Why didn't she avenged Venom Snake when he was murdered by Solid?

Why didn't she avenged Venom Snake when he was murdered by Solid?

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>Venom Snake when he was murdered by Solid
what did i miss?

oh wait nvm

Wasn't she dead?

Metal Gear 1

Dead people make poor avengers

Why didn't she just write stuff down to communicate?

Why didn't they just strip her naked and let all the of the crew gangbang her?

Have at you, Sna-

Hold on a second. Did I ever tell you what Psycho Mantis and I got up to in Afghanistan when we were kids?

The last guy she caught rubbing his junk on her face got a knife to the teeth.

but then she got put down.

just get a good chain.


>Why didn't she avenged Venom Snake when he was murdered by Solid?
He probably killed her when she tried. Can't shake the snake.

Because she was dead. She specifically goes out by herself wishing to not be found because having spoken English she made the killing parasites active she would have started to spread the disease, so she goes off to die in the desert by herself.

It's post like these that make me dismiss most of the story related critiques you guys give to this series because one only has to talk to you people to realize most of you couldn't even follow what was going on.

Do think baby liquid diddled baby mantis' ginger bum?

Even you write it down, your body actually mimic it and you literally talking. That parasite still can detect and trigger it

speaking of solid snake, why does kojima hate him so much?

Snake, did I ever tell you about the times when Big Boss would travel to Africa, in the middle of summer, wearing a black latex body suit, that was designed to keep in all of his body heat?

He was a sweaty friend.

Why didn't she just waited for sandstorm to stop?

You subvocalise when you're reading too, so she would have to consciously avoid all reading. Kojimbo is just a fucking hack is a better way of looking at it.

>it's not a poorly written, incoherent mess, you just don't fill up the holes with your fanfiction because you're dumb!
Do you honestly not see anything wrong with this line of thinking?

The parasites only kill you by filling your lungs with parasite cum. Quiet breathes through her skin, so she can actually survive that.

Since Quiet can't poo what do you think her butt smells like?

>Want to make 2 games
>Forced to make 5
I dunno

how old are you that you still have to subvocalize when you read? or are you just bad at reading?

In the audio recordings it says she wanted to kill that guy because she senced waked nanoparasites in him and tried to prevent epidemy or simply mark him.

Yet latter she went to soviets for gangbang.

You can't live without eating. Your body loses matter all the time from dead cells, hair, nails, sweat. Not all of that stuff can be replaced with water. Quiet couldn't live without eating any more than a normal man could live from only eating raw sugar.

>she senced waked nanoparasites to prevent epidemy

Completing Episode 29, you get this tape:


>7:02: "Skull Face said the remaining English parasite was close to the Boss"

>This doesn't happen until the end of Episode 31


Kojima had another game in the works when he got fired, Quiet was going to get a fake beard and call herself venus snake, and nobody at the base would notice. Also she'd get another base in another oil rig and fight skeletor. And then she'd get triple crossed by diamond doge, who lost a leg but got it replaced with nanomachines. Then she'd have to the entire base before time runs out or its game over. There was going to be snowboarding ala sonic adventure 2 and procedurally generated rogue like pixel art crafting.
Fucking konami is the reason why we will never get to play this masterpiece.

They caught her DJing while she was thinking of Venom. She didn't want their cocks.

this is deviantart-tier dialogue, jesus christ
is kojima responsible for this?

>In the audio recordings it says she wanted to kill that guy because she senced waked nanoparasites in him

English isn't your first language, is it?

She could imagine they are the Snake and all of his clones and doubles.

what about sign language ? thats a very well understood language across the entire world

That sentence you quoted is perfectly cromulent, you rapist.

I love it when you talk dirty to me.

>deprived of her words
And her clothes apparently.

Be ashamed.


Joke's on you, I have a shoulder fetish.


What the fuck did they do to Fatman in this?
And why is Fortune white?

>trying to act elitist about how you read
holy shit user

She's like Kaine from Nier. Just without the dick. As far as we know


>le cringeworthy censor man

Fuck off, yoyr gimmick will never catch on

Well if you're going to try and censor then I guess I've got to undo your work.

I like that tummy.

Plants eat too, they just don't shit. But they eat shit.
I bet Quiet went off her cell by night to have a good diner at nearest toilet. She'd have to smear food all over her body too, like a water.

Killing Quiet was the only good thing that Kojima wrote into TPP, aside from the whole optional Paz thing.

I wish I was exaggerating.

She's so short irl. Quiet is like a six feet in the game.


There's a unlockable dress of her completely covered in blood. She could consume minerals from dead enemies' fluids too.

Can you water plants with blood?

Yeah, you can use a blood from raw meat out of your fridge to feed up own houseplants.

But you still have to water them. Blood is fertilizer.
Just like with tea or coffee. You can drink them but to stay hydrated you need pure water.

You think I'm subvocalizing all the shitposts I see on Sup Forums? You can read in your mind


Snake venom.

And snakes can apparently bite through heavy combat armor all the way to blood vessels.

>b-b-b-but your not required to wear that combat armor

Fuck you, what nigger in their right mind didn't have to wear that armor to deal with all those tanks?

>tanks that one hit kill you anyway
>lol wear the armor that slows you down :^)

Venom doesn't need to be in the blood. Just the Skin will do.

No armor or weapon slows you down in MGSV singleplayer. The weight system is only in multiplayer.

Entire mission could be another Venom's hallucination.

They removed their old phantom pain vods, can't go back and listen to this during the jeep ride:


That plus the zooms on Venom's "is this nigga serious" face, best stream.

This is gross.

I wish you would've gotten some kind of penalty for using the sneaking suit

Collarbones are where it's at

The whole story was a mess. Also I've never done that mission since I want to keep Quiet.

It's called zero camo index.

Because sniper wolf kills her in Metal Gear remake. Have you used your time machine user?

You can get her back by repeating the mission you fight her in the ruins. Entire reunion is not a part of main story of course, just a meta to get companion back for side missions and stuff.

But in remake Venom actually survives.

After you lose her, play the mission were you fight her 7 times. The mission name will change from [Replay] to [Reunion] and if you bring her back to her base that time, you'll get her back.

So then was Quiet a hallucination the whole time?

Yes sadly

Was Paz being on your base real?

No, because you cut to the end credits.

That's why she can't communicate. She was another animal companion. Probably lama or donkey with remotedly manipulated sniper rifle strapped on her.

If that's the case then why did the rest if Diamond Dogs react to Quiet whenever she interacted with them and Venom?

Unless you're going to tell me that Kaz was redpilled on that too by Ocelot and he redpilled the rest of Diamond Dogs to play along with the act just to keep the Big Boss meme train rolling

Wouldn't you react if a donkey kicked your ass?

Haven't you seen Fight Club?
Venom was pretending to be Quiet from time to time. The rest of diamond dogs had to react because their boss was running across the platforms completely naked

So when they say "Please, don't let this woman out" they mean "Plese don't act this weird anymore, don't let your inner woman out"


>Women having loyalty

gr8 b8 m8.

This is stupid. Soviets were talking about naked woman sniper. They've seen her and she was real.

This MGS2 graphic novel is so bad it's good.

This is exactly how the image was formed in Punished's injured head - face of the assassin he kiled in Cyprus and tales of naked ghost woman he heard from soviet soldiers.

>I'm a wounded animal with a victim complex
Man the fuck up.

Every day Hideo Kojima winds up happy clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten, Kojima takes the wind-up key and puts it in happy doll Stefanie's key slot and turns it to make her move, each turn of the wind-up key makes robot doll Stefanie giggle and jitter from the grinding and working of her ticking mechanical clockwork insides that fill her perfect automaton body. Happy silly cooing comes out of her perfect plastic doll lips and her shiny glass eyes light up with joy and cheerfulness from having her perfect mechanical doll robot body wound up by Kojima's hands. Then she gets up and goes about her day to please all of Kojima's fans with her perfect happy Stefanie doll face and clockwork Joosten toy body. Each of her moves brought by the grinding and ticking of the cogs and springs and gears and pulleys and all happy clockwork insides that fill her doll body. And all of Kojima's fans fall in love with her because she's a perfect happy robot Joosten doll and that makes Kojima happy, and nothing makes clockwork doll Stefanie Joosten happier than making Hideo Kojima and his fans happy with her smiley happy plastic face and perfect doll body. That's why she's the forever happy perfect and thoroughly mechanical Stefanie giggly robot doll.

Because he was doing her a Solid.

>can write
>can speak a language that isn't english to code talker
>like every main character of MGS she is probably 300+ IQ taht can learn a language in less than 3 hours
>she could just talk russian (probably formed being a special force)

the whole character was stupid and joosten killed the game by being a money sink for the chink

Because she was occupied with me