FFXIV Stormblood

How different is the "revamped" battle system going to be?

Not expecting something crazy but something a bit more than removing cross class skills an dumping them in a role pool or something.

Probably just simple things that lower the skillgap between excellent players and mediocre ones a bit. Things like keeping debuffs and buffs up a bit easier (such as Monk's greased lightning).

They're adding class specific graphics to give a bit more visual information to the player that isn't a small vague icon with a timer on it wherever they chose to have it appear on screen.

Unfortunately we really don't know much because they're still 6 months out from release and have to sell tickets and streams for cons - that and they like the drip feed their information so that they have a steady stream of articles being pumped out by websites looking for a quick article to put out for clicks. This keeps them in the public eye which is very important when you have an expansion coming. There's a reason they only announced one of the jobs that are coming out instead of both of them, as a new job announcement is a very likely article from a whole bunch of publications since they can just copy paste whatever information they have on their site and throw some screenshots up.

Also I think that ability bloat is becoming a very real problem with the game - and if they are going to add more abilities to the jobs in the expansion they are going to have to free up some room. Console player's bars are already fit to burst and I'm guessing many players are running out of comfortable keybinds - this is only made worse when entering into PvP and having 5-7 more abilities to fit in there somewhere. Some cuts/merges will definitely happen.

>this is only made worse when entering into PvP and having 5-7 more abilities to fit in there somewhere

Is the "have separate PVP bars" option not available on PC?

They did say they are removing or reworking unused abilities right? Wonder what the extremely obvious candidates are.

Will I be a huge faggot for jumping on the midan goggle silver hair automata train?

>finally they will add SSJ aura greased lightning

>tease it with videos
>remove it a month before release
>sorry, we couldn't make the aura work with the mounts :^)

this dude is my favorite thing to come out of the fanfests so far. best of all was the timing with that one stream, which cut out just as he walked on stage.

he's the Daimyo of SE right?

>finally they will add SSJ aura greased lightning

>wanting people to know your stacks are gone