What games let you romance your maid/servant?
What games let you romance your maid/servant?
Fate Stay Night
Long Live the Queen!
Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle (Alice a best)
What games let you play as a maid?
You're not wrong I guess.
Fire Emblem Fates, if you play as a girl.
What games let you play as a maid/servant that gets romanced by the protagonist?
thats a little... specific.
custom maid 3d 2
How do you romance yourself? Do you play as a clone of the original girl, forced into being a maid and not knowing that you're simply a clone with a potentially short lifespan?
the protagonist is just the character that moves the story forward, not necessarily the main/playable character.
>tfw no game where you play as American Maid
Melty Blood lets you play as Kohaku and Hisui
P4 Dancing All Night lets you put maid costumes on the girls if that counts (Persona 3 as well)
Speaking of P3, Aegis canonically worked as a maid for a while, you can romance her, which might be canon, and you play as her in The Answer.
Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle, almost.
I've actually heard of a game with this premise - Loren: The Amazon Princess - but I haven't played it to know if it's any good or not.
Basically, you play as either the servant or maid of the titular character and follow her around on her quest.
I don't know why, but it just hit me really hard that I'll never be a teenage Japanese boy having adolescent adventures with my loyal maid buddy
Time to stop drinking.
Are redhead maids perfection?
This is the saddest feel in the whole wide world.
Chin up mate, at least you're not a KHV failure without a job, right?
Dragon's Dogma duh
This. An obvious example would be Sherlock Holmes. The main character in those books is Watson and you follow his insights and see everything from his perspective. But the person who actually gets shit done, I.E the protagonist, is Holmes.
I want a cute maid(male)!
where's the dick
More, and 3D ones, I want a girlfriend(male)
3D femboy girls are the best, purest, most loving cutes!
The Sims
it's quite obvious, isn't it
Got the game a long time ago on...another platfrom I cant remember (it was based more on indie games than steam) and yeah, it was a "light" hentai, if you can call it that because it wasn't japanese, and you choose between male or female, and you follow your the amazon princess, she being the real protag and you being able to romance/fuck her and other characters.
Soon, Danganronpa V3.
sauce, google and iqdb turn up nothing
How about kill yourself and stop ruinning everything
bump for this
Hmm, I might have to check it out then. Thanks, user - I was interested not so much for explicit lewd (so I don't mind that it's light) but I enjoyed the idea of a flipped perspective for a /u/ romance where instead of being the driving force you're just a maid that follows the protagonist around, not too many games have that perspective.
Thanks, user.
top meido coming through
Oh and btw, she's like some sort of wonder woman, feminist as fuck, so if you chose a male character she will treat you like shit until you gain her trust.
I'm pretty sure the game is in steam without the porn cg, it is a "meh" rpg anyway.