T Minus 11 days, who /cautiously optimistic/ here?

T Minus 11 days, who /cautiously optimistic/ here?
I just want to see the games, the OS, the price and the hidden gimmicks. I haven't bought a console in more than 12 years so I hope this will be good, though I'm probably not going to get it at launch.

>I haven't bought a console in more than 12 years so I hope this will be good, though I'm probably not going to get it at launch.


Why would you buy the switch when you can get the Switch Pro in 3 years

It will be shit just like wii and wii u, faggot.

oh I see, epic for the win

*Just like the GC

oh I see, nintendrone.

Because it's £199.99. If you bought the Switch at launch you'd almost certainly be able to buy any potential future version 3 years later.

I wont get my hopes up personally, I'm just gonna wait and see what it is.

>haven't bought console in more than 12 years, so no Wii or Wii U
epic indeed

oh i see, too retarded to come up with actual arguments.

>Can you fit the switch in your pocket?


>Putting a 2K, 60 FPS Home Console in your pocket

It will be another blunder with no good games like every one of their consoles since the N64.

Dont pretend like the Vita doesnt exist m8

It was supposed to be a portable console, it turned out to be a bulky unergonomic mess. (Big reason why the Vita failed and the 3DS succeeded)

The exact same thing will happen to the Switch

Not him, but user come on, that shit screams 'gimmick' from every corner.

Who wants to be sliding controllers in and off a tablet all the time? Let alone carry a tablet in the first place? Even the DS is uncomfortable.

I learned my lesson with the Wii U. Give me a traditional x86 console that can run all the new games (with no region lock) already, gee, gimmicks can be added in the long run.

I'm staying away from them until then.

I'm just waiting for the three days left thread.
That one will be fun.

I really hope it will be good, can't wait for the new Zelda too

I bought a wii and a wii u.
There's no way I can be hopeful for this thing.

I've already lost what little hype I had.
I just want Nintendo to go third party already.

>I haven't bought a console in more than 12 years

Why would you start now?

I swear to god if Switch gets a Persona game before Steam you don't even know how i'm gonna react

The goal of this device is to sell as much as the two lines combined, which means it must sell as well as the 3DS and a bit lil more to succeed.

>hes going to buy specific hardware
>to play locked down software

This thing is going to have 32GB internal storage again, won't it?

Only on the pro version

That's the whole idea behind a console.
Of course, an open store with actual quality control would be able to replace those with ease, but neither valve nor android nor apple are willing to do this.

That's what the rumor points at, but with an micro-sd card port to expand the dong more.

>he thinks the Vita failed because it was bulky

I'm sure the memory cards and 0 noteworthy games weren't the cause.

>buy your own card to get more space!

Why? Fucking Xbone and PS4 come with 500GB-1TB of internal storage.
How the fuck is 32GB acceptable in 2017? Fucking Wii U was mocked for 32GB in 2012, and it was the """"deluxe"""" version

>That's the whole idea behind a console.
i don't agree, if the whole purpose behind a console was just to sell games locked behind physical DRM why the fuck would they even make a console and why would people willingly submit themselves to such a clear jewish tactic?

I don't know. Why do you buy games from Steam if it's even worse DRM bullshit?

What would make you buy the Switch?

I have a Wii U so if I don't see Bayonetta 3 or Monster Hunter 5 as launch titles I'll just get breath of the wild on Wii U instead.

where is my town Nintendo?

lmao you really think Bayonetta 3 will come out of nowhere when Bayo 2 had like 2 years of promotion before release?

>taking the Switch with you, ever

Mine will stay docked 100% of the time
I don't play on the go.

steam is a distribution platform, many games are drm free. i also buy from gog and don't support games with denuvo/uplay. i remember when i owned an xbox 360 where you couldn't play any downloaded games at all offline, steam is not worse than that

Because unlike HDDs, people have dozens of sd cards just laying around at this point.

Xbox and PS need the space for day 1 patching and disk installs.

I owned a Wii U and most of it's most popular games plus DLC and I never even needed the full 32 GB.

The fucking Xbone and PS4 also are not portable systems that can have a full fledged mechanical harddrive.
And they NEED each MB of that harddrive because the storage media is awfully slow.

Is it time?

A 128 GB SD card is $40

I'd hardly think people have SD cards that big just lying around

Bayo 3 is more likely a 2018 or 2019 title. I see it as being a reveal for E3 this year.

MH5 won't be a launch title, but a switch version of XX might be.

Mega man.

who here has even one sd card? i have 3 microsd cards, sd cards bigger than 2 gigabytes? what the fuck is this 2005

>What would make you buy the Switch?

Those rumored ports of Dark Souls 1,2, & 3.
The practically confirmed Mario Musou title.
Zelda BotW
A new Animal Crossing

Spotted the iFag

>3 launch games
Zelda BotW
Splatoon 2: Koopa Invasion
F-Zero NX
>3 first year games
Super Mario 65
Zelda 3 by FROM
new Nintendo IP
>3 must have features
1 TB internal fast memory internal memory
different joycons
better joycons

android phones don't even take sd cards anymore grandpa, the only reason i have microsd is specifically for android phones

Is Apple being a bunch of special snowflakes again and trying to have their own proprietary memory cards?

apple is the nintendo of computers. their products suck but the have ''the magic''. plus rich fags always need something to show off their richness

Several good games for launch window. Not just "launch year" like with the Wii U, where several games got delayed, I mean games with solid release dates going out 3 months post launch. Also, announcing Metroid. That doesn't need to be launch.

they don't offer memory expansion at all

Ah so that's their jewish tactic for selling the 32, 64, 128 etc iPhone models.

And of course, the 128GB model only include the price of the extra memory and nothing else like some hypothetical apple sucker tax.

i wonder what else that reminds me of its on the tip of my tongue

>Even the DS is uncomfortable
no it isn't retarded faggot

I want more salt for the most part

Two consoles worth of pissing away third party support and they think this shit has a chance?
Rockstar is never going to release a 3D GTA on a Nintendo platform after what Nintendo did to DMA
Bethesda can't even confirm a release of Skyrim on the thing
Capcom is completely reliant on having other companies foot their development bills
EA and Ubisoft will only use the thing to release low grade ports of PS4/Xbone games
And we know how fucking shit first party has become with Nintendo and their only hope is Zelda: Generic Open World Game edition

>Two consoles worth of pissing away third party support
you mean 4

>Complains about small storage space
>Forgets to realise Switch is cartridge based so it doesn't need large hard drives

You know all nintendo need to do is show a gardevoir being petted in 1080p to sell some million of units overnight, right?

Sure, but we're looking at hovering around Wii U numbers at best with that

It's more likely a "Pro" concept would be a new dock, since patents suggest that's entirely feasible

>apple is the nintendo of computers
Apple actually sell products which millions of professionals are willing to pay a huge premium for. Apple is highly successful and cannot be in any way compared to the pathetic failure that is Nintendo.
>their products suck
Apple has been king of the workstations for the past two decades. You have no fucking idea what you're on about.

You're a complete fucking idiot. Enjoy those painfully slow read/write speeds.

It will sell as much as the 3DS and the WiiU combined.

Which will be quite a modest but noticeable improvement over the 3DS sales.

t. fat american iCuck

>quite modest

Why would you shit on splatoon with mario shit? I for one i'm fucking glad they dropped putting Mario in it like they do with everything

The Wii U already got one.

but it's not using discs

Depends on how the catridge is organized and such.
You always can do shit like parallel flash chips, like the iphone storage use to reach 800MB/s access rate.

But knowing nintendo, if they use it, they will cheap up and give 200MB/s, which is still faster than the PS4 harddrive, but not as nearly as good as they could do.

Yes, its 80M + a bit more instead of 80M.

Too high, but I expect around 45 mil.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I take it that you have never bought anything in your life? Because there's always a new product getting developed.

Aren't cartridges SSD and therefore a lot faster than any HDD?

Depends on what kind of tech you use on it.
Nintendo loves their flash memory since the DS, but this only gives you 40-50MB/s of access.
But if they actually need more bandwith, they can ask macronix for an internally split chip that is composed by lets say four flash chips in one, which all being accessed in parallel with an special raid controller that can be either in the chip itself or just in the console, which would be my bet.This way, you podrace at 200MB/s.

Well, considering the Switch is getting console games in it, they surely need more bandwidth.

>though I'm probably not going to get it at launch.

And if it is user will obviously know about it.

I would say more the memory size.
At 50MB/s, it would take ages to load the 3GB nintendo will give to the devs.

I severely fucking doubt that
3DS sales had slowly and slowly decreased in rate over time as mobile phones became bigger and bigger since 2011, and now Nintendo is trying to enter the mobile market without a phone carrier setting up contracts to get it without paying a monthly fee as opposed to the full price upfront, it's not gonna do well

>lying is impossible on the internet

Get fucked, Nintendrone.

I don't think mobiles affect the sales of portable as much as you think it does.
PCs are pretty much the same fucking thing, yet they don't kill consoles.
Most of the drop in sales of the 3DS is probably on 3DS itself.

Because a fucking HDD on a handheld would be stupid as fuck, and 128gb flashdrive costs 50-99€.

Also thanks to cardrigdes the "installation" should be a thing of the past.

>and the hidden gimmicks
Isn't it already gimmicky enough?

I bet it will have VR support, but with very primitive WiiU like graphics.

>3 Launch Games
Zelda BotW
GameCube VC - Kirby Air Ride to be specific
Spla2n (hopefully not a port of Splatoon)

>3 First year games
Dark Souls 1 remaster/port
Monster Hunter 5/ Monster Hunter XX
3D Mario game that isn't slow crap.

>3 Must-have features
Support for up to 256gig SD/Micro SD card
Joy-con alternate with a real fucking d-pad
Cheating here but launch price of $200/250 USD and bundle being $250/300 USD with a game AND pro controller