Let's hear it

Let's hear it.

Legs are broken.

deus ex on acid

Doom with stats

He kills his wife and his guilt over it causes him to spiral into an endless cycle of breaking his legs and gaining brozouf.

My legs are OK though.

You murder your wife and in a fit of depression/madness you cast a spell on yourself that traps your brain in a permanent dream loop.

The only plot you'll hear will be your thread falling into a vat of acid with me wearing your fucking moron face as a party mask.

But it's not something you inflict upon yourself.

You are Rimanah. You tortured your wife to death in order to cover up shady shit you were both doing, and feel crippling guilt over it. Later you decide to have necrocybermancy performed on yourself, which is a process that removes your soul from your body so that you can have your body stuffed with a ridiculous amount of highly illegal cybernetics.

Something maybe goes wrong during the process and you find yourself trapped in a recurring nightmare loop, where you relive your days as an EYE agent in non-chronological order which is all viewed through a lens of guilt. You end up murdering yourself every time you go through one of the cycles of guilt you're trapped in.

Yeah, you cast hypnotic gate on yourself and it separates your brain into two personas; The Mentor represents your original true form, and the PC represents his consciousness in the dream state.

you gain brouzouf

You collect moron faces for party masks

Groundhog day meets fith element

can this game be enjoyed as a single player campaign/story?

Yes. The game isn't long, but you need to finish it 3 times in order to get the true ending.


Or how to not make waves

Directed by M Night Shamalamadingdong

No seriously this plot makes no sense even if you know what happened. There is beauty in insanity.


A panpsychist world where solipsism is Nirvāṇa




everything should be clear now OP :^)

You are Rimanah. You sent your wife down into the forbidden part of the temple to see what was there. When she was caught, you tortured her to death to keep up appearances. Her death at your hands has haunted you ever since.

E.Y.E. is made up of the Jian Shiang Di, and the Culter Dei. Rimanah is the head of the Culter Dei. In a run for power, Rimanah has been commissioning and performing tasks to undermine the Jians. At the same time this is happening, both the Jians and Culters have been disrupting Federation operations on various planets to help end their rule on the galaxy. You go down into the cave to in the beginning of the cave to take out an influential Jian master, who is Huan Lo Pan. That's why he gives you so much shit in the temple.

You're making inferences that aren't there. The player is Rimanah you dolt, and there is nothing that says he inflicts hypnotic gate on himself.

I cannot escape my cycles of guilt.

Man I really fucked up that cave sentence.

Does this mean that not only is Rimnah trapped within his own dream, but he is trapped within a dream of the wolf?

Then who was Shinji?

>that fucking towel

>You go down into the cave to in the beginning of the cave to take out an influential Jian master, who is Huan Lo Pan. That's why he gives you so much shit in the temple.
Wasn't Huan Lo Pan also one of your closest friends? It was at least implied by that other guy who works with you when you ask him about your past.

Mhm. Not even implied. Akmal states that the player's, Huan's, and your Mentors exploits are notorious.

They were close friends, even though they worked for different organizations. He was basically Vegeta to his Goku.

>in a fit of depression/madness
Did you even play the game?

Your legs are broken.
Your legs are OK.
**They're not really okay**

Guys, how do I escape my cycles?

Honestly I feel like Shinji was awarded a huge amount of unneeded importance from the community. Just reread his whole lore stuff, and he just seems like a vehicle with which to describe the current status of the universe at the time; Shinji views it all as disgusting. Disgusting that humans are defiling and tearing up new worlds and further going into the virtual reality. He also happens to be a serial killer who encounters the wolf Rimanah's wife speaks of, or at the very least a carnophage.

Reminder that every time you finish a cycle, Rimanah, Mentor and Stranger are there urging you to wake up and remember who you are

And then you fuck it up by walking into the portal to start the cycle again. The only thing really keeping Rimanah locked inside his own mind is the players desire to play the game

You build a drill.


In the non loop events that took place before the game, wasn't Rimanah's initial goal to obtain ultimate power by collecting all the gates and the only way to do it was to murder the masters that had them? He betrayed his mentor and took his, but the Jian Grand Master had the hypnotic gate, and the cave was the place where they fought, and that's where he lost that fight and had Hypnotic Gate cast on him by the Jian.

How am I supposed to interpret the ending? Is Rimanah forever trapped on that floating island, unable to wake up? Is he doomed to repeat the cycles forever?

This is where things diverge for us. Let me say first, your interpretation just now makes complete sense and I'm surprised I haven't read it or thought it before. But the fact that killing Mentor gives you tri gate, or killing the Jian Master gives you hypnotic gate, I thought those were merely symbolic of the journey Rimanah ACTUALLY took to get those; that it was GAMEPLAY giving us the gate powers but in actuality Rimanah garnered those powers on different planets somewhere with an artefact.

Otherwise, yes. He wanted to obtain ultimate power. That's why he sent his wife down.

Yes. There is no good ending for him, the power that was used on him keeps him in this state perpetually. The most he can do is just stay there forever and stop thinking.

It's up in the air whether or not Rimanah imprisoned himself on the island. But yes, staying on the island is the only way to escape the cycles. The thing you're supposed to do is quit the game, but fuck that shit I gotta level up all my cybertech.

I always imagined that his guilt dreams were a mix of fiction and reality and killing or at least attempting to kill specific key people was something he actually did. Besides, if my interpretation is incorrect, how did he end up looped forever inside of his own mind? As far as I know only Hypnotic Gate can do something like that. Obviously the scenario where he obtains all three is not something that ever happened in reality.

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex with the girl’s scrabouillor number. Never minding the strange dream code, he immediately psi blasts her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some door hacking, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate cycle counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private gate techniques in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, WAVES ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of BROUZOUF.

>Never minding the strange dream code, he immediately psi blasts her

>I always imagined that his guilt dreams were a mix of fiction and reality and killing or at least attempting to kill specific key people was something he actually did

Oh I'm not denying he killed Mentor, or the Jian Master. I'm saying he didn't kill Mentor in the temple, and that killing Mentor didn't give him the trigate. Same for the Jian Master, or the looter that gives you pi gate.

>how did he end up looped forever inside of his own mind?

I always wrote it off as him going off the deep end at having tortured his wife to death. Though I may have to rethink that now.

> how did he end up looped forever inside of his own mind?

I don't think he is necessarily looped in his own mind. Remember Aahmiah? He says to the player that you look like someone who travels between two worlds. I always interpreted "two worlds" meaning reality and not reality.

>Obviously the scenario where he obtains all three is not something that ever happened in reality.

Can we be certain of that?



Would someone who attained ultimate power, mastery over life and death, real and unreal, really just go off the deep end and scramble his own brains? Would he really cast hypnotic gate on himself?

Maybe that power was too much for him to handle.

I don't think he cast hypnotic gate on himself. I simply think guilt overtook him. All the power in the universe, what's it mean if you've got no one to share it with? You can craft amazing spaces in your own mind without the use of PSI powers like hypnotic gate.


>Would someone who attained ultimate power, mastery over life and death, real and unreal, really just go off the deep end and scramble his own brains?

That runs a little contrary to what the game shows us, since even if he completes all the "trials" and dream sequences, he is still trapped and can't end his cycles of guilt, unless we go full meta and interpret the player shutting off the game as the accomplishment of it. But even so, we can't know that for sure. It feels to me like something external keeps him trapped there instead. And now the most interesting part though. What happened to his corporeal body? Is it lying around somewhere while he goes on dream adventures? What would happen if it were to be destroyed? Or has he already died and it is a limbo of metastreumonic force of some sort?

The devs went exploring the Paris catacombs during EYE development for inspiration. I wish I had pictures. The absolute madmen.

>unless we go full meta and interpret the player shutting off the game as the accomplishment

I thought it was his own imprisonment, the island I mean. And that simply being there you have already escaped the cycle of cave, temple, wurstercorps, New Eden, etc.

>Or has he already died and it is a limbo of metastreumonic force of some sort?

I don't know if he died, but that's sort of how I interpreted it. Consider what Aahmiah says, trapped between two worlds. I always assume the game has traces of reality and fiction interweaving together, and that there's no real way to tell which is which. For instance, the temple after killing Rimanah, is devoid of Rimanah. Devoid of Mentor. You can still go do side-missions, go to the shooting rage, talk to Aym, etc. I always thought this temple level was reality. But then you've got the one Culter who has seen Mysterious in his dream, this is the fiction blurring the line again.

There's a huge Steam thread about E.Y.E's plot that Streumon devs actually posted in. It's too long for me to bother looking at it though.

he was just trying to have fun, why would a thing this cruel just happen to a man

and the dog was there too

And yet if he's a prisoner of his own volition, he should be able to free himself any time he desires, or at least when he gathers enough of his consciousness to understand the situation he is in. If reaching the island can be interpreted as achieving that and the stability required to regain a sense of self awareness, he should be able to return to reality. Up until that point the game never deprived us of agency of choice, we could do absolutely anything we desired, unlimited amount of times. But when it comes to that island among the nothingness it's almost like it is a dead end.

>he should be able to free himself any time he desires

You would think that, but then again thanks to nature's cruelty no man possesses the ability to just stop living when he desires.

There is always on outside act, a hurdle, that most people cannot conquer.

>he should be able to free himself any time he desires

Ahh, but he doesn't. Depression and guilt does that to people.

He might not possess the ability, but there are means to attain that goal still.

I heard the gameplay isn't up to snuff. Hopefully patches fix that.


I've been in the Paris Catacombs, once. They're oddly peaceful. It's a beautiful place. In some parts, humidity has caused some of the calcium to begin to crystallize.

Now that Deathwing is out, what's on your E.Y.E2 wishlist?

>More waves
>More guns
>Less research
>More PSI powers
>More RPG mechanics
>More dialogue
>More city environments

EY3 is babby shit it easy to understand the entire plot as long as your remember

EYE 2 would be a terrible idea

StreumOn said they'd make it from the Feds' perspective. But why would it be terrible? The world has so much room to do shit, and E.Y.E. itself feels like a proof of concept more than anything else.

if the main character is called fred the fed im on board

I'm not saying it would be a bad game it just wouldn't be able to success E.Y.E
It's like making a nice movie with a cool cliffhanger but the sequel wraps all of it up so it becomes pointless.

>Less research
The amount is fine, just make it so that every research gives some unique property or unlocks more items/weapons.

I think they mean a sequel the same way EYE is a sequel to Syndicate Black Ops: Just another game in the same universe with not much to do with the older game.

Is Syndicate Black Ops worth playing?

Someone said the Fed game would take place before the events of EYE

>EYE is a sequel to Syndicate Black Ops

It is also supposed to have SWAT 4 kind of gameplay.

Sounds good to me.

I run a server for it every other day. It's fun as shit.

The archives make mention of the "Croon Incident," which is what SBO covers. Croon accidentally opens a portal to another dimension. You play as the Syndicate, eliminating every demon.

>we reported to us

>Your are in operation

>reporting to anyone but yourself and maybe Mentor

Are you a Jian or something?

>will be died

Drunken, cyber punk version of Legacy of Kain

Muaaaaw the frensch

ser/v/er when?

I can do one for either later today.

I'd like it if the federal game featured some of the things that made SBO great but weren't present in EYE, like the monsters moving at a speed somewhere above walking and the big blue dude from Half Life showing up somehow

We need to play Syndicate Black Ops one of these days, that game is hilarious.

>You go down into the cave to in the beginning of the cave to take out an influential Jian master, who is Huan Lo Pan. That's why he gives you so much shit in the temple.
I thought it was because you guys are best friends and it's just poorly-translated banter.

>poorly translated banter
What are you talking about? I threaten to rip my friend's face off all the time

The monsters moving at ludicrous speeds is sorely missing from EYE. EYE metastruems in general don't pose much of a threat at all, though I blame them on the Source Engine more than anything else.

I'll do a server later today.

>Get the fuck out of my face

>EYE servers are alive for however long
>SBO finally has some multiplayer action going on
2017 is starting out bright

>Syndicate Black Ops
how do I install this and what the fuck EYE is just a HL2 version of this

But anoooooon I wanna play EYE with you fucks now

Add me on Steam. I used to make threads for whenever I made an E.Y.E. server for Sup Forums but nobody ever responded here. I made an SBO thread earlier and got a few players however.

username: whitedude877

You need to own and have installed Half-Life.

>can this game be enjoyed as a single player campaign/story?
Absolutely, it IS more fun in coop though but mainly after you've been through once (or twice or thrice) for the plot.

That's definitely how you should experience your first playthrough.

>You need to own and have installed Half-Life.
pirate version counts as well?

>Rimanah: Oh shit