Genuinely fun games you have to constantly defend because Sup Forums calls them shit.
I'll start: Borderlands 2
Genuinely fun games you have to constantly defend because Sup Forums calls them shit.
I'll start: Borderlands 2
Sup Burchmeister
t. memelord
Fuck off, faggots. The game was Diablo with guns. If you wanted CoD, play CoD. If you don't want to RNG, get Gibbed. If you hate the dialiogue, mute the game.
The game had more features than BL1 and is a perfect example of how a sequel should build upon the first game.
Kamidory Alchemy Maister
>feeling the need to defend anything from Sup Forums
The hell is wrong with you?
>White Knighting a videogame
Dungeon Defenders
Yeah, what a loser xd
Still a shit game Pitchford
How's 2 anyway?
Two was a shit cash grab piece of shit game. No one needs to talk about 2.
Good job.
>If you want a better game play a better game and ignore BL2
This is the most Reddit post I've read this year
I would've been great if the loot system wasn't god awful. The only possible way to make a class viable cheat legendaries into your inventory.
You don't need to do this. Sup Forums doesn't know shit about video games.
A better question would be how the moba was
It was shit
HAHAHA M3M3S! I was hyped for Borderlands when it was still in development (pre-artstyle change). The original game was good but the jokes/story was the worst part. Borderlands 2/3 are unplayable for me.
>The only possible way to make a class viable cheat legendaries into your inventory.
Majority of OP items were blues from quests though
And the year hasn't even started!
Let's try to salvage this thread. Skyward Sword and to a lesser extent Twilight Princess. I think they're both fantastic.
Dark Souls 3.
Fight me, you disgusting immersion/story/open world faggots.
>liking zelda games
>playing a nintendo console in 2017
>Genuinely shit games you have to constantly bash because Sup Forums calls them fun
Fallout New Vegas. Yes, the writing is better than 3 (which was also shit), that doesn't change the fact that the game is literally Skyrim with guns.
Compare the gameplay/writing of any Bethesda game with Dragon age origins. You people are what's wrong with the industry.
Try running OP8 without a Norfleet, a Sham or a Bee shield, or one of the three good pearlescents.
yeah fallout 3 and nv are pretty shit i agree
Try this post again. I have no idea what you're getting at.
I played those games years ago but good post anyway.
Tales of Zestiria. You faggots are just jealous that you will never be as perfect as Rose!
So you basically want a HD Monster Hunter game, but with a worse combat system?
That artsyle makes her look like a cheap doll. Even her hair looks stiff and plastic.
Nigga please tell me you're not seriously suggesting Monster Hunter's garbage combat is good?
Melee Zer0 with Rubi/Grog Nozzle, Love Thumper/Shield of Terramorphous, Rapier, Moxxi Creamer, magic missle.
Want to try again, user?
>The game was Diablo with guns.
So basically, you shoot hordes of bulletsponges to get shitty, generic weapons that allow you to shoot more hordes of bulletsponges, which in turn gets you more generic weapons to(...)
kys, it's a shooter void of any real challenge that's also optimized for the gamepad which makes it utterly horrible
>hated by Sup Forums in any way
Souls combat is essentially the same as sword and shield in MH, but you can only use basic attacks. Wew, such depth.
>melee zer0
Ya done got me there. Only took every dlc in the game to become viable, and is still worse that Krieg, but nice one.
>tfw no new pages in 6 months
>Only took every dlc in the game to become viable
>haha cuck you have to buy every DLC to make the game good
>let me do a complete 180 and mention that the DLC character Krieg is more viable and OP
>and is still worse that Krieg, but nice one.
>Someone on Reddit told me Krieg was the best character and I believed him:the post
Both the games are two button games: dodge and attack.
Krieg, Zer0, and Sal are absolute top tier broken characters who do not need any of these to work well. Have you ever played the game at all past TVHM or are you just unironically parroting Sup Forums?
Fallout 4
Its a good game if you just want to explore a map and shoot things, some sidequest are actually good.
You're the reason the gaming industry is a swamp
What do i do if i want someone to fuck my wife, Burch?
No because I pirated it.
>Genuinely fun games you have to constantly defend because my taste is shit.
>I'll start: Borderlands 2