Game reveals religious people are the bad guys

>Game reveals religious people are the bad guys

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>Game reveals religious people are the first line of defense

Just like real life


>villainous group is a thinly-veiled allegory of Christianity in every way
>call it some random moon religion because they're afraid of going all in with it



>The religious people are the good guys with no bitterness surrounding it
Always a nice surprise

I understand why they do this but, besides Xenogears with the Nisan church, is there any example where religious people are actually good guys?

>twist halfway through where it turns out there's two factions of the same group fighting each other

Ironically, Islam is closer to a moon religion. Ancient Christendom was closer to pagan sun worship.

It's complete shit today, of course.

>God is the final boss
>He's evil and you can kill him

Most Dragon Quest games that bothers to have religion, where priest/cleric figures are undoubtedly good.

For some reason, both FFXI and FFXIV are really pro-religion, with them being the mmos of the series coincidence. The player characters are depicted as largely pious and faithful.

The very first Tales game had Christians portrayed sympathetically iirc.

Although they were more like a small fringe cult and not something big.

>the religious character is unironically the nicest character in the game

>real life is a game

>the religious character is secretly the biggest slut

>religions of the world in a pissing contest with each other over which is the "right" one
>none realize that rabid unrelenting ideology of any form leads to shit

>Game reveals a religion's God is actually a demon
>You have to kill it

Every time.

>you get to be a 17 year old girl while doing it

>Religion is actually treated with a moral diversity depending on how people use it


Kinda feel bad for people like her these days. Youth is hard and lonely and it offers a lot of comfort. And bastards like myself that see through the bullshit of it early probably aren't easy to be around.

Didn't finish the game yet since its video glitches a lot, but I liked her okay in it.

>setting that has observable, tangible gods still has atheists

>Game reveals that religious people aren't inherently bad but they unknowingly pray to Gods that are straight up evil

>Final boss is god
>He's a fucking dick


But in those games church has minor role. I will find interesting if someday a game pulls a reverse cliche with the church. FFX kinda does that with the summoners fighting against Sin but then Seymour and the Guado appears and drops the good guys image, pulling the cliche.


Sting games/ RPGs.

>Religious character is the coolest guy in the game

thats... a crisp image. thank you

The chantry in Dragon Age had its merits.

>Autists make a bunch of theories about him being a god or supernatural being for years
>Turns out he was just a really cool guy that tried his best

desu Solaire being a common person is a million times better than him being some special entity

While the game doesn't demonize the religions in the game world, it's clearly against the ideas behind real world religions. The moral behind the whole primal concept is that faith is inherently destructive, even with the best intentions.

The game doesn't demonize the twelve and such because those gods are actually proven to exist in the game world. Their existence isn't a matter of faith, it's a matter of fact.

But primals are exactly what "gods" are in real life. They aren't real, but they become "real" and have influence on the world due to the faith of their worshipers. They're never truly gods or whatever their worshipers think they are. And in the end, these false idols always cause more harm than good, even if they don't mean to.

FFXIV is the by far the most anti-religious game I've ever heard of, because it doesn't try to attack religion directly, it attacks the ideas behind it. It shows why the ideas behind religion religion are ultimately harmful to the human race, even if they can have some short term benefits.

>Developers use religion in vidya and just make shitty lessons using knock offs instead of providing a discussion on how we are all slaves to our own culture, environment, and language
>In following our slave mentality all we are just doing is fighting against our fellow man with constant culture conflict in order to preserve our own self imposed identity
>The ones who reject this identity and those who are unsure may be ignorant to the war happening around them, they wish to step away from it, or do not even bother with it
>No vidya developer will ever provide this form of discourse

Dark souls

>game reveals you're too intelligence for fony gods


If you know even a little bit about gnosticism you know the plot about almost every jrpg

>Game has religion but the conflict is entirely unrelated to them and there's no evil bamboozling or divine good guy


>Devoted religious warrior goes through so many hardships
>Gets hurt and manipulated along the way
>Still has unshakeable faith in god and tells Satan to fuck off because how he doesn't deserve god's love

It was so refreshing, but it gets ruined since he turns into Dracula

>not even explained why unless you have the dlc

Lords of Shadow's ending was bullshit

Its because Nips themselves have the most credible beliefs of creation and monsters. Yeah there's totally an umbrella monster, for example.

Christianity and paganism were popular and Europe, and today Christianity is popular the world over, even in China and Korea. Islam spread the opposite direction from Christianity but its also there.
From how "foreign" faith is depicted in primarily Japanese games, makes you wonder if they're selling intolerance. That's all I get from them really. If you were to meet a real life old god your JRPG ultimate sword won't do shit when the earth is flooded and you're stuck on a raft for 50 years, or if your home land is smited and you get the famine for 100 years. A new god type being will just erase your war like murderer instincts and replace it with humanity, and the character will live out his life in peace.

I remember the final boss of Lightning Returns and I couldn't take it seriously. Lightning going around swinging that sword shouting "god is dead!" over and over. My fedora meter spiked and I was whispering "tips/ m'lady" every time. There's also the ending. Now that Lightning killed their creator and destroyed his creations, she then took her soul and everyone else' souls and put them on Earth which they created. Its batshit.

> game reveals there's more than one religion.
> and they're all assholes.

>atheists exist in a world where gods actually interfere with day to day activities

>religious guy is actually one of the most badass characters and also a top-tier fighter
>still an extremely nice person who is always ready to help
>his religion maintains peace and keeps in check artifacts that can be used as weapons of mass destruction

JRPG gods aren't omnipotent and omniscient so your rant is dumb

To be fair, you don't know that for sure since Falcom still has yet to show any of the goals and motivations of both Ouroboros and the Church.

Kotomine did nothing wrong.

dude the final boss of 13-3 is one of my fav bosses from any final fantasy

Implying. The reason the games can't be taken seriously is because you can use magic and break the laws of nature, yet reject the laws of creation.

You're just a butthurt nip.

>Solaire being a common person is a million times better than him being some special entity
do you not know how religions/legends/myths are started?

>Most Dragon Quest games that bothers to have religion, where priest/cleric figures are undoubtedly good.

Not only that, but healing magic is literally powered by faith in God.

A god sees a sweet peace of human ass and swoops in to fuck it in bird form?

You're retarded and have no knowledge of Japanese mythology and spiritualism. If you can't recognize that most Japanese deities aren't omnipotent or omniscient, you will never realize why Japanese culture so often includes deities that aren't omnipotent or omniscient.

Mozgus was incompetent. An orgy cult of that size operating right under his nose, and for all his torture he didn't see hide nor hair of it.

What a joke.

But you're inherently wrong because they don't toy with murdering Japanese deities, we're always killing Abrahamic deities.

That shuts down your argument because their deities are omnipotent and omniscient, yet are always the final target for these games.

You know what european posters always say they can't take JRPGs/ Japanese games seriously and this is why. They say that the games always bastardize their own beliefs and mythos.

In 3 (which is a canon sequel to 1) there's virtually no mentions of Solaire aside from subtle mockery in description of sunlight straight sword and confirmation that he was a simple human in description of his armor. In canon universe there's no myths about him.

Just noticed, is that a katana stuck in the ground?

DooM guy is a saint that kicks Demon's asses

>In canon universe
Characters from Dark Souls 2 straight up turn up in 3. Very much alive and invade you several times in one instance.

>The enemy is a religious order that has called a DESU VULT on humanity to keep their prophets in power
>Prophets assblaseted humanity is the chosen ones.

Even if Grandmaster is an absolute saint there's no chance in hell it can redeem his/her organization.

sounds like it was shit then to.

>they don't toy with murdering Japanese deities
In SMT and Persona Japanese deities are usually simple summons

Roughly 5% of DS2 is used in 3. Rest is thrown into a garbage bin. Sunlight covenant from 2 is one of the things 3 debunks completely.

What laws of creation? I don't remember any laws being mentioned in FF13

No, listen. Because your knowledge of gods and godlike figures is exclusively rooted to the West, you refuse to acknowledge that other cultures have different ideas for their spiritual figures. Japanese writers write figures from Abrahamic religion as fallible and defeatable because their understanding of gods stems from Japanese religion, which features fallible and defeatable minor deities. Of all the things you can complain about regarding Japanese people getting Western religion wrong, bitching about them making it so that you CAN fight God is the most petty and basic complaint you can have. It's an extremely common story conceit made by a writer who comes from a different culture, and if you're going to complain about that, you might as well complain about literally everything else they do when representing European life and culture.

>They become gods themselves
>They accidentally athiest themselves out of existence

It's a good thing he died for good prior to DS3. Nigga would be utterly heartbroken if he ever saw the hollow sun.

Is... is this a katana ?

They probably just see them as super powerful beings, not as creators of reality or (more importantly, lets be honest) creators of some kind of afterlife.

>Christians are the bad guys
Very edgy and original, totally not done a million times before.
I'm using edgy in the proper sense, not the slang


Did that woman's baby that Mozgus helped even survive?

I wasn't sure what the implication of that was regarding what happened to it.

Castlevania. In fact Castlevania is one of the few series I know of where the protags are often openly Christian (even if most religious references were censored in western releases)

Unless the dead, starved, mangled body the woman is holding is somebody elses, then no he died and then some.

It didn't. She wandered out of the torture chamber half-dead, holding her dead child that was already covered in flies, asking why didn't "God" save it even though she survived and endured what Mozgus put her through.

You see that woman in the next chapter, her hands are bandaged and the baby is a rotten corpse

So Mozgus didn't even help the kid in the end?

I thought the moment was trying to make him slightly morally grey.

I'm pretty sure the moment was trying to make him slightly fucking insane

There's not much room for moral greyness when it comes to a man who is an irrational fanatic.

>Setting has a diverse array of religions that can be left ambiguous, with sects of the same religion and major upheaval being influenced by these religious beliefs
>Worship often intersects

>Enemy is thinly veiled Scientology comparison

>Implying that Europeans are superstitious simpletons

We don't believe in this shit user, only stupid Americans believe that magic is real.

Beserk doesn't do morally grey, it just makes everyone morally black and calls you a moron for trying to take sides.

And then it becomes a dumb fucking jRPG adventure that can be safely ignored.

>The rebels are the bad guys

I miss old Farnese.

He was good to his torturers at the very least.

If you can call taking in those rejected from society and putting them to work hurting others "good."

God I hate how Halo 3 fucked up the Prophet of Truth's character.

>you might as well complain about literally everything else they do when representing European life and culture

You do know where you are, right?

>Game feature an incredibly powerful god-like being
>She punishes anyone who worships her as if she was a god

>implying atheistic heathens haven't been the primary enemy of humanity for the last 200 years

Git gud

Mozgus was such a great antagonist.

It's a shame that they killed him off so early, while most of the bad guys now are just generic henchmen for Griffith.

Ah, he was backed into a corner

Halo 2's VA for him WAS objectively the best though.

>That soft fatherly but mildly menacing voice

NotTump wasn't the villain? What's he do in the story?

Oh I wouldn't say that. The apostles and their actions get grimdark as Hell, but characters like Rosine and the Count still had tragic elements to their motivations and final decisions, rather than just being completely evil for the sake of it.

ISIS confirmed autistic.

It was interesting having another antagonist that was actively against the works of the apostles in the end.

Destroy all the cucks, shills, nu-males, sjws, shills, niggers, spics, kikes, mudslimes...