all right Sup Forumsirgins, what did you guys all do on new year?
All right Sup Forumsirgins, what did you guys all do on new year?
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Masturbated to hot anime babes and went to bed.
Watched basketball and youtube videos
Got closer to this THICC gurl i know, i think shes the one lads this years gonna be great i cant fuck this up
2bad I already seduced her.
went to my sisters, ate pizza, drank pepsi, watched cowboy bebop while others were playing around with electronic music equipment in another room
same here
I died
Watched extended edition of Return of The King
dang rip dude
completed life is strange
woken by fireworks
Welcome to hell.
>got home
>played titanfall 2
>considered asking multiple women I know if they wanna fuck
>disregarded that because of virgin cowardice
>jerked off instead
>currently shitposting at 5:30am
So far, it's been the best New Year's yet.
RIP in peace man
I worked all night. I'm still there.
I planned to hunt in MHG but ended up reading this instead.
spent time with family
had a nice dinner
watched some tv together until 23:40
went out had a bit of champaign and watched the fireworks and walked home
Went to Best Buy right before they closed and bought the last copy of Dragon Quest Builders on sale.
So I played that.
Is this 18+?
i slept
played Miku
Watched Outstarwalker, 8-bit and Darksaber play that Cthulhu board game on's Twitch.
>decided to stay home to comfort a friend of mine viva skype because she is always alone
>spend all night playing EDF 4.1 with her and having fun
Great Year so far.
I hope all of you have
Serious Question: How do I make Anzu my waifu?
Get a life, nerds
No thanks.
fuck you the witcher is fun and I fucked two (2) women in there
what the FUCK
>dumb friends dragged me out of the house
>went to a boring party
>left as soon as the new year began
>took a shower
>went to sleep
Played fighting games at my scene.
Well, if you become a necromance you can summon as many skeltal slaves as you want
welcome to the video games board on Sup Forums, bub
You can't make me
skeltals are spoopy
anzu a cute
I'm a gamer, I have many lives
Get drunk as shit and play Mario Kart 8
I wish anzu would sit politely on my face.
She doesn't even have to acknowledge me. She could just sit tight and carry on with her day to day pattern of being cute.
play video games
Anzu is skeltal tier
Just look at her
She has very cute lady parts, user.
It would be bizarre if she didn't.
too good for this world
RIP Anzu
This is why I stay away from clubs
Well, she kinda jinxed herself
Played sum Titanfall 2, watched sum tv, went out and happynewyeared sum ppl, drank sum Rhum. The grill at the bar kissed me, I guess she's not angry anymore at my spaghetti.
how obtain alchohol when not 21
She's OK.
She just has bigger lips now.
what happened?
Dunno, I'm an old fart
how women
Meaning to go to bed at 11, I realized I was two Overwatch matches away from an other box before I can no longer play during the event. So I went in for a couple of matches, leveled up, unboxed Tracer's skin, unlocked all the other items I didn't get, then went to bed.
As soon as I got comfy, stupid fireworks started blasting.
I accidentally told the check out lady I loved her and she smiled at me
Is this an ask an oldfag thread?
How can I get over my fear of women from a childhood trauma?
Dunno either, just talk normally? I'm gonna tell you that she made the move tho.
>when not 21
fucking americans, where i live you can drink alcohol at pubs and clubs at 18 and buy alcohol from stores at 20
I'm here for the Anzu webms. I was told they would be here.
Felt miserable, >tfw no gf'd.
Didn't promise to lose my virginity this year, I guess I'm finally accepting that it is way too late for me now.
>bought myself a 42inch tv
>move my console to my bedroom
>Post shit from my iPad
Still not in mood for gaming.
Jesus Christ that is a lot of makeup.
At least her eyes are really nice.
she looks like a 50 year old polish woman
Delivered pizza
>Captcha: select all images with fireworks
hahaha same here bro
just go to bars with older friends and get them to order drinks.
Or find a store run by pakis that dont give a fuck
I guess I'm moving to Poland.
Celebrated with my family.
ANzu is a T*urk lol
>anzu is a roach
Common knowledge, but if the majority of 50 year olds in poland are as cute as Anzu.
>pointy ears
I get that they are supposed to be fairies or something but I don't remember them having knife ears in anime.
I worked and made $200 in tips + 11 hours of $9.50 an hour
If someone paid me $300 to not spend $40 getting drunk at the bar I'd probably never go to the bar again.
Unfortunately tips, while good, usually aren't quite that good.
fuck off Sup Forums
>not replying to the guy that died
Went to a shitty party where everyone was way younger than me, sat there in silence feeling nauseous for a two hour stint in the middle of it.
Left just after midnight jacked off to tranny porn and fell asleep at 2am.
Woke up and listented to my housemate fucking in the next room while I eat the most beat and basic breakfast imaginable.
Went for a walk so I didn't have to listen to them and I just got back in.
It's like life is a joke and I'm the punchline. Every new year is worse than the last.
Read it in Max Payne's voice.
Bulls fucking lost to the Bucks, hahahahahahahaha!! and then that gay ass fan got cucked.
Had a threesome with a tall Italian couple
I sleep from 3PM to 2AM
Woke up and masturbated to some HMV and hentai doujin releases
did you masturbate on your spaghetti bowls
>tells me to get a life
>I don't
Spent it with my girlfriend Anzu, we kissed at midnight
I ate chicken and sweetcorn soup while playing Super Mario 64
started a new d2 HC character with a friend. good stuff
Andy even dropped a Bloodfist.
Was borderline sick, drank 1 beer and slept from 8pm to 5am
We may be a bunch of losers, but at least we're losers together, right?
Watched World of Sport reboot last night. Then watched someone stream FFXV as I couldn't be bothered doing anything. Fell asleep around 8:30pm and woke up at 11:20pm. Then went on discord and talked to my monster hunter pals for a bit then finally played some more Gravity Rush until I fell asleep at 2:30am.
Pretty boring really, today I'm just sitting around catching up on episodes of Super Sentai.
This wouldn't be nearly as bad if today wasn't my birthday as well.
I looked into my backlog of games and started playing metal gear solid
Do not tell lies on the internet.
Holy shit.
How do you cope with the knowledge that you will never, ever have a gf like Anzu?
I don't know how to keep going year after year knowing I'll never have an adorable 10/10 cosplay qt gf
hello fellow new years b-day
She kind of looks creepy in half the images she's in. Also is probably a psycho.
Worked a 14 hour shift, drank a few beers and watched an episode of the Simpsons before going to bed.