which one?
Which one?
Secret world because it doesn't nerf your xp gain at level 20
The Secret World and pick templars
Templars are boring
They have the best skins.
Tsw as the best more and settings but some people don't like the gameplay.
Bro ppl will hate on swtor for years to come. Just wait till 2020 when it'll be so ironic on Sup Forums to love this game, this board will actually start playing
Swotor is only worth playing when there is the xp bonus that allow to do story quest only.
You don't need bonus exp anymore, they changed it ages ago so you can level up and get the gear to progress just by doing the story quests
Don't forget that they nerfed most "elite" fights that are in story missions too. Some of them were even nerfed from elite to normal mobs.
Secret world get good gameplay yet?
I could read a book for a good story instead of slogging through tens of hours of garbage/
>They have the 2nd best skins.
Lumies have the best skins, templars a cool though.
Dragons are all faggot, all the time, except the lulzsorandumb dude in tokyo. He managed to get me to chuckle. Pervet geary worshiping lumie demon is still better though.
That was a fucking creepy series of quests
>checking the camera to find the password
>that fucking fucker shows up.
>tfw too lazy to retake screenshots now that I can run it well
My fav quest is the black house in Savage Coast because it remind me of the House of leaves.
Never has my pic been more appropriate than now. I want to play again but I am stuck with relatives in the middle of nowhere with shitty net for another day or so.
People still play the Secret World? I thought it was long dead.
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I'm #WithHer.
Are you?
Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-I am the truth pathogen-let me in.
Hiya Chuck. It's John.
PSA. They would have you think that enough public service announcements can cure cancer, can bring your dog back, can keep criminals at bay, can prevent the inevitability of a freak accident-accident-accident.
Listen to Tanaka. PSA after PSA. He's practically having a seizure trying to control this tiny world. I have a service message for him.
It's all programming. All about being a good drone in the hive. And the buzzing voice is just a cosmic PSA. Dizzying words. THEY talk in riddles, and riddles are just a misdirection, another sort of wall. Tanaka keeps spinning words, terrified of what would happen without the wall. Not me, Chuck. I'll talk straight with you; You'll know this, because I'll tell you things you don't want to hear. Things you might tear your eyes and ears out not to know. You'll be wiser without those, Chuck. Imagine the relief in pressure. Imagine the insight of empty sockets.
Tear down this wall.
See you, Chuck...
I like warlock, crusader and soldier the most
Lumi I only like grifter and goon.
I don't have my pilots licence. Whats that got to do with my age?
>but I am stuck with relatives in the middle of nowhere with shitty net for another day or so.
damn that fucking sucks. fuck family man
Yeah and it was kind of scary how many people I recognized when I came back recently.
>playing Investigations quests for the first time
>have to kill yourself to do that
>have to search the motherfucking Bible
>have to fucking know how music works
>have to use fucking emotes
>those fucking math problems
I wasn't fucking prepared for this.
Secret World is a better sequel to Guild Wars than GW2 ever was.
The Secret World has AMAZING quests and story progression as well as special events and secrets.
The combat is average, but the class building is neat. And the fashion is actually good.
Star Wars is trash in every way.
Family is ok, being nowhere with crap net sucks. Only a half hour drive from the nearest town and a few thousand kilometers from home.
Forgot to add if you /smile in game repeatedly your face warps like crazy after a while. That pic was before my mouth extended out of my head.
Don't know if they ever fixed that.
>have to fucking know how music works
Got lucky on that one because did it with a random who happened to be a concert violinist and I could muddle through the latin, we just happened to have everything needed for that bit of it.
Best jacket and weapons skins ?
Picture related
Depends entirely at what you want. TSW is an MMORPG not really aimed at MMORPG players, while TOR is a pretty generic MMORPG that has the Star Wars license going for it.
>Secret world because it doesn't nerf your xp gain at level 20
This is never a problem, though. You level way too fast as a F2P player anyway, I can't imagine how fast i must fly-by when you get "full" amount of experience as a subber.
any good investigation quests in the newer issues?
i've found that in the main game there isn't a single good one after the first zone of Egypt
I've used the fire axe skin on all of my hammers.
Illuminati’s Bounty Hunter, normal looking shotgun and assault rifle. Closts thing I could find to pic
So is TSW good and worth playing?
>ask torian where she is
>lol i left her on some planet
i forget this one too
>have to fucking know MORSE
>both visually AND auditive.
I can't remember many, so I would say they were either easy or ballbustingly google that shit hard.
Only one I really remember is the origami one in tokyo where without a walkthrough you need to both make origami in real like and know japanese so you can read the messages when it is folded into the correct shapes.
I've wanted to play secret world for some time but it was banned in Russia. Now trump is president, we are allowed to play with white people. What should i know as a noob?
fugg, forgot pic
anyhow i only use ordinary looking shit
Yeah, fuck that one. The second or maybe third one was so fucking fast I just gave up.
Seriously, I was with this fucking shit of a game since closed beta, but what they are doing is driving me mad.
>force blaster
>you a emperor
>waifu lost
>potato cucked me with nigger
Secret World is actually getting decent content updates unlike The Old Republic and its "expansions" which have been utter jokes so far.
KOTFE and KOTET were massive leaps backwards, even for SWTOR
TSW has best quests and questing system of all mmos i played in last ten years, but it also has the most boring combat system, both visually and mechanically
SWTOR is literally WoW with star wars skin
KOTFE wasnt that bad compared to SoR
But KOTET is just retarded
I really liked most of the orochi skins for their sleek look with some energy here and there. I just ended up getting the whole set, even if the pistols and hammer are on the low-tier end.
worst thing about the last two expansions is that bioware straight up gave on the mmo elements entirely and turned the game into extremely short story episodes you have to keep subbing to play as they're coming out over the course of a year.
Thanks, I was going to buy Kaidan before I uninstalled the last time, maybe it's time to reinstall and try it.
I mean, as a raid leader, having no new operations since Temple of Sacrifice (one-boss fights like Colossal Monolith don't count, Bioware), both of them were shit, but the story was just nonsense.
Valkorion being Vitiate was retarded and made no real sense.
Definitely TSW. It has a lot of charm to it. The combat mechanics are a bit simple but cool as hell.
It has Higher lows and highs than SWTOR. Combat is the most unimaginative thing, barely works and Bioware writing. If you do play the Imperial agent. It's the only thing worth in this game.
>Have to decode morse code
>Clue is hidden in how you're supposed to pronounce a sentence
>ESL with terrible pronunciation
>What should i know as a noob?
You can't really fuck up your build as you can level everything and quests are repeatable after certain length of time. So just go with what seems fun to start out.
Also have a synergy chart, when things meet up they have abilities and passives that work together with that thing. So if you wanted to have a build that was all about crits and shit happening on crits then you would use hammer, elemental or pistol as your skills. You don't have to mix them like that but builds are normally much stronger when you do.
You also MUST sub these days if you want to raid because raid passes are gone. So even if you were a casual raider who only dabbled once in a whole that's off the table now. I can't wait until gear authorization unlock is also removed and you have to sub to use epic gear.
Tokyo is both the most annoying thing ever (FUCK AEGIS!) but has some of the creepiest and interesting quests at the same time, and John is awesome. Very much a love/hate thing going on between me and tokyo content.
Good taste !
I'm not a fan of the orochi skins because they are too futuristic for my taste. I prefer the more realistic weapon.
The only zone I'm not a fan is egypt, it made me quit for a month the first time I got there.
I like kingsmouth a lot especially the League of Monster Slayers quest and background.
>The only zone I'm not a fan is egypt, it made me quit for a month the first time I got there.
Same, Kingsmouth was awesome, Transylvania was pretty good, Tokyo would be Kingsmouth awesome if it wasn't for AEGIS making combat tedious there, but Egypt was the most boring shit ever.
How much space does The Secret World need?
On my drive : 45.5Go with some addons.
Last time I played it was about 50 gig, but that was a while back so slightly larger at a guess.
I love the futuristic designs, especially when I can get a decent cyberpunk fashion going with certain clothing.
Damn it. I just installed Deus Ex: MD and that shit takes up quite a bit of space.
Is the free trial actually worth shit?
If I remember correctly it is pretty much the entire base game for x amount of days. Most of the additional issues stuff wouldn't kick in until long after you reach however many days it is anyway so it is a good enough trial
It's 10 days long.
Fuck it, I'll just download it over night then.
Don't know I own the game since it came out.
Sell me on Secret World.
I've put in about 10 hours, working my way through Kingsmouth. Combat's been clunky across most weapons. Quests which aren't standard MMO fare require a wiki or bible to get through.
Am I missing something, or are the first several dozen hours boring as fuck?
Neat, the trial is just a thing now instead of having to hand out buddy keys, much easier.
Might just not be the game for you. Not a bad thing, just guess it is not your thing if it hasn't grabbed you by 10 hours in.
Unless you are still in the very first zone in which case I would say push on till the next area because things get more interesting when you get to the monster slayer kids quests and academy stuff, but I liked it from the beginning so eh
Fair enough.
You are actually in the more interesting areas of the game. The combat stays shitty and clunky, the missions get dumber as it goes further.
Huh, why can't I get the game on Steam?
I try looking it up via my browser and it just redirects me to the main store page.
If you don't like the game after 10 hours maybe it's not for you, try to push a little until the school but if the atmosphere doesn't catch you're better with another mmo.
Best demon bro ever
Wut ? Transylvania is the best zone !
Give a try to the park quest it's good and spooky.
I'm tempted to play SW. But
>A gorillion gigs
>Tons of paid DLC content
Can someone recommend me a good and up-to-date Pistol build for solo play? The meta changed a lot the past few months it seems and all I can find are subpar and/or outdated builds. Preferably combined with Shotgun or Elementalism but I'm open to other suggestions.
I have ~400 hours in TSW but I quit last time just before finishing Transylvania.
The near end-game grind was just really getting to me. When you get to the point where you're no-longer picking up cool loot that's actually useful and instead have to simply grind BB a lot of the charm went out of it for me.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is it just pretty much the same until the end?
The Secret World if you like puzzles and occult shit like Vampire the Masquerade.
Pick SWTOR if you like Star Wars and exploiting imbalanced PvP.
Pick neither if none of this sounds good to you.
I liked both, and TSW has consistently one of my favorite vidya experiences every time I pick it up for new content, but they're both pretty sub-standard when it comes to RPG gameplay.
I gave up on Egypt. The fuckawful combat system and the retarded missions there just killed it. Not to mention the "Crafting" system they have in place.
>A gorillion gigs
Yeah, that but really sucking sucks
>Tons of paid DLC content
You can pretty ignore it until you finish the base game, then you will want the tokyo stuff. There is some neat stuff in the other DLCs but more as extra interesting extra stuff than must have needed stuff.
I feel you, man. Tokyo's a huge difficulty spike and can be really frustrating at times but god damn if I don't eat up every single little bit of lore and quest involving John and the Filth.
>Your friends are all dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-dead-deaaaaaaad.
>Your name is Ryuichi Sagawa. Ryuichi Sagawa. Ryuichi Sagawaaaaaa.
>Ryuichi Sagawa. You have no power. This is just a park. A pile of sod and shrubs.
>Amaterasu is something you ate. Or something you smoked. Or a hard black tumor in your soft brain-in your brain-in your brain-in your brain.
>Your friends died following a lunatic. I saw them suffer-suffer-suffer-suffer-suffer-sufferrrrrr.
Wew lad.
Gonna take me 7-8 hours to download this shit.
I like the Templar theme more but they're kinda stale it seems, are Illuminati actually fun or is it just the epic memes?
Most of the stuff you can buy is cosmetic, and if you buy the Ultimate Edition you get something like issues 1-14 for free which is a lot of fucking content.
>Pick SWTOR if you like Star Wars
I like Star Wars but fucking hate TOR, the prequels and the new movies. Original trilogy or bust.
>tfw too intelligent not to play Secret World
>TSW thread
Finally. This site never got enough of these.
I haven't played this shit since back before Tokyo and don't remember anything. Who was that blond Phoenician bitch behind the painting that my character recognized from Transylvania?
Also, this Q10 gear I'm getting is completely focused on either heal, atk, or health. What kind of ratio of these three things should i have as a leech healer (Assault Rifle + Blood)?
>Is there light at the end of the tunnel or is it just pretty much the same until the end?
The quest in tokyo are top notch, and some are really fucking creepy, like the fear nothing foundation and the parking garage with the gigglingbut the grind for leveling aegis stuff will make you want to end yourself if you think the previous grind was bad
the crafting make sense during the investigation quest but is horrible to use when you just want to craft something.
buy the ultimate
>potato cucked me with nigger
w8 what?
Atmosphere is interesting enough, it's the mechanics which irritate me.
Combat resources on 'accumulating' weapons build too slow to be relevant in quick fights, but abilities which use those resources lack impact in long fights. 'Depleting' weapons are similar, with consuming abilities trivializing quick fights, but being irrelevant in long fights.
Even the targeting feels archaic; if there's area damage for basic attacks, why require tab-targeting for guns and melee?
Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-I am the truth serum-let me in.
Hiya Chuck. It's John.
Poor Eri. Stuck on an island talking to fake swans. Oh, I'm not suggesting she's gone nutzo, Chuck. Not yet. The Tsukumogami are something else. If an object just sits around long enough, self-awareness seeps in like a virus. It's a virus Chuck. You're infected. You might transmit it sexually. It has crazy side effects. It's 100% fatal.
Do you think sentient objects are nothing but good times, Chuck? Surrounded by friends? Remember when you were a kid, and your parents threw out that old couch, and you cried and cried and didn't know why? You heard the psychic screams. You did nothing to save it. We all did this, Chuck. We are all complicit.
It's happened before. 3.5 billion years ago. Simple organic compounds started changing for no good reason. Soon, those lumps of protein were infected with awareness. Abiogenesis! That's what it sounds like when the rest of the universe looks on and says, "Fuck."
SW:TOR newest expansions are so well written.
It's like it's not even written by Bioware
I like the kotor time period more than I like the time period the movies take place in. I also thought The Force Awakens gave a really excellent sense of scale for the various ships and explored force powers well but fell short in the actual story.