ITT: Things that made you drop a game you were otherwise enjoying

ITT: Things that made you drop a game you were otherwise enjoying.

That nigger joining the group in Front Mission 5.

>the spiders screams
Had to power through this

For me it's the forcing me to do a platforming section with 2006 Source rope physics when I just wanted a hack and slash.

Someone on Sup Forums said it's a bad game.

I got to a point in Deus Ex HR that takes away all of my upgrades. I dunno if i'll ever get back to it but I know I was loving the game before that happened.

You dropped a game because of a 5 min area?

The platforming isn't even that bad.

If you mean the DLC, you det all your praxis kits back at the end.

If you mean the Jamir boss fight, you can just kill him and your augments will reenable themselves.
But if it is the boss fight it's your fault for being dumb enough to accept the free 'upgrade' at the LIMB clinic


Can't find a picture of the actual part but it's when you go into a wrecked ship or whatever and then you get trapped under rubble and have to use your fus ro dah powers to survive

These threads kind of end up being casual filter threads.

That dam level pissed me off so much that I ended up activating noclip

the flying fuck is that thing?

fuck this part, never beat it

Your PTSD if you decide to play Bloodlines

No joke, the first time I played DK64 I thought the game was broken because the game wouldn't start and I couldn't get past the title screen.

It was literally the first game I played that said "press the start button" and meant it.

was done with it in 2 minutes
how fucking plebs are you?

I though that was the point


Oh is it stupid time? Because I'm stupid as well.

When I bought MGS3, I couldn't get past the main menu because it had the Jap layout of X being back/cancel and O being confirm.
I pressed start and X a million times and nothing happend. Stupid me was so conditioned by the standard control scheme, I just couldn't deal with the situation.
I almost returned the game.

Good 'ol consolefag times. I miss them sometimes.

He's a filthy liar
