond's DNA for their sessions? Then why do they act like the guy you play is important or anything? They act like it has to be you who sits there when it really could be anyone.
>Haytham reveals that Washington was behind burning Connor's village and is going for round 2 of native removal
>Connor calls Washington and Haytham faggots but quickly also touches on Charles Lee being a double faggot and then runs off to save his people
Did Charles Lee ever actually do anything really bad against Connor other than threatening, taunting and choking him against a tree?
Did you high five her?
Damn it's crazy how i feel like i'm the only person who actually liked the modern day bits.
It's not amazing and might be a little boring but the idea behind it is what links the games together.
It kinda went to shit now but up until AC3/AC4 it was still pretty interesting.
The Abstergo shit is really cool imo
give her five high up in her cooch.
He was responsible for killing Connors mother
>Living a digital life together with best Isu
He fucking won
I liked them and I liked Desmond. In the first game they were cool thanks to all the speculation that was going around. Some of the modern sections in later games were pretty decent too.
Washington was behind that, though
RIP mentor
>tfw AC games will never be good again
I consider AC2 one of the best games of previous gen. It hurts.
I hug my friends if it has been a long time without seeing them.
>Play as Yoda-Altair
>Open weapons menu
>"Lol, there is a pistol in the menu, they overlooked that"
>mfw he actually had a pistol because he was hundreds of years ahead knowledge wise
How come DaVinci is a massive bro whenever he appears in media?
Maybe that's just how he was described. Gays are often the best bros and you will never fight over a ho.
>Da Vinci
That's right goy, all the geniuses and important people were gay! Napoleon and Tesla were gay too!
>tfw I once turned a bro 20% gay after taking over his pursuit of a ho
He was a good friend to begin with but after he stopped chasing skirts, he became ultra-bro
As long as you give him the "this is not a gay hug" back pat, it's not weird.
I'd agree with you on most of those points but Black Flag for me is the best game in the series and probably has the least amount of traditional "Assassins creed gameplay" in it.
Tesla was into a pigeon, but it was a female pigeon.
That still counts as heterosexual, right?
Tesla was an autist, Napoleon was straight. Leonardo was a total cum guzzling slut faggot though. Michelangelo too, but more of an angsty, celibate, robot kind.
His name was Leonardo you uncultured swine
actually he was a pedo
Fuck no, it has the worst ac contents + ship tailing missions
Don't pretend that BF has little AC contents in it
Would you get your dick sucked by Leonardo?
Who wouldn't want to get sucked off by the most overrated genius in history?
Is there a joke battle against the Kraken in AC4 or anything?
Because Ezio has confirmed the existence of giant tentacle monsters.
Kek, neat. Not quite Warship-Destroying-Kraken level but pretty disgusting.
>Shaun spends all of AC3 shitting on Americans
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>we will never get to make our own luck in AC games again
if only it wasn't objectively bad
all the plot relevant missions are completely disconnected from each other, none of the characters are given screentime (buy our books) and you are told by others that you are obsessed about finding the artifact while you actually spend hours on the Ubisoft petty item collectathon. Not to mention the final boss was garbage and everything interesting is resolved off screen.
The only thing they nailed was boats, and even that gets tedious in the mid-late game.