Shin Megami Tensei

Which one is better?

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The one featuring Dante from the devil may cry series

it really boils down to what gameplay mechanics you like more and if you prefer atmosphere to plot

The one that is an actual full game.


Devil Summoner is fucking terrible.

Nocturne, OP. Nocturne.

Childhood is liking DDS.
Adulthood is realising Nocturne makes more sense.

Replaying Digital Devil Saga and I forgot how good the soundtrack was.

The game where bunch of skeletons kick your ass.

DDS (mostly 2) is all about the Hindu symbolism. Even so the 2nd half of DDS2 where you spend the rest of the game in the final dungeon[/spoiler] the plot had kinda went full on retarded JRPG on you. It a good game and one of the few where pretty much everyone in your party dies.

This I agree with. It is the one place it holds the advantage.

No fucking clue where the first spoiler tag went, I did the Ctrl + S shortcut thing. My bad if anyone was legit spoiled.

Are the Raidou games worth picking up? I have played the following:

>Persona 3
>Persona 4
>Strange Journey

I plan on playing the Digital Devil games before Persona 5 comes out too.

Nocturne is better in almost every way. Yes, including soundtrack.

Raidou 2

I don't think I'll ever play 1 again.

Play Devil Survivor, my nigga.

persona 3

DDS was okay. I dunno how to feel about Nocturne, though; I loved it when I was playing it, but I it never left a lasting impression on me.

P3 is honestly the pinncacle of MegaTen. SJ and SMT2 are great. My personal fave is DeSu2.

Persona 3 is the best MegaTen

Sera's voice was annoying as fuck. Also, why was Cielo Jamaican? He was white.


Persona 3 was a little too edgy. Persona 4 was the perfect game
Digital Devil Saga, obviously

Best ending.

>Matador is hard
Update your memes, user

If your favorite Megaten isn't MT2 you have shit taste.

Kyuukaku was such a chore

What? I got through both without a guide. Only that fire place in MT1 gave me trouble.

Is Majin Tensei fun_ ?

Persona is better than both of these, including 3 and 4

>persona 4
Bubble gum animu Scooby Doo was too happy with its weird ass contrasting tones. Persona 3 has yet to be dethroned. Persona 5 may have a chance but i don't know for sure.

>play DDS
>instantly hear Yukiko


No, as in, not pleasing at all. I liked some things, but both were honestly as enjoyable as P1.

>persona fags

DDS is fucking trash. I forced myself to play it because i loved all the main saga and ended dropping it after 25 hours.

DDS is fun but I'm not a fan of the Karma/Hunting system.
It's just another layer of bullshit separating you from acquiring skills.