If I liked Borderlands 1 will I like the others?
If I liked Borderlands 1 will I like the others?
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I liked Borderlands 2 enough until I hit level 20 or so, then every enemy became a bulletsponge. Add to that the awful "humor" and SJW hamfisting.
I've heard that the Pre-Sequel didn't fix that and has even cringier writing.
So no. I wouldn't suggest playing any more of the series.
yeah go out and buy battleborn
I can't stand fucking claptrap in 2. He was already a shit in the first, but every line out of him in the second was telegraphed. You just knew the joke they were going for and it was never clever, never good, just more of the same easy fucking bullshit
I know it's rated teen but it shouldn't be written for teen
That fucking pizza party, man. Pure cancer.
And what was up with Handsome Jack? I remember reading that people liked him/thought he was an interesting character, at least that's what the media was saying. A character who thought "Butt Stallion" was funny.
>that quest where you're renaming bullymongs to hateboners or whatever
They were about 8 years too late.
To me, Borderlands 1 was okay, it wasn't certainly great but it didn't deserved all the hate either, I had high hopes for 2 since I really liked 1, all they had to do was the same as 1 but just less shitty in general.
And then they had to shit the bed.
I haven't seen that image in a decade
I have a bunch, it's just a bit annoying that I'm unable to use half the pictures in my folder if I don't want mad newfags to derail a thread pissing about plebbit.
Depends what you liked about 1
> an FPS RPG with classes and quests and coop?
Sure, you'll love 2. Skill-tree design improved massively and missions could actually be designed like proper quests now instead of the devs wrangling with a severely outdated system that demanded all objectives be static and unchanging.
If you liked:
> the depressing, bleak mad max atmosphere and dark humour
> the awesome complexity of the loot system and constantly finding new and interesting combinations of parts and marvelling in the mathetmatical Beuty of it all as you began to understand what affected what and how close each new drop was to a theoretical "perfect"
Then, no. 2 will be a disappointment.
No, stay away from Memelands 2 and the pre-sequel, they're both shit.
Not really, if you consider buying 2 then just get the main game (or GOTY if you got cash to spare), don't bother with other DLC.
While the skill, mapping and inventory system are improved it's not enough to ignore the negative parts of the game. You might have fun till the Warrior but when you start Plathrough 2 you will be frustrated a lot.
>Not English and playing a dubbed version
>All the memes got lost in translation
>Voice Acting is decent
>The writing ends up being decent overall
Feels good man
If you're looking for story, just skip the series.
If you like the gameplay of 1, you'll probably like 2 as well.
For the love of god I hope that Gearbox adds a bit more grit back into the game for Borderlands 3. I mechanically like all the current games, but they tone from the first game to 2 and beyond is like watching your favorite R action movie get pg-13 sequels.
Macabre, you bastards, not memes.
I'm not really into. FPS games. When I bought my used PS3, it came with Borderlands 2. I've had it for years and never even tried it. Will I be able to enjoy it without ever playing the first? Will I understand what's happening in the story?
All that happened in the first game was some "vault" got opened and released a new element. In borderlands 2 this new element is used as currency for some upgrades and that's it
it's an FPS of Diablo, really. all you do is kill things and compare loot to see if it's an upgrade, and fill out skill trees. respecs are cheap too so you can try all sorts of builds
Yeah, why wouldn't you?
death and suffering
You will. If you at one point doesn't understand parts of the story, you could just read it on the wiki. After all, that cuck Burch did wrote based on what he read on the wiki rather than playing the game himself.
If you want to find interesting / unique loot then look literally anywhere else.
If you have friends to play it with then go ahead, anything will be fun if you are with friends
If the main draw was looting, no. Looting in 2 was dogshit because all the guns were the same, most of the guns had retarded effects on them that made them useless, and every gun is shit since you almost never get anything better than blue.
If it's the nihilistic and bleak Mad Max humour, then no as well, since that's eschewed in favour of lolsorandumb humour.
If it's the RPG-lite with coop and skill-trees, then yes, quests and the RPG aspect were improved a lot in 2.
I was playing Borderlands 2 for the first time last night. The scaling is far different. No more guns that unload their entire magazine in one shot at level 4.
>Like Brick as a character
>Rocket Launchers are fuckin' useless
I kinda prefer the simpler skill trees of 1 as well. Nothing like 'Killing X gives you a stack of Y that improves your Z by Q for P seconds. This also allows you to use the T skill but only if your Shields are empty and your last name ends with a N'
Presequel fixed only the level scaling and weapons.
Everything else it lacked. Especially content. The gameplay might have been salvageable except that you were trying hard to dodge the game's glaring lack of anything to do.
2 is a piece of shit. enjoy shooting bullets all day
You're joking, right? I remember something similar with some of the staff from Bioware who didn't play their own games, but I thought it was just them. Is this a thing now?
>implying this is complicated
Borderlands 1 had kill skills too.
>BL1 is a Mad Max wasteland where you're on amission to find legendary treasure
>BL2 is a themepark MMO where your main mission is to stick it to da man
>Bloodwing was male
>now he's female
>Anthony gets called out on this crap
>"Bloodwing's species switch genders halfway through their life."
>BL1 Roland: "Critical, biatch!"
>BL2 Roland: "Hello soldier."
>Tina makes Roland talk funky in Dragon Keep
>Lilith: "Tina wtf, Roland never talked like that!"
I'm not even sure Mikey can fix all the damage Anthony has done.
Maybe 2 will just be "that game we never talk about".
I'm talking more of the Mechromancer stuff.
1 was definitely worse than 2 and even pre-sequel.
There's no audio for quest dialogue just walls of text.
The majority of the quests were placed in an area appropriately named middle of no where and were all KILL THIS or COLLECT this with no variety.
There is barely any enemy variety at all. After 1000 times of hearing the line "YOU GONNA SQUEAL BEFORE WE COOK YOU?" the feeling is just awful.
Every single area except the very last one near the Vault looks the same.
The weapons all feel very similar to one another. If you've shot one rifle you've shot them all.
The same music is used in all of the DLCs and the DLCs themselves were quite pathetic. Whoever said Secret Armory of General Knoxx was good seriously needs to kill themselves.
I have no idea how you even liked Borderlands 1.
I liked borderlands 2 for its gameplay. I like loot shooters and this was a good enough one, but eventually you hit a mental brick wall and just get bored once you realize there really isn't anything to do beyond quests, and there's only about 40 side quests that take half an hour at most to do, making it a pretty short game to 100%. I did all of the side quests without really trying and was rewarded with a barren, empty world with nothing to do but shoot at enemies with no objective. Haven't touched it since and it's been like 2 years.
I feel like the weapons in 1 felt different more so than 2-did.
how did thay manage to fuck up BL2 that bad? 1 was perfect and only needed improvements to be GOAT but they turned it into a shitfest
The manufacturer gimmicks were a lot more subtle but every gun did sound the same.
People bitched about how the environments were bland the the guns weren't unique enough so Gearbox changed it but in a bad way
Also the original lead writer had a stoke.
>mfw Scooter is kill
Shit, I thought he had just quit. Is he actually dead or is this some meme shit?
VA couldn't do the voice anymore due to age or something so he was killed in the telltale game. Haven't played it so I need someone else to confirm it was in the TT game.
Nah Mikey's fine, he just can't do the voice anymore.
He's going to be writing BL3.
They killed off his character in the Tell-Tale game, so the Borderlands universe now has no likeable characters left.
Except all the characters from tales. It completely shits on the BL1-2-1.5 writting. A combination of the 2 would be great; a fallout kinda game.
I preordered 2 with the season pass because I liked the first one so much and exactly this:
>I liked Borderlands 2 enough until I hit level 20 or so, then every enemy became a bulletsponge.
>I've heard that the Pre-Sequel didn't fix that and has even cringier writing.
And I bought the Pre-Sequel because it was less than $4 and exactly all this too. Quit even quicker.
This is real deal. There's a reason why Bloodwing suddenly changed sex.
>"Bloodwing's species switch genders halfway through their life."
Wasn't that already established in 1 though?
Don't get me wrong I'll take anything to be able piss on Burch's ass, but let's be fair.
For BL2, just mute everything except for sfx, music, and Scooter's Intro.
Having to spam slag on high lvl enemies gets old really fast.
Really liked BL1 --> Day 1 BL2 and Season Pass --> Support GBX no more
I had no idea that they ever explained Bloodwing other than being Mordecai's pet
I was actually asking, since I'm really not certain at all
I have a vague memory of a bit of text in one of the DLC about that, but that's it
I don't think they ever explained it
I don't they ever explained the playable characters apart for some backstory
>Butt Stallion
Because it worked, honestly.
>I'm fucking rich now, what the hell do I do with all this extra money while I crack that Vault and wait for the Key to charge?
>Browse future Ebay
>Oh hey, a pony made of diamonds? Why not!
>Now what do I name this thing?
Completely nonsensical one-offs on an otherwise serious character are totally fine.
The fact they rolled with it in Tales was interesting for sure.
And then I felt bad.
The fact Randy decided to just throw away whole chunks of the lore that was built up because of a plothole was retarded, tho.
>The Kill Yourself quest where Jack literally asks you to kill yourself isn't canon because he said so
>Cause it would mean Rez stations are canon and Roland being dead wouldn't make sense, the fact you can kill Jack, etc.
Only other info about Bloodwing is apparently his species is endangered.
IDW made some some Borderlands comics that shows the vault hunters' origin stories.
>Bloodwing is transgender because devs can't lore properly
>Axton is bisexual because devs can't program properly
Really makes you think.
That's also Anthony's fault.
Randy just voices shit characters and makes terrible business decisions.
depends, are you a cuck?
>Pitchford and Burch
I always get the 2 mixed up, sorry.
I wish they did more with Axton. Hes just so... meh.
Do you think it was his idea to make Roland fuck Lilith?
To be fair, Axton is
>Generic Soldier dude who got his heart broken and drinks away the pain
>He doesn't really focus on anything because he's busy doing his new job
They're both bitch ass nigga anyway
Yep. Pitchford, Burch, Schafer, and McMillen.
1st one is the best one. 2's not terrible if you can suffer sjw "feminism is punk rock!" humor
>Little to no interaction in the first game
>Suddendly needs to shove the fact that they were a couple in front of your face every chance they get
Fucking interracial cucks, I swear
Also, punk Gaige a qt 3.14
Yes. But maybe not as much as playing Borderlands 1. BL1 is my favorite in the series but BL2 and Pre-sequel I both enjoyed a lot too. While playing the other 2 you will feel something has changed, is lacking, etc, but you will also find a bunch of cool new things that are fun and cool in them as well.
I love the general setting in the Borderlands games especially the music for whatever it is (junkyard blues?)
Jesper Kyd is really good at what he does.
Every complaint in this thread is spot on. Another thing is that the enviornments are too big and empty. Also did they ever explain why characters are canonically respawned by the Hyperion corporation, but Handsome Jack wants you dead? Also how can characters even die in the story if that's the case?
The power of plot
Gameplay mechanics. Mario also hasn't more then one life
>tfw when you go check on T.K Baha
except respawn stations are a in-universe thing.
Can we talk about what we liked from BL2 and Pre-Sequel?
In BL2 I liked:
Skill trees
Rocket launchers were not useless
Some weapons were fun to use, at least for a bit.
Enemy variety with good design
Varkads and Goliaths could level up
Arguably harder bosses
Great DLC characters
Higher level cap
More content, whatever you think of it
A main villain, whatever you think of him.
In PS:
New characters/skills
Some cool new enemies
Lower gravity flying/slams was fun
Australians make it a different a bit.
I beat all three and liked playing all 3 if them. You will like 1 more than the others but despite what Sup Forums says, theyre all pretty fun to play if you dont go in expecting the previous Borderland game
I'm replaying BL2 right now, cause i haven't played it since release. Its worse than i remember.
None of the characters act like they did in the first game, except crazy earl and scooter, and every character is absolutely terrible.
I should clarify that I mean dlc playable characters (Gaige and Psycho) not npcs
not necessarily, I liked BL1 well enough but can't make myself play 2
>3rd person view never
God damn, those VA's do a great job no matter what, I fucking love them
Instead of rez stations they could have just had the game use checkpoints that function like any other shooter
For multiplayer instead of respawning and having to run back if you died your corpse just lies there until you can be picked up, if the whole group wipes they all respawn at the checkpoint
It's a flawed system, sure, but at least you wouldn't have lore conflicts
You do know Crazy Earl is voiced by Randy, right?
Nowadays, the only reason to play BL2 is for the loot pinatas and maybe for playing with friends.
>New characters/skills in 1.5
I don't get what 2K Australia's fetish for stacks is. Fucking every character had 10+ stack effects on their trees and more often than not you'd end up with at least 5 of them.
And then Aurelia was just fucking garbage in every way.
>Has a tree completely dedicated to co-op
>Doppelganger's equivalent tree at least let it pop all effects on holograms
>No luck for the Baroness, she gets a totally dead in the water tree that has half the skills not give any bonus at all unless you have a Servant
I heard an interesting fix to the plot hole by an user on here. But its far too late to implement.
What they couldve done was before killing someone you had to hack into their account or some shit and basically take them off the new u network.
Or they couldve taken the non-canon explanation and stuck with it
>SJW hamfisting
Any example? I never paid attention to the series
>literally requires maybe 2 lines of dialogue to implement
>burch is too incompetent to even think of these things and decides to just retcon everything instead
"This day will be your last-ahehehehe you shouldve seen the look on your face heheheh"
Lore reason is that respawn stations in BL make you sterile, which is still fucking retarded even when you don't think that hard about it
How the fuck does Jack not get respawned by HIS OWN COMPANY, especially since he already has a daughter?
Because fuck you that's why.
They killed him off because after the stroke he had trouble doing the voice.
He's still writing the next game. Since he was the main writer of the first game I'm hoping there'll be less memes and more mad max.
But respawn stations are canon in the first game. I think the best way to fix it would be that handsome jack has taken the the vault hunters off the New-U and Fast-Travel network. But the vault hunters have figured out how to hack individual machines and store your information locally on that machine.So every time you go to a new area you need to hack the local new-u/fast travel station.
Then just have jack say that Control Core Angel's room is unavailable to the network so its the one of the only places you can truly kill someone.
Gameplay wise that just means walking up to it and hitting use. And these machines are at the entrance to every level so its not like you need to search out and find them
Then just have the player take Jack's info out of the network when they reach the info stockade.
>That thing
>He takes them off the Network after the time Sanctuary teleports away in a fit of anger
>Angel restores the current playable Vault Hunters, but doesn't have access to Roland and company's files, so can't do shit for them
>Then have the thing where you go take Jack out of it
The part where we find out Angel is working with Jack and then suddenly we trust her for no reason as she leads us back to Sanctuary is fucking stupid.
if there is a BL3...
isn't gearbox on the chopping block?
so hes one of those voice actors who identifies with their characters too much then?
Gearbox is projected to die in 2017. Bulletstorm Remaster being $60 is projected to bring them in VERY LITTLE money. There's no news about what comes next, but presumably, it's either more remasters to vainly try and stave off death or Borderlands 3.
>Gearbox will die in your lifetime
>BL3 won't be made because Randy is a terrible business man and a colossal faggot that can't stop pissing everyone off.
Good, having to cross entire map to do simple missions in General Knoxx was like slow death.
Borderlands is the only thing thay can be sure will give them money, so I hope that means they will try to make it good enough so that even that fanbase doesn't go away
I like them all for the gun whoring, varied environments, and humor. Not every game has to be tryhard grimdark metalhead self-fellatio. The SJW shit is easily ignored because who gives a fuck, really.
That's a shame if true. I enjoyed the hell out of the Brothers in Arms series.
>Sup Forums having a rational discussion about video games instead of just screaming nonsense.
Its a new year miracle.
No, you just spend too much time in console war threads. The Borderlands/Gearbox threads are usually as civil as the porn threads.