Games you hate that everyone loves

I really fucking hate both Bioshock 1 and Assassins Creed 2, both incredibly overrated and shitty games.

I just can't get over the shitty MC.
Also coincidence that of the trilogy he isn't on the front cover of US/EU release?

Inside. The game costs $30 where I live and what I got was shorter and shallower than Limbo. Beat the game in 2 hours and the hidden ending isn't worth finding all the secret areas for, and about all of the puzzles consist of DO THAT WHILE AVOIDING THAT, compared to Limbo's more varied puzzles.

The initial asking price is just fucking ludicrous. Limbo was half the price when it was first released, and while I thought $15 was still a little too much, it was longer amd had better puzzles, which I felt justified paying for.
So fuck Inside. I have no idea why everyone jizzes all over it.

Why is Woolsey such a hack?

FF7 is the game that marked the sudden downfall of the once-great FF series, and everyone acts like it's the best thing.
I don't get it at all.

Son of a Submariner, you will pay for that bad opinion

>Final Fantasy VI
>Doom 2016
>Every Bethesda RPG since Oblivion

first game i ever refunded.
pretentious pokemon clone

New Doom I guess.

I hope your entire family gets cancer in 2017


GTA. It may be okay if you are underage because it's edgycool and has gangstas and niggas but beyond that, grow the fuck up.

Final Fantasy VI
Mario series
Legend of Zelda series
I seriously don't get the appeal

Ace Combat 5.
I genuinely don't understand the fascination with it, especially since it's outclassed in almost every conceivable way by every game that followed it, excepting AH.

SC2 is cancer and it killed my favourite genre

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Shitty story, boring characters, an unlikeable douche of a protagonist, and tailing missions galore.


This. I really do not see what people see in them. They're like every other "action-adventure" game released 15 yers ago but without any charm. It feel so clinical

>Plays any Assassin's Creed game for the story

People like Black Flag because of the pirate ship


Why the fuck did this blow up bigger than LISA and Cave Story+ combined? The level design is bad, the humour is weak, it's a terrible RPG mechanically, it's constantly interrupting your gameplay (walking in a straight line) quirky dialogue, the artstyle is bad and the soundtrack is forgettable.

>hurr, it's good because muh pirates
Rogue has the same naval shit and doesn't have the negative points I listed.

>neoteric Sup Forums the thread

>tfw to intelligent for gta

Spent more time riding around on that fucking horse through empty landscapes than actually battling monsters. Fuck this game was boring.

>simple rpg mechanics
>literally straight line level design
>cinematic experience
No wonder this game blew up like it did. Fucking normies have shit taste in videogames.

>you have to be underage to enjoy GTA
now I've seen everything

happy new year too, faggot

I hate every open world gta-style gane i've ever played.

EXCEPT Red Dead Redemption. By god, that game is incredible.

You seem to be the underage one. GTA isn't "edgycool", It's satirical.

>Mario series
Now, I can let Zelda slide, because they're mostly similar throughout the franchise. Just saying Mario is retarded, since there are so many spin-offs, with many different gameplay styles.

I would agree with you if you'd narrowed it down to GTA V. That game is a polished turd.

I guess you're right; I meant the main, platforming games (SMB 1-4, 64, etc).

Fair enough. I can understand that.

Chrono Trigger.
I've tried multiple times to play the game, and every time I just get bored, and end up not having fun. OST is amazing though, definitely won't deny that.

Even though I don't hate FFVII it's not my favorite FF nor is it the best.

fucking this

FIFA football/soccer games. Or any sport games in general, since I prefer to do them myself.

I think its mostly the music, the soundtrack really carries most of the game imo.

Never played AC2 but you are totaly right about Bioshock, it was the most shalow shooter i have ever played.
I could write a drama about the issues the game has
>the boring weapon slection and the complete abstains of balance in general
>there is no fucking point in upgrading your weapons since they replace each other anyway, again bad balancing
>Bulletsponge enemys with no weakpoint or reloading times you just HAVE to go berserk hit them with your strongest weapon which leads us again to point one and two obsolute starting weapons and boring gameplay due bad balancing
>magic was also pointless since spells where too weak to compensate weapon fire even in combination with environment kills
>no bosses which is understandeble since you need gameplay to begin with to make them work, this game has no gameplay, just shooting in one direction and pressing buttons
>Also the story was incredible boring and lives from one tiny bullshit asspull twist which could be more understandable if it was meant to be a meta commantary but it doesn't work because the audiolog driven story is soo cluttered with shit no one cares about that you ... well stop care about them and so miss the relevant stuff.
System shock did it good because the logs where scarce and interesting, in bioshock its the opposite
I could write the whole day about that, I didn't even scratched the surface but I am just tired of it. How can people defend a game which has thousands of faults and soo little to offer.
>Good atmosphäre and graphics
Thats it that are all the things this game has done well.
How groundbreaking

bioshock 3 I could not even finish this boring piece of shit

people only like bioshock because fucking console normies hadn't played games like thief system shock or deus ex before. Bioshock even though a dumb down turd of a game was many's first experience towards these kind of games.

>Muh comfiness
>Muh world building

I would still give it another chance though, i was re-reading FMA and feels like they kinda alike

I think VII is the best, but it also aged like milk because of being an early 3D game with a shitty translation. Too bad the remake is changing so much stuff.

Persona 4

I hate Tales of Symphonia' story and characters, not to mention its gameplay can get really repetitive, as a casual (so don't ask me about combos and the like).
The system for hidden exsphere skills was tedious. A lot of the game felt tedious. A good chunk of subquests is a super boring fetch quest(item collection, statue collection, bestiary, weapon collection) that is just a time sink without thought. It is a nice battle system marred by many little things.

The story and plot points are so stereotypical, so conventional, sometimes I wonder if it was intentional from the writers since the same team made Abyss and that one definitely was more original with its tropes.

But Symphonia does not even write its tropes well enough to really be entertaining and its own thing.
All its themes, poverty, racism, self identity, slavery, are handled so poorly it becomes funny.

And what the hell, Lloyd's growth is fucking dumb. He goes from another dumb jrpg hero to literally Jesus who can do no wrong and who everybody loves.

The villains are so ridiculous, even the guy we are supposed to find symphathetic is... This of course is also due to how dumb the racism in this game is. It gives you zero good reasons why the three races hate eachother: elves hate humans because they're stuck up, elitist nature loving bitches, humans hate elves because elves hate them, half elves are hated because they're born from the two, and half elves hate everybody else because everybody hates them.
It's never really explained properly. Racist characters never go beyond "half elves/humans are smelly and gay" in their ideologies, so they're much weaker as characters and defeating them has no weight or satisfaction to it.

Oh and Sylvarant is supposed to be this decaying land that is literally dying yet it looks perfectly fine, green and happy even, aside from some concentration camps sprinkled here and there.

Ps: the music mostly sucks too and some of it is grating.

Dota, LoL

About 99.9% of the clasic jrpgs. Most of them would most likely be better if they were VNs.


Souls. They're decent games, but definitely not the end-all and be-all of action games like their rabid fanboys claim.

What's worse? Thanks to Bloodborne and Ni-Oh, any criticism of Souls-style combat gets you jumped on not just by their true believers, but also by console war partisans who'll go after you as if you attacked them personally.

you can hate undertale just fine but where does the pokemon clone part come from, its an obvious earthbound/smt ripoff


From the games that Sup Forums cant stop worshipping, the new doom is one I hate.

Its so disgusting to see people praise it as the literal greatest game ever just because it has ebin metal music and supahcool animated finishers.


Has anyone ever noticed that the anons who use the spongebob images all seem to have the same wavelength of annoyance as that one "weird kid in class"? And I don't mean 'eccentric' weird, I mean the "Jesus christ, shut the fuck up" weird.

>and the soundtrack is forgettable.
Alright you gotta little greedy and I was hoping I could've agreed with a whole comment here.


The answer to your question though, is that it's hipster as balls. Maybe you hadn't noticed, but the largest growing culture in the west is the pretentious fuck.

>I think VII is the best,
Fuck off you stupid bag of shit.
You probably played it first, didn't you?

I love the game UNDERTALE because it features the character TORIEL, that I like to call GOAT MOM. I hope that nobody posts lewd pictures of her here, because my genetalia couldn't be but excited!


Okay I have never been to reddit. What did I say this time? Every accusation makes less sense than the last.

Conker's Bad Fur Day. Slippery ass controls, no camera controls, can hardly maintain a frame rate and the gameplay is just so...boring. Really disappointed because I love Banjo Kazooie so much.

I only dropped the game last month and I couldn't hum a tune from it if you put a gun to my head. I wouldn't mention it at all if people didn't act like TobyFox or whoever was a genius auteur.

>Series consists entirely of strafing in a circle and shooting as 5 or so enemy types run directly at you in unison
>PCfags treat it like a sacred cow
Just turn your brain off dude.

because he does not like the same things i do.

Mario series
Zelda series
Pokemon after Black and White
Fire emblem series
Street Fighter V

Used to hate Blazblue but game got good in CP

Never has gratuitous blood and gore been so unsatisfying. Literal braindead shooters but zillions of enemies you need to evade to keep you from whacking off due to boredom.

So you hate videogames? Is your favorite "game" TLOU or Uncharted?

My first was X, actually.

Absolute fuxking chore to play. fwiw tho, the besaid theme is comfy.

Yes, especially the neanderthal one

God I fucking hate it

World of Warcraft
Starcraft 2
Diablo I, II, III
Warcraft series
DotA 2
Team Fortress 2
CSS and CS:Go
League of Legends
Assassin's Creed 2, subtitle, 4subtitle, 5
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 2
Watch Dogs
nuDoom (this one especially, what the fuck is wrong with all of you?)
Virtually all fighting games, because shitty business practices
Just like a list of every pixelindieshit game ever
GTA series
Fallout 3
Fallout NV
Fallout 4
Red Dead Redemption
Uncharted series
All mobage and soshage

But really fuck all of you, develop some dignity.

Videogames aren't just nintendo my dear shill

Also my favorite videogame is Megaman x4

I just stay away from nintendo crap

You sound like a huge weeb, my man.

>without any charm
you what mate?
Zelda's biggest problem (at least since moving to 3d) is the gameplay, everything else is generally very good (although dungeon quality can be erratic)

I don't hate the game, but the meme of Dark Souls being "hard" needs to die.

what do you play other than weebshit

Zelda is just a self insert story for faggots

every zelda fan is a guaranteed retard

the graphics aren't really an issue 3d on 2d is a bit annoying but it's nowhere near as bad as how slow the animations are (especially for shit like summons) and how poorly balanced the game is (aqualung for the whole game etc).

I think the best final fantasy game is probably V as I think it has the most interesting gameplay mechanics but it is also horribly balanced.


Not really a Japanese game fan.

sounds like you just don't like games

ITT everyone on Sup Forums shows off their bad taste

>on Sup Forums a board dedicated to an entertainment medium primarily for children
>I'm too smart to play gta

grow up edgelord

Just because you're too dumb to see the charm doesn't mean it doesn't have charm. I only played 2 Zelda games and i understand why people like it.

It's a game where YOU, the classic hero, save the world and princess from evil. It's a formulaic game with good soundtrack, exploration, dungeons and gameplay.

shut up nintenkiddie

that makes sense

everyone on Sup Forums has bad tastes according to everyone else on Sup Forums.

yo, fuck you

A weak boy ,incapable of strengthening his own opinions, who denounces his taste and beliefs in order to be similar to people in a japanese website. Sad!

>Zelda has no charm
Hah, wow.

it's true user

unless you are a 10 years old kid that masturbates in R34 with zelda pics, the game has the charm of a rock

sounds like Sup Forums alrigh

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a shitty game "series" which is loved on Sup Forums and praised as the second coming of Christ for some reason.

Overwatch, i have no idea why people play it at all. It's just a visually polished turd made by a big name developer.

Fuck this game
>shit plot
>spells are boring
>hero creation illusion of choice
>boring world
How someone could make this monster?

How to detect retards.

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
All 3rd person shooters

Hey at least it isn't the fourth one

Mein Kampf is satirical.

>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a shitty game "series" which is loved on Sup Forums and praised as the second coming of Christ for some reason.
Let me guess, you got gangraped by the first group of bandits.

New Vegas. It's great compared to Fallout 3/4 but on its own its fucking mediocre and the fact that the fanbase on Sup Forums thinks they're such special snowflakes that they just can't stay in /fog/ infuriates me.

You are completely right, SJW are retards

Nah. I have no idea why you made this assumption. You think it's a """""hardcore""""" game or something?

Zelda oot: 1/10th of the interactivity lttp had. Empty, shit music, bad controls, shitty targeting camera and black bars, "smothering" atmosphere, auto jumping, using items bring you to a full stop
Bioshock: a very basic shooter with no interesting mechanics
Ffxv: combat incredibly irresponsive and they removed any form of complexity on purpose
Ninja gaiden: most boring designs ever, combat is restrictive and has no depth, only A.I. is good
Black: boring standard shooter with pre-baked destructables
Half life 2: atmosphere is depressing in a not so fun way. Weapons are boring and dont feel nice. Vehicle sections are dull af. Characters are stupid
Levels are not part of a complex like hl1. Only some combat mechanics are decent.
Asscreed: expecred a free roam prince of persia, control scheme makes it something very different and very fucking boring. Parkoured back to the store to get my money back as fap

Black Flag is the truly baffling one to me. It's the same shit as the rest of them except muh pirates.

What is there not to get about it? Unique setting, anime gfx style without anime stereotypes, incredible amount of customization and attacks, minigames around every corner keep the pacing.