It is officially 2017 Sup Forums. Let's kick the year off by sharing a little bit about ourselves.
•Your favorite video game
•The most recent game you've played
•The first video game you remember playing
•A secret about yourself
It is officially 2017 Sup Forums. Let's kick the year off by sharing a little bit about ourselves.
•Your favorite video game
•The most recent game you've played
•The first video game you remember playing
•A secret about yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody on here cares who you are you retarded teens
>Wonderful 101
>Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus
>The Legend of Zelda on NES
>I have crippling depression
•Your favorite video game: hard to say but DMC3 always comes to my mind.
•The most recent game you've played: just finished the last ending of Nier and I'm absolutely going for the demo of 2
•The first video game you remember playing: without a doubt SFII, rainbow edition
•A secret about yourself: Im a normalfag to V but an edgelord freak for my co-workers. Thinking about it makes me crazy at night because I play videogames all day
>Freak amongst normals, normal amongst freaks
That's a hell of a duality.
>Sim City
>I'm absolutely terrified of anyone I look up to or am a fan of
Binding of Isaac
>Most Recent
Donkey Kong Country Returns
>First Vidya
DEATHDROME or Pajama Sam I can't remember
>Secret about me
I wear pic related all the time cause I'm paranoid someone will poison the water supply. Wouldn't actually save me it just gives me peace of mind.
>Your favorite video game
Donkey Kong Country 2 or Super Mario 64
>The most recent game you've played
Stardew Valley
>The first video game you remember playing
Super Mario World
>A secret about yourself
I think this thread is fucking shit
>Ocarina of Time
>Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
>Columns for Sega Genesis
>I'm a furry
I have taken all my rage of furries and projected it against Muslims. With a new generation of 6-10 year olds watching Zootopia they're here to stay. Still hilarious to make fun of you guys though.
>Morrowind, Halo, Dork Souls
>Pokemon Yellow
>I unironically enjoy fanfiction if its good
fallout new vegas
super mario bros 2 on nes
i love to rp/erp but i'm embarassed to tell my friends who play ff14 why i'm trying to get into balmung so badly
No shame in enjoying a little story if its written well user.
>saving a thumbnail
>Your favorite video game
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>The most recent game you've played
Dark Souls
>The first video game you remember playing
>A secret about yourself
Can't think of anything.
Killing Floor 2
Super Mario Land on gameboy.
I'm waiting for my last living family member to die so I can kill myself guilt free.
• Gunstar Heroes
• Mario Kart 8
• I am incredibly bland.
•Your favorite video game
Toss up between Disgaea 2 and Dark Cloud
•The most recent game you've played
League of Legends, made it to D5 before 2017
•The first video game you remember playing
Sonic the Hedgehog, and I thought it was rad
•A secret about yourself
I was molested by my step-dad when I was 8 years old. He passed away last year and I've only ever told my fiancé.He bought me a Sega Genesis though so it could be worse
was there penetration?
>Persona 4 Golden
>Let it Die
>Can't remember the name, it was some sort of RPG on the n64 with a small kid with weird brown hair as MC
>Jerked off with my cousins panties when I was 14
>Sims 4, I play it mostly for the porn mods.
>some shitty soccer game for nes.
>I'm an occultist.
Molestation generally means they just fiddled the diddle.
>Metroid Prime
>Knights of the Old Republic
>Luigi's Mansion
>I have jerked off to Mitsuru three times
Favorite: Warcraft 3
Most recently played: smash bros on 3ds
first video game I remember playing: Fun on the Farm with Barney
secret: I intend to continue experimenting with drugs for the rest of my life
Favorite vidya is probably sacred stones
Most recent is skyrim elderscrolls
Pokemon silver is my first
I really like shitposting and will intentionally make believable bait posts on v for no reason.
>Your favorite video game
Right now, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
>The most recent game you've played
Probably some casual mobile phone shit
>The first video game you remember playing
One of those Tiger electronics handhelds, the ones with the digital watch screen. I think mine was about a caveman whacking dinosaurs.
>A secret about yourself
I'm a famous recording artist. You've all probably heard my music at least once recently. My music is associated with the club scene and partying, and my image reflects that. My job is to glorify hard partying and hard drinking, but the reality is that I'm a weeb who just wants to jerk it to hentai, play weeaboo vidya games, and chill at my computer. Even now, I'm supposed to be rocking at this new year's thing, but I'm backstage browsing Sup Forums on my tablet. I don't even really like clubbing.
Yozakura is best girl.
How big? Radio big?
The gift and the curse.
Through dick, unity. Amen brother.
>Your favorite video game
My memory is incredibly bad but the most recent game that I truly loved was probably The Talos Principle.
>The most recent game you've played
Shantae Risky's Revenge
>The first video game you remember playing
The first Spyro, but I know that I played a few games on the Genesis at an uncle's house.
>A secret about yourself
I'm physically ill and I don't know how much longer I can push on for.
Yeah man, radio big. Collabs with other artists big.
Club chicks creep me out too. Skeezy ass girls, usually. 2D girls are always pure.
I hope you get better, bro.
I have a good feeling for who you might be, we met before, gotta say you've come a long way from your premier song and I hope you continue to grow. Happy new year
Why would you get into a scene you dont enjoy?
>Mario Party
>I drew the Pumpkin porn
You know what, thanks man. I'm glad at least people like what I make. Happy new year.
Happens more often than you might think in this biz. The almighty dollar, man.
>Street Fighter EX2+
>Pokemon S/M
>M.U.S.C.L.E. for the NES
>I murdered a guy who tried to run out on my pregnant sister
>I trapped for a couple once
>and it was awful
Care to share details?
>that spoiler
Holy shit. That's wild if true. Did you face any jail time for that?
kill yourself
No. I was very thorough. Lured the scumbag to the middle of nowhere, carried a shovel, brought friends to back me up and got like 5 different people to prepare me alibis placing me on various parts of the city if push came to shove. Cops here are corrupt and incompetent anyway, locking me away wouldn't be worth the effort.
>favorite video game
Played too many games. No idea what my number 1 favorite is.
>the most recent game you've played
Mass Effect
>the first video game you remember playing
Odd World: Abes Oddysee
>a secret about yourself
Im so bland and boring I don't have any secrets
>Mario 64
>I used to trap and do all that gay shit for a while. Stopped visiting Sup Forums for a while and the gay deliusion wore off.
>Most recently played: Pedophile weebshit
>I have cripppling depression.
You don't live in America do you? because that is fucking crazy. Smart planning. How often do you think about it?
First game was Bart VS the World on amiga
Favourite game is Abe's Oddysee
Last game played was Primordia, great little point and click adventure
I have depression
You're aware Sup Forums isn't remotely anonymous, right? You're not hidden
Favourite: MGS3
Recent: Hitman: Blood money (cool, but a bit janky)
First: Don't remember the first, might have been DKC
Secret: Masturbating while smoking weed is the only reason I smoke, smoking with others is often a chore.
>Animal Crossing
>Animal Crossing
>Some skunk platformer on PS1
>My wife abuses me in our relationship, and my inlaws know but never step in to stop her. Strangling, beating, cutting, I've had it all and I just sit there crying myself to sleep. I know my inlaws know because we've stayed with them a while and it didn't stop. While there, I screamed for help multiple times at the top of my lungs followed by the sounds of beating and it's loud enough to be heard outside. I can't stop her, and I feel too much shame and guilt to leave because of the length of the relationship, the time and money I've spent, and the money that my family has spent on us. If I end up breaking up it'll be straight to the rope. She says she'll stop, but it happens probably every 6 months.Some fags will call me a beta or some shit but who cares, I won't deny it, I'm the one with the shame anyway so it's only appropriate.
You're not alone in feeling that way.
>sort of RPG on the n64
Quest 64?
>Sup Forums
>not pseudo normalfags or full on normalfags
you're exactly in the right place
>Ogre Battle 64 and the Ogre series in general is what I'd call my favorite. Most played is Civilization IV-VI, though.
>Recent as in the last one? Dota 2 earlier. If you mean the most recently released, I guess Civ VI is the last game I bought close to the release date. New games cost 80$ in Canada and most of them suck.
>Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt dual cartridge on NES in 1994, I wasn't even 3 yet.
>I'm an extremely open person, it's kinda hard to answer that one. I guess the one thing I'm ashamed of is that I inherited my father's jealousy and am deeply afraid that it'll ruin my life or lead me to do as he did and beat women. I was born a bit past 8 months because he shoved my mom out of a moving car. He fled the country after he got the Hell's Angels on his ass for a minor issue. They only wanted to rough him a little, but when they found out he was a wife beater, they told my mom to call them if she ever saw him again; she wouldn't see him again if she did.
Mexico/South America?
That's pretty crazy dude
Also I really hope things get better for you
>Right now, Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
>Probably some casual mobile phone shit
You sound like an incredible faggot
>I'm a famous recording artist.
You sound like an incredible faggot who's also bad at baiting.
If Hiro sold us all out to the cops for the shit we say here, we'd all be already in Gitmo for badwrongthink.
Mexico, actually. Insert cartel jokes here (they're all true btw). If you're asking if I plan how to murder people often, the answer is no, I'm not a psychopath. I just am the kind of edgy shitter that rages cold.
Oh shit nigga, that's the one. I remember some minigame it had where you were on a pogo stick (or using some kind of pump?) and you had to mash like a mother fucker. Good times.
And thanks.
Holy shit user, I've been wondering what the game was for decades. I played it at my cousins when I was 4 and got stuck in the town. Thanks to you I'll go back and play it
>Chrono Trigger
>Far Cry 4
>Crash Bandicoot
>I unironically like The Nutshack
Leave, show the abuse marks, get da money.
Doom 2
Doom 2
Doom 2 (seriously I feel like it's all I play sometimes)
I'm in love with my best friend but he's moving to another country soon
Gay or in London?
just another fag
Hah, faggot.
tell him, you shitter
Don't get your hopes up. It's pretty tedious and can be completely broken if you up a certain stat enough. It's a solid decent/okay game overall.
Glad I could help though.
Does your friend's name start with K? Am I your friend?
>Glad I could help though.
What the fuck are you doing, nigger.
now kiss
>That feel when I know that feel
Well he moved across the country, not to another country, but still.
Say something about it, don't be like me.
>Fallout: NV (Don't fucking start, alright)
>Stardew Valley
>Pokemon Yellow
>I'm very self destructive but I like it and do it on purpose
What the hell
I was going to screenshot to prove hiro fucked up again or some shit because I swear I replied with
>Quest 64?
exactly. But I guess I never sent it, or thought it but didn't reply?
Sorry man, didn't mean to take cred.
Test post
>Not capitalizing like the original poster
Can't tell if serious, but if so what's my last initial?
>Super Mario Galaxy 2
>Smash 4
>Dangerous Dave
>I have a fat fetish
B. but I really hope it's not really you because it would suck if you found out in a stupid way like this.
Oh shit man, I was scared there for a second. My last initial is S. I'm actually moving overseas in 2 months, and have one fag friend and one bi friend. Good to know, but now you really gotta tell him. Don't see him off with regrets.
Lisa the painful + DLC
I'm replaying pokemon x
Super Mario world for the SNES
Nigga idk
>Your favorite video game
Viewtiful Joe
>The most recent game you've played
Smash Bros 4
>The first video game you remember playing
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo cartridge.
>A secret about yourself
I'm that guy accidentally became a famous fursuiter. I still hate furries.
I was scared too. And I value our friendship more than I do these feelings, so I don't see it happening.
Are you one of The Chainsmokers?
>•Your favorite video game
I have a lot. Last year was Hitman
>•The most recent game you've played
>•The first video game you remember playing
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure
>•A secret about yourself
I'm transforming into a girl and it's great
That's actually pretty cool, I can respect that. Just make sure you won't regret letting him go.
Is he gay as well? If not, then I can see how that would just complicate things. If he is, there's always gonna be some doubt if you don't.
Dude look up Borderline Personality Disorder and get her help. I'm not joking. Seriously she probably has this and needs some professional assistance. Don't be afraid to use Obamacare or whatever means necessary. Just get her help.
No, I pushed in front of someone in a supermarket line and it turned out she was a witch and she cursed me.
Heh, that first thing sounds like a scene from a Blackshirtboy comic.
Games have been shit for a complete decade.
>•Your favorite video game
Something rts.
>•The most recent game you've played
Something rts.
>•The first video game you remember playing
Pokemon Red.
>•A secret about yourself
Family is part of country's knight order. I have trouble sleeping lately, very anxious/nervous all the time because of what's happening in west Europe and due to my age and that I'm male, I'll will be put in 'school' soon. I unironically pray some nights that Russia invades us. It would be the best thing for my family rather than stuck with an aids needle by faggots or beheaded by muslims.
>Mario Galaxy 2
>Super Mario Bros (I think)
>I think TloZ SS is an 8/10 game
>due to my age and that I'm male, I'll will be put in 'school' soon.
Twilight Princess HD
Super Mario World
I sing and sometimes pretend I'm a voice actor in the shower.
I was thinking more Fictionmania. But that also works.
shooty shooty bang bang school
Is that the school taught to fight ficki ficki?
I vaguely know what you're talking about, and yeah that a bad deal man. Best of luck with that.
•Your favorite video game
Resident Evil 4
•The most recent game you've played
Resident Evil 4
•The first video game you remember playing
Killer Instinct for SNES
•A secret about yourself
I think I have a minor foot fetish. I like when girls have cute feet and i enjoy giving foot massages but i think foot fetish porn where the camera is zoomed in on the feet is gross and so is toe sucking
>your favorite video game
World of Warcraft
>The most recent game you've played
Shantae the Half-Genie Hero
>The first video game you remember playing
Choplifter for the Atari
>A secret about yourself
I want to fuck the bunny.