Is it possible to use FreeSync with a Nvidia card yet?

Is it possible to use FreeSync with a Nvidia card yet?

No, theres gsync for that

I dont have a gsync monitor, i have a freesync monitor

then use amd you stupid fuck

I have a nvidia card you double nigger

Then you should have gotten a Gsync monitor you triple nigger.

>it's another 'I didn't do any research while buying shit and now I'll whine on Sup Forums about missing features / interoperability of competing brands' thread

It was half the price you giganiggas


Doesn't matter if you can't use Freesync with it.

You wasted money though, you bought something you didn't want or need, just because it was "half price".

>it was cheap but it doesn't serve it's intended purpose very well

You can, actually.

>It was half the price

>I'll whine on Sup Forums about missing features / interoperability of competing brands' thread
PC used to be about interoperability.
Used to be perfectly fine combining a AMD CPU with an nVidia GPU or an Intel CPU with an AMD GPU.
What's the point of PC, if that feature is gone?
Just imagine a console would dictate you what TV brand to use.

My main purpose in buying the monitor wasnt the sync shit? Not that big a deal to me, just want to know if theyve made it possible for nvidia cards to use freesync yet.

I wasnt going to pay $300 more just so i could get gsync

>pay $300 more just so i could get gsync
PC gaming is a joke.

No, because Njews are jews

It is still perfectly operable to do those things.

Just for these two new monitor features it is different.

They just turned PC into a worse console with overpriced "authorized accessories".
And Sup Forumsirgins defend that.

>two new monitor features
It's not two new features. It's one feature with vendor-locked implementations.
Having those is a full market failure and clearly demonstrates the demise of the open platform PC.

just another couple hundred posts until quads

need to go, somebody else summon quads plx

>demise of...PC

>into a worse console
Whoops, looks like your opinion is wrong.

Freesync/gsync incompatibility is not an opinion,.
It's a fact.

It's a meme anyway. You only notice a difference between gsync on and off at low fps. You should not have low fps to begin with.