We're likely getting the lineup announcement this month. What are you expecting?

We're likely getting the lineup announcement this month. What are you expecting?

Street Fighter 5
Mortal Kombat 8
Smash 4
Tekken 7

>No Marvel
Hi new friend

>Two smash again
>UMVC3 again
>No BB

Street fighter 3: Third Strike

KoF is for sure making it in this year. GG will be this years token anime game again

>implying SNK can afford to pay the mandatory McRibs fee to get in

>Tekken 7
>Injustice 2

>BlazBlue or MKX

>Tekken 7
>implying a game that's not even playable in the west would be on Sunday

>What I want
BlazBlue Centralfiction

>What I'll get
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

Don't worry, it releases soon™

Revelator is so fucking boring. meanwhile CF is airdashers at its best

>Get Revelator hoping to see some changes to my boy Leo
>Literally nothing but the fact that 5HS-41236HS combos now, which isn't even remotely useful
Revelator was such a letdown. They coulda just released the new guys as DLC.
At least BB actually changes things up a little with their dumb Extend versions.

Maybe in the timeline we didn't get Infinite announced

Then just switch Revelator and marvel, but this is 3's last year and Tekken 7 is getting the Sunday slot, granted it does release in the spring like everyone suspects


Street Fighter 5
Injustice 2
Tekken 7
Revelator is there is time/room

>Caring about Marvel over BB

are you some sort of nigger?

No but WIzard is

SFV will obviously make it so half of the even will be a snorefest

BB plebs pls go and stay go

Marvel has a deep history with EVO. Shit will never be axed, stay mad weeb.

Infinite isn't coming out til like November so 3 for one more year.

BB is infinitely more fun to play and watch than Revelator

I play both, I just think BB is infinitely more entertaining than GG, and I've got legit reasons for it.

I love Marvel, I just hate 3, bad games should stay away

if you like infinite blockstun, pre made trial combos and a boring hitstun time

who cares about people who watch games honestly

>pre made trial combos
What does this mean? You have alot of freedom in terms of combos because the length of them generally means there are different options you can go for, and varying heavily on how you want to use OD. Having longer hitstun is not a bad thing at all, it's just a different way to handle the game when you have resources like in BB.

Also while there is strong pressure, there is also many options to get out of them. This goes double so in CF where you have OD for Guard Cancel.

>pre-made trial combos
Those are almost all completely worthless and only serve to provide inspiration for your own combos.
Sure, you can just copy what the pros do, but you're advised to come up with your own combos.
And there are plenty of defensive options in the games.