Is this series good?

Is this series good?


Yes, but you will be surprised when the best girl is flat.

good plot

No. They're mediocre games with shallow combat and no other depth, with largely boring characters and writing.
The fanservice is incredible though.

Some of the art is incredible, and no, I don't mean the fanservice though it's good as well.

SK1 and SK2 are pretty good, SV is okay, EV is shit.
Honestly though the only reason you'd ever buy this game is for the tits and ass but thats just a tease, you're better off watching some nip porn.

She's not flat in the backside department, though.

Yeah, she could suffocate someone with this huge butt.

FUCK Mirai

What do you mean that EV is shit senpai?

I wanted to buy it on sale, is SV better?

It's not big, but it's flabby and jiggles.

The gameplay is serviceable, but the girls, and more importantly the T&A, is unparalleled.

I would be happy to die with my face in her buttcheeks.

It's solid that's for sure.

>is SV better
Yes, as weird as it sounds.
EV just brings not enough new to the table and then went and changed how canceling and dashing works, making the game play kinda really slow and weird.

No FUCK you

deep crimson is okay everything else is fucking garbage

If you like musou you'll like it. If you think mousou is just a button mash game, play them on hard.

If you have not played SV yet, I would not recommend getting EV anyway.
Story and all might not be important to you, but seeing how characters and their interaction are a huge part of the series (since the gameplay itself is nothing to write home about and can get pretty repetitive), EV is really the worst point to jump into the series.

Yes its my GOTY from last year.


thats sad

Yes and no.

Is it fun? Yes.
Is the gameplay shallow? Yes.
Is the fanservice off the charts? Yes.
Is the story good? No.
Did I enjoy every second of it? Yes.

>Is the story good? No.
But the characters themselves and their interactions can be quite good.

Stupid cat

it's a disease

it had a lot of potential but i feel that the series is on a downward spiral

they basically only planned the initial character arcs per character and don't know what to do next now that they're all solved.

>tfw Yumi will never be real

Can is the key word there.

Post the lewdest official senran picture.

No. I got banned last time for doing that.
Have one of the lewder ones instead.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

Come on, post the lewdest one.

>best girl flat

Cmon dude, Asuka is not flat at all

Why is Asuka turned on by that?

Almost finished the first game.

Awesome soundtrack, interesting and fun characters with nice background stories, cute CG images, nice titty character designs.

I feel bad it's going to stop, but it was a nice VN with small action segments sprinkled in.

That's because Asuka isn't the best girl.

Neither is that thing you posted.

I only played EV but I enjoyed dash cancelling and guard cancelling everything and going sanic fast. Multiplayer is a blast too.

Hello? She is not? Rude!

her nipples are rock solid

Oh ya?

Don't be mean to that thing. It's my wife.

>waiting for Estival Versus port on PC
>scared to discover all the Yumi praising in-game or possible downgrade of favorite chars

Stop looking at them, your perv!

Honestly, there is almost zero Yumi pandering in it except for maybe two missions. One of them actually being a joke on how Yumi became too popular.

Your wife is shit.

Dude, you can't just go around calling people's wives shit. Please apologize.


I'm sorry that you have to put up with such a shit wife.

This is without doubt one of the lewdest official senran pics.

Prepare for an even lewder one if you look really close.

You got that right. Thanks for defending Murasaki, ugly cat thing.

Reminder Katsuragi has best boots

Good old soft artstyle artist, sneaking in the bumps.

I want to grope Katsu's boots

Mirai is so great but only when she's getting bullied.


Kill yourself, bully.

Of those on PC which one is better

What am I supposed to be looking at here?

Sex mods?

Haruka is stupid and has a stupid face.

Yomis yomis.

Stop being jealous.

I'm not jealous. I'm butthurt that Haruka is mean to my waifu.

You only have 2 choices in PC as of now, Shinovi Versus, a 3d beat em up, and Bon Appetit, a rhythm game spin off.

She deserves it.

I want to impregnate Asuka

I see. I'm guessing the beat em up won't run well on a toaster? The recommended specs are higher than i expected

happy new year fellow anons
is this the first senran thread of the year, right?

>I'll never get the Ikaruga oppai figure
Hurts to live

There were 2 last night, but died rather quickly.

>mfw ~$250 dollars new
Some day, I know some day it will happen.

The games are fun. Stories are pretty solid except EV, which dumbs down a few characters but gives some fun character interactions in the place of story. Its slower but hits feel more satisfying. Start with 3DS games or read the super short mangas then go with SV.

It's fun but Valkyrie Drive has better gameplay and story at the expense of fewer waifus.

>or read the super short mangas
Where they even fully scanlated/translated? I have only completed Spark, but don't think I've ever seen the other two complete.

Skirting Shadows and Spark were completed. SIA announced theyre working on finishing Guren No Hebi a few days ago.

No. Gameplay is shallow and usually poorly made.
Writing started off with "acceptable" shonenshit, now it's just every character regurgitating their one or two jokes over and over again.
They've been getting really awful with DLC to the point where they just made the ending DLC in the most recent game.
The fanservice isn't even good since everyone uses the same shitty barbie doll character model.
The official art started off good and deteriorated into making everyone kind of a lumpy blob of flesh with fucked up waists. Fanart/porn is surprisingly rare and not very good either.
An all-around letdown, really.

I like this one

what did it look like? the one that got yuo banned?

>Homura spreading Miyabi's pussy

Pre-ordered peach beach splash. Should be good for a few faps/

i have 20 € left from the steam hoarding spree of 31 december, should i buy this?

There are so many great pics I pray they will get rid of that soon.
The pic I was talking about was SVs no-eye pic of Yumi without the swords if you know what I mean.

Homu is REALLY sexually aggressive in these promo-shots.

>that big juicy ass



You got a thing for such things?

Sure, go for it. At the worst you can always refund it again, right?

I want a non-lewd Murasaki daki. Help.

>You got a thing for such things?

Oh yeah man, I can only hope that one day as much effort is put into in-game Senran asses as the tits

>non-lewd daki of a heavy fanservice series
Hahaha, what is next, wanting unique models for every Senran in the game?
The least lewd daki actually was from the EU CE of EV I´d say, but it was not from purple.

See above, I wish for it as well, but I doubt it will come anytime soon seeing how they still did not make any effort with PBS.
It looks exactly like EV despite being PS4 only.

>non lewd daki
What's the point?
I'm all for a cute daki design but I doubt that would appeal to everybody.

>the tits
If only, they all still have the same semi orbs glued on their bodies in Versus. At least the ones from SK2 looked nice, ridiculous bouncing and all.
I hope they get new models after PBS.

because Purple deserves better


The next game is called Peach Beach Splash. It may as well be called 'ENJOY ALL THESE FINE WET ASSES'

Anyone else want a series like this but with boys?

Still fuckin' hurts.

I just want more boys to be playable, that would be enough already.

literally all musou

I want pretty boy fanservice musou. Too bad there are not enough fags and girls to make it a viable project.

SW and DW are literally pretty boy fanservice musou though.
most musou players in Japan are girls

But what if Uppers with girls only?

Not exactly a musou, but doesn't Sengoku Basara appeal to that public?