Go to lolistop

>Go to lolistop
>Aw yeah I can't wait to buy some motherfuckin' poptarts
>store's pretty empty with the exception of the kid at the counter
>grab a box of strawberry flavored 'tarts and head to the checkout loli wearing some precure shirt or some shit
>"Hello sir would you like to purchase the hottest new first person shooter, Overwatch, on your console of choice?"
>NO! WHO PLAYS SHOOTERS ON A CONSOLE!?" I autistically shout at the top of my lungs
>dead silence throughout the store
>she leans in on me and whispers right into my god damn ear
>"Listen you fucker"
>I freeze up
>"I'm behind sales you piece of SHIT"
>I start sweating bullets
>"I will NOT lose this job because of some elitist poptart FAGGOT like you"
>shit has stained my trousers
>"buy the fucking game or I will rape you and tell the cops you hurt me"
>crying like a bitch at this point
>"Say something, slut"
>muster up all of my strength and courage to nod my head while trying not to bawl like a bitch
>she puts a copy of overwatch for the xbone in the bag
>"That'll be 59.99 please~"
>give her the money, take the bag, and slowly walk towards the exit, trying not to let anymore shit ruin my undies
>just when I'm about to leave this wretched hellhole she grabs my arm
>forces me away from the door
>rips off my clothes with her Adonis-like strength
>and rapes me anyway
>once she was finally satisfied I grabbed my bag and ruined pants and ran home naked, crying the whole time
>after some time I finally made it back
>I lost most of my clothes
>got my pants torn and ruined with shit
>everyone saw my penis
>lost my virginity
>and got overwatch for a system I don't even own
>well at least I have my poptarts
>open the box
>there's two cans of diet pepsi in it


Other urls found in this thread:


>CTRL+F "rock cd's"
>0 found

I don't think you went anywhere near a loli.

This. 0/10 effort, get your story straight, OP

Can I get 200lbs of tits and ass?

How fat are your lolis?



There, and if anyone asks for sauce call them a poopy head.

That's at least 4 lolis.

> tfw I'll never get raped by a Loli

I would have s*x* with 4 lolis

How do I /sadpanda on mobile?

learn how to properly sadpanda. pro-tip: you don't need an add-on

man i just wanna cuddle a loli

doesn't private browsing fuck with the actual method though? and isn't it tedious in comparison?

nhentai is so much more convenient for mobile

I just wanna be a loli and cuddle every one

I want to have a non sexual bath with a loli where we wash each other's backs and talk about our day.

Also the loli is actually like 24 or something and she's my girlfriend but we're too embarrassed to have sex.

This. Lolis are for headpats and cuddling only.
M-maybe handholding

This is also an acceptable goal.

>Have to wait a week to use the site

Fucking stupid. Just use nhentai at that point.

What's your favorite loli artist?

van gogh

>being a newfag
whatever girl.

Ooyari Ashito, Rustle, Taryle., Teruki Kuma and Saeki Tatsuya.


Is there a tag for a loli raping you? If so what is it. I tried reverse rape but it doesn't work everywhere

I'm at that point where I don't know whether this is a genuine joke or a reference to another work from the artist who drew OP's pic

yamero takagi-san


That would be lewd, user.

loli, rape, femdom

I think you can find that shit on /d/. I once saw reverse lolo rape.

>doesn't private browsing fuck with the actual method though?
do other people look at your history?
i gave up on private browsing a while back and it's more helpful to have history of all the shit i've fapped to when i want to see it again

male:rape$ lolicon


Glad I have a younger cousins who's female.

Does anyone know why they even did the sadpanda thing in the first place?

van halen

To keep out the plebs.

This. The only reason ExHentai is still running is so that faggots can feel special about their secret club. All of their content is freely available elsewhere.


ExHentai is a meme.

it was a joke
van halen is actually my favorite loli artist



Nishi Iori

He had drawn some pretty fucking hot shota too.
