What are some games from your childhood that still hold up?
What are some games from your childhood that still hold up?
Broken Swords 1 and 2. Monkey islands. Warcraft 3
TIE Fighter
Dota 2
Left 4 Dead (2)
black ops
Halo 3
Yoshis Island
Call of Duty Ghosts
Almost nothing honestly. Games have come a long fucking way every time I try playing an old non-nintendo game it plays like total shit and almost ruins the memories I have of it. So I've completely stopped trying to go back and replay things. I'll just leave the past in the past.
Tekken 3
Ratchet and clank going commando
GTA Vice City
Prototype 2
>Euro Truck Simulator 2 got more awards that TW3, DaS3 and DOOM 2016
eat shit edgelords, violent vidya is officially dead.
Batman arkham knight
Portal 2, I played through it again yesterday and I'm still amazed at how good it looks. That game raised me.
Dark souls 2 was the shit when I was 18
>test of time
>all the underageb& normalfags that played it just bought it a second time because they didn't think the original stood the test of time
do all the children that use steam think skyrim hadn't won enough awards or something?
It was free for me.
Jedi Academy, Halo, Battlefield 1942, Duke Nukem.
>It was free for me
somehow i forgot about that and was thinking about consolefags
>Sup Forums makes fun of Undertale fans on a meltdown because it didn't get an award
>Sup Forums cries that Skyrim got an award
Time sure flies....
>Sup Forums is one person
Borderlands 2
Both of those games are shit
Critically acclaimed games don't get the recognition they deserve and normies lap up free to play garbage instead. What else is new?
Alpha Centauri
Skyrim was the newest game on that list and has the second smallest playerbase. And had to have a HD re-release.
Pretty damning proof it didn't deserve a Test of Time award if it can't even stand the test of 5 years without having to have a remaster.
I agree. So much better than the sequels.
Wario Land II
Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Goldeneye, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Zelda Majora's Mask, Smash Bros...
All my Nintendo 64 games really. Best console I've ever owned, almost all the games were basically God tier.
>single shitpost on Sup Forums stating "tfw named Dovahkiin by weirdfag parents"
Crimson Skies PC
Literally "Reddit: the gaming platform"
Final Fantasy XV
Age of Empires
Mechawarrior 2
I still get a rush of nostalgia when I think of Battlefield 4
Super Metroid
Holy shit I forgot about that. Whoever named their child like that was either mentally ill or didn't have a wife to stop them. Either way it's fucked up.
EV Nova
Whatever that vectrex game was called with the spaceships in an arena shooting each other
I still enjoy super Mario 64 and OoT. Not so much other N64 games.
And any PS1 era horror/tank control game can still get me excited. I spent half of 2016 just replaying those. I might even get a PSP or Vita just to keep those on.
nah they weren't mentally disabled just dumb normies following a trend. they'll realize how fucking retarded all this is once their son falls into the k-12 bully hole
They waa definitely a woman involved in naming that kid user.
Where do you think the baby came from?
the stork? are you fucking stupid or something?
I can't really think of any games from my childhood that hold up nowadays because of how improved the industry has become nowadays. Megaman X, I guess? It's one of the few pre-2010 games I still play.
Best sound design ever. Voice acting was great too lmao, made each frag really satisfying
if i told you that the first game i played was COD:MW when i was 8 i still wouldn't be underage.
>tfw didn't start playing video games until I was like 16
timesplitters 2, jedi knight 2: jedi outcast and resident evil are pretty ballin
Undertale :^)
oh god
> go by nickname
> only use legal name for official shit
> don't get bullied
Dawn of War, Star Wars Battlefront II, and Halo: Combat Evolved are still a shit ton of fun
>someone finds out
>get bullied doubly as hard because not only do you have a weird as fuck name, you also tried to hide it
in elementary school i made a guide for installing the homebrew channel on a wii with bannerbomb.
>substitute takes attendance
game over
literally gbatemp fag
Super Mario Bros 3
Final Fantasy VI
Eternal Champions
Shining Force
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Alien vs Predator (the arcade beat 'em up)
Next time, try turning the saftey off
People who were 12 when Skyrim was released can post here.
came here to say this
>game where u alluha ackbar into liberals with garbage trucks
>not violent
>steam fags proving just how gamefaqs they really are
disgusting, how do I even go on using this platform
i agree m8
At least cheating a.i hasn't changed in 20 years.
Played vigilante 8 2 yesterday. It's still fun as fuck.
This is why no one takes PCfats seriously.
You talk about how consoles are holding everyone back and how PCs are truly superior and then you play a modded version of a shit game for 5000+ hours.
You have to be over the age of 13 to post here, sir.
Myst exile
Not childhood but I really enjoyed the KuF series. I wish II would come out already.
only game i keep revisiting every so often
Metal Slug
>2011 was 6 years ago
the same you go on with living in the same planet with tons of idiots, you just don't care about them and keep doing what you like
Timesplitters 2, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
>where you can
See a problem with your statement?
stronghold crusader
>came out literally last year
Wow, check this retard out.
The Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Autism: The Post
>from your childhood
How the fuck did this shit beat Age of Empires 2 that game deserved this award so much steam is fucked im seeling my account
3d world runner
My nigga.