What is the game that convinced you that video games can be art?

What is the game that convinced you that video games can be art?

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Bait image aside (Skyrim is a polar opposite of "art house cinema"), Dominions 3



No brainer, really.

>buying into russian memes
good goy

SH2 back when it was released. But since then, we've been progressing backwards thanks to the cinematic trend.



You should kill yourself.

Bastion, Ori and the blind forest.
PKMD EoT when you find the giant fountain after the first long journey, or the ending.
Any game that culminates in or provides a combination of music, art, and gameplay, really.

Before MGS4 was a released I'd have agreed with you.

When people list games with fancy art styles theyre clearly morons who think art means looking like established art pieces. They are incapable of an actual discussion about art.

like this retard right here.


Except Bastion has a excellent storytelling and soundtrack that allows the game to convey emotions.

Also, fuck you.

Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends

Halo 2-3 Musically
Crysis visually
Assassins Creed 2 Story
Not to say these are the best but they convinced me first

Clinton, is this you?

I never thought that they weren't art, but i guess shit like killer7 and yume nikki and silent hill 2 are things that come to mind when when i think of artsy games. Pretty much soley because they push the boundaries of what we think games are/should be

This, fucking "quirky" normies get out of my hobby

Art is a meme

The moment i realized that the soundtrack wasnt just bought to sound "aweseome". But was created just for this moment/place within the game. So some final fantasy (6,7,8).

wtf i love tarkovsky now

It helps to have a fancy style, but not needed. Art can be more than just visually appealing.
This guy has the right idea

Vidya as a story telling medium doesn't need to be 'artsy' to be a well crafted piece of art. Morrowind is good because it puts effort into telling a story and offering a question to a player to ponder

putting aside this bait about the definition of art, Dark Souls is the game where I think I first began to think about what makes vidya unique as a medium and what it should be striving towards.

To the moon

I realized that in order for the experience to be as impactful, you needed to be in control

There are quite a few "games that are artistic" but not many "art that happens to be a game." Only consider the second category to be truly art

What's this image trying to get at? They say the same thing in different ways.

that's exactly what it's trying to get at.

It's suggesting that Todd Howard and [artistic director] have made similar statements about the purpose of their medium and that therefore games are art.

Killer7 and MGS2. I'm not saying Killer7 just because of the cel-shaded graphics.

except that you need to read between the lines

director of STALKER movie was trying to explain his movie a larger audience so more people could understand the point of the movie ( back then it was a real strange stuff )

Todd is doing marketing to sell his game by talking about "how the player has the freedom to do everything he want"

video games are not and will never, beside, if they became art, the market will be flooded by hipster trying to promote their shit with no gameplay and with less walking than Walking Simulator : SJW edition

>will never be art
oh fuck me, first typos and now i forgot words

>director of STALKER movie was trying to explain his movie a larger audience so more people could understand the point of the movie ( back then it was a real strange stuff )

In typical fashion for an "artist" he's talking complete and utter shit.

Just look at the second and the last quote from him, they directly contradict each other. There's nothing there but self important wank.

Video games are not art because video games are games and games are not art.

Checkers is not art.
Chess is not art.
Roulette is not art.
Baseball is not art.
Nor are any electronic recreations of any of the above games art.
Therefore, nor are any video games art at all.

>chess and baseball aren't art

how plebian can you be?

Fucking amerilards. Baseball is even worse than basketball

Ever seen DB Supers baseball episode? Its KEK

>A game with a fancy art style can't be art
How shallow can you be?

The whole "art" thing is bullshit no matter which way you look at it.

But, that being said, I'd nominate Alpha Centauri. I would argue that the text/lore isn't that separate from the mechanics. Every tech and almost every decision you make has a kind of weight to it that's absent in many games within the 4X genre and without.
Really ahead of its time.

Many people seem to have the wrong approach, at least I believe so. People tend to try to compare video games to previous forms of media
as if to say, "Well the more it appears to be like these other things, that must make it so"
but that must be incorrect.

Video games are video games. They should be nothing more, and do not need to be. It should always be the focus. Not cinematic experiences, not just an artstyle that stands out, not just a piece of music that expresses something, but a game that wraps it all together without forgetting that it is first and foremost a game.

I feel it is a tragedy when the game part is forgotten, and many do it without even realizing it.

I don't want video games to be art. Video games are video games, and that's much better than art as far as I'm concerned. As a matter of fact, fuck art and fuck whoever is concerned whether videogames are art or not.

Not him, but those quotes do not at all contradict each other.

Original Deus ex

Shadow of the colossus

Baldur's Gate

Are you implying that tarkovsky would not be a stark opponent of what became of glasnost and peristroika since the 90s?
He would flame against russia more than any foreigner.

> a newspaper is not art
> a bill is not art
> packing material is not art
>therefore, nor(wtf?) are any other media made from paper and ink art at all

Yes, they do. They plainly do.

I thought chunks and Latinos liked baseball as well

anything made by ea

Enter this thread. No PS:T.

I'm still waiting to be convinced. Every art game I've played has been utter shit, both as a game and as art.

Everything you named doesn't have music, storytelling, characters, or other things that require the creative thoughts of people.

Also what said


>saying fuck art
>while also posting the game that was literally put in The Museum of Modern Art


>art game
Good indicator of kusoge.
Any actual example would not bill itself as such. It would just be a good game and let the player judge.

>That description
They missed literally any point that makes that game art